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Object from my past materialized into thin air

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posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 12:15 PM
I had a weird experience like that only not as illogical.

About thirty-five years ago I was a member of a couple of book clubs. I had built up quite a library and at the time I lived about fifty miles away from where I live now. Every time I got books in I would always write my name in the front inside cover. Then in those days a few of those books disappeared. I can't remember but I do know I had moved a couple of times within the city so they may have gone missing in those times. I do remember I had quite a stamp collection that went missing too.

Anyways, fast forward thirty-three years and I was working building a nine unit apartment building. The property owner asked us to move some stuff out of an apartment where the tenant left but left stuff behind. He just wanted us to chuck the stuff innthe dumpster. Well, I ran across a box of books and I started going through them. I recognized a lot of the titles and even made mention that I had read these before and obviously the last tenant had good tastes. The other guy evennmade a comment something like "You read? Pfft... Riiiight? I chuckled and opened up the front cover and behold. There was my signature. The very same books I had lost track of thirty-three years ago.

Just goes to show weird stuff does happen.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 12:17 PM
Weird story - thanks so much for posting.

I'm sure a non-paranormal logical explanation could be found... buuuut....

I have to ask. You said this was kind of an inside joke with you and your co-workers at the Apple Store. Have you looked up your old co-workers lately? Have any of them passed? Maybe an old friend was trying to reach out with a joke from the other side.

Not logical, I know. But I can't help but ask...

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 12:18 PM
is that a Saft LS14250 Lithium 3.6V Battery?

They use that type for Baby movement monitors. Was there a childs room above the kitchen at one time?

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: Terminal1

That is pretty crazy! I would say the chances of you coming across those books is extremely slim. Almost leaves me speechless.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: VegHead

I am not sure if anyone from that time in my life as far as coworkers has passed away.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: visitedbythem

This was a one story house, which used to serve as an office.
So I am going to have to say no on the kids bedroom above the kitchen.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: w8tn4it
A reply to an earlier story about a daughter's sweater...I'd be looking up past contractors you've had at the house. Sounds more scary than strange.a reply to: headcheck

If you're talking about my daughter's hoodie, I can't remember exactly who would have been in our home during that time frame (that happened about 4 years ago), but I can say that we are do-it-yourselfers for pretty much everything done on the house. The only exception would be exterminators or someone delivering furniture. Oh, and we had a guy come look at our furnace/air conditioner once. But I usually follow those guys around, so it would be hard for them to do anything like go through our clothes without me seeing it. Besides, that darn hoodie wasn't anywhere in that house - not under any bed, not in the closets, not in any baskets, or bags, or cabinets or shelves or drawers. Believe me, we looked. We even looked in our cars and outside in the front and back yard. And we looked in the garage too. My daughter was highly motivated to find it, as it was her favorite hoodie after all. It just wasn't there - and then there it was, in plain sight.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: headcheck

I've had colored pencils disapear on me while working on art projects...then a few minutes turn up later on my bed

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: ausername
Fascinating story, not impossible to believe. I have never had anything from the past materialize in the present.

That said, and this is as impossible to believe as it is to prove.. I have received electronic communications from myself to myself from the future... Of course, the first few times it happened I assumed it was a prank and nothing more, until I could no longer deny what was happening... Then I had some missing time, and since then EVERYTHING has changed...

Or, maybe I'm simply bat# crazy.

I don't know about everybody else, but I want to hear details about this! What kind of electronic communications? Email? Text? What messages did you receive from your future self?

OP, that is really, really strange and would probably leave me in a panic. Thank God you had a witness because most people would doubt your account (and maybe your sanity) and you might start to doubt your own self.

All of these stories are bizarre and you all have my interest!

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: new_here

Better to go with the "bat# crazy" option in that post, than to go deeper into that particular rabbit hole for now.

Sorry, didn't intend to distract from a great thread.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:02 PM
I had a similar experience when I was 15. I was playing basketball by myself after school one day because I just got out of detention and was waiting for my aunt to come pick me up. Out of the blue something hit me on the top of the head so hard that it almost knocked me out. It was a half of a baseball that looked like it was cut that way. The strange thing is that there was no one anywhere near close enough to me to throw that ball and hit me. There was also nowhere for any possible suspect to hide after throwing it. Till this day I'm convinced that that thing just came out of nowhere... literally.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: headcheck

I looked up the battery it seems very common?

If the ceiling was open I would not be as inclined to find a mystery. In the attic of our previous home when we remodeled we found early 1900's receipts and canceled checks, an edison light bulb, all kinds of things I would not expect to find in nothing but rafters, at some point maybe someone stuck a box of storage into the attic space.

That being said there have been numerous cases reported on ATS through the years of things dropping into peoples homes in just such a way with seeming no explanation and no open ceiling.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:30 PM
Wow! That's crazy!
Personally , I have things disappear all the time (but not reappear much to my disappointment!) but I have a friend who has stuff apport around her all the time! Anything from feathers to coins to old bits of jewelry just drops to the floor out of thin air around her. I think it is a very deep rabbit hole indeed that I wouldn't mind scampering down, but I don't have the know-how...
I would say she is an advanced OBE traveler, maybe that has something to do with it?

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:34 PM
A lot of stuff can appear when you're remodeling an old house. I had money from the 20's and 30's falling out of cracks of cabinets and other such events on some of the remodeling jobs that I done. Maybe it just fell out of something? That, or it was karma reminding you of what a smart alec you were that day for no reason and that you needed to learn from it? It is strange, though.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:38 PM

originally posted by: headcheck
a reply to: orionthehunter

Yeah, except the way this thing hit the floor it was very noticeable to me because it was quiet in the room at the time. It hit the floor like it fell out of the ceiling, that's what made me confused. The ceiling was open because we were running wire and mounting lights. But still, there is no logical reason of why this particular battery would be in the ceiling at all in the first place.

Perhaps there used to be a smoke detector beside the ceiling? Or maybe the last owner had a torch and kept a spare battery beside the access hatch?

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:39 PM
Along the same line, I've had at least one instance when I dropped something on the floor and it completely disappeared.

I'm talking a relatively uncluttered room, desk, chair, no rug, no cracks in the floor, no holes in the wall. It just hit the floor once and then vanished. Never found it, and have even forgotten what it was, but something like a medium sized pair of scissors.

Actually took everything out of the room (was going to put down carpet), looked inside the desk, underneath, in case they had bounced up inside and stuck.

Maybe it fell out of the air in someone's ceiling, LOL.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: ausername
Fascinating story, not impossible to believe. I have never had anything from the past materialize in the present.

That said, and this is as impossible to believe as it is to prove.. I have received electronic communications from myself to myself from the future... Of course, the first few times it happened I assumed it was a prank and nothing more, until I could no longer deny what was happening... Then I had some missing time, and since then EVERYTHING has changed...

Or, maybe I'm simply bat# crazy.

Did you write a post about that? You should.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 02:55 PM
Questions. Was there anything above the spot it fell from except for a typical ceiling? Where there lights, a fan?

Where else could the thing have fallen from. A counter? Counters? From inside a cabinet (did you just open or close a cabinet door?). Was there a cat in the house? Did you see it for or hear it once it hit, and if you saw it was it coming straight down or from an angle?. Those are my questions ten. Thanks for allowing us to ask about the incident and try to rule stuff in or out (although you must have done this already).

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 03:08 PM
Similar things here... once, I started finding new looking "wreath" pennies (with the wreathes on the back from early 20th century) everywhere I went. I'd just be walking along and I'd see one directly in my path... happened sometimes twice a day for a week or so... total about eight.

I found out later that week that a favorite uncle who introduced me to coin collecting when I was little had died... and i put it together in my mind.

So no proof, or anything scientific or definitive, but another in a long line of weirdness from "the other side" for me.

I haven't found another since, btw. Other things, like keys and such, went missing and reappeared in their usual spot in the haunted residences I lived in... common for the uncommon.

posted on Aug, 23 2014 @ 03:13 PM

originally posted by: kaylaluv
Another weird thing that happened was, my daughter had lost her favorite hoodie. She adored that hoodie and was very upset that it was missing. We turned that house upside down, but it was nowhere. I just assumed she left it at school. About six months later, I walked into my bedroom, and the hoodie was laying in the middle of the floor. I asked my daughter if she had found it and put it there, and I could tell by the look on her face, she did not. Neither did my husband (it's just the three of us in the house). We do have dogs, but we don't let them upstairs. Still don't know where that hoodie was for six months, and how it came to be on the floor of my bedroom.

This kind of thing happens alot more often than you think. I'm pretty sure that if you ask alot of people, you will find out that this happens alot. Not only do things or people appear, but they dissapear or vanish into thin air. I will try to find it again, but their was this farmer who went out with his kid to go plow the field. He and his son headed to the barn. His son says to this day that his father just dissapeared right in front of his eyes. One second he was there and the other second he was gone. Apparently this happens to material things. I have heard of moving cars vanishing, people vanishing,objects vanishing. This also seems to be true for things that suddenly appear. No, i'm not crazy and i don't think i have memory loss or gain, but this has happened to me. Thou i do not fully rule out PRANKSTERS, since this happens alot, especially in college. SO.

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