a reply to:
Namaste, friend. Those are some good questions. As I said before in many of my posts, Master Jesus is my personal teacher. He works with me
everyday, and I work with him. Therefore, he and I are ONE. There is no separation between us, as God and all of creation are also ONE. I also work
with other teachers due to their specialties and abilities. But Master Jesus is my chosen, main teacher. Thus, allow me to unlock some of the
mysteries to the general public.
At this moment, the Master is in the 7th Dimension. The first part of Heaven is in the 5th Dimension. The 4th is known as Paradise (as told by Jesus
in the Bible, this was where he first resurrected). Yes, he has ascended further since 2,000 years ago. But remember, time in the higher dimensions
DO NOT exist. But if you had to make a comparison, it has only been a couple of days for Jesus. A day in the 7th Dimension is a long, long time when
compared to 3rd Dimensional Earth.
Currently, he is one of the World Teachers assigned to Earth. The other World Teacher is known as Master Kuthumi or Koot Hoomi. Master Jesus'
primary job is to help all those who choose him (both in the higher planes and here) to show them the way to higher consciousness. When most people
on Earth has reached a higher level of consciousness (I would say about a million people), then Heaven will be on Earth. It's not that Heaven comes
here, Earth itself raises higher. Therefore, all mankind will benefit. However, you have to understand how dimensions work. Dimensions can only be
accessed based on your speed of energy vibration. You are not going anywhere when you go to the 4th. Your Light or Energy Vibration is at the same
rate as the 4th Dimension. Therefore, you will be there. It is still Earth, but a higher level of Earth.
So, Master Jesus and many other Angels/Teachers are working to help us achieve this higher level of consciousness. And this can only be accomplished
by doing it yourself. But they are here to assist us in any way. How do you do it? By going into your mind and heart--merging them into great Love
and Wisdom until you are sufficiently back to being ONE with God, "for the Kingdom of Heaven is within us all" (this is a direct quote from Master
Jesus in the Bible).
Most dead people go to the 4th Dimension (Paradise) after death IF they went into the Light. If they didn't, they can be stuck in a place called
Limbo (between 3rd and 4th), their own created illusory paradise, or more hellish places, depending on Your own mind at the time of death. Where your
mind happened to be at death is where you will be. Going to the 4th will allow you to review your previous life in a 3-D Holographic "video" that you
can be a part of or adjust it to see what would happen if events changed. After that, you are allowed to stay there until time for reincarnation back
into a new body. You will also meet up with the Lords of Karma and various people to assist you in the next life. Reincarnation is a way for you to
continue where you left off, since your previous body died, unless you learned how to resurrect your body like the Master did. Remember, your only
True mission on Earth is to learn as much as possible and then ascend like Master Jesus demonstrated 2,000 years ago.
edit on 8/27/2014 by ctophil because: (no reason given)