posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 08:32 PM
originally posted by: Walkingsenseless
have you ever felt a prisoner within yourself, that your mind, and sometimes your very soul is a prisoner to the body and brain you have been born
Don't particularly want to elaborate right now, as always a trip to the Pdoc didn't help today, and as always i feel worse after than before.
just curious if anyone else feels like a prisoner within themselves?
You may think you are a prisoner but I think of myself more as a "willing resident".
We all live through the filters that make up our flesh, blood, and brains but we also came here for something. Nobody you meet behaves or looks
exactly as they truly are and that includes yourself. You have handicaps and limits placed upon yourself to see the world a specific way and to help
others do the same.
Imagine if humanity only played one sport, like baseball, and never came up with any other games. We would be great at hitting crap with sticks but
we wouldn't ever learn to tackle people or hit crap with things that aren't sticks. We would get bored.
You are one iteration of yourself in a long line of you. You may feel trapped and imprisoned but, believe me, somebody somewhere, needs you to be
exactly who and what you are, filters and all.
Oh, and whatever "disorder" your pdoc says you have, keep in mind there are no such thing as
disorders, only "orders". I've got some
"orders" myself.