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Can Vitamin C Cure Ebola?

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posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

It isn't "toxic" in that they've never killed a lab animal with it... there is no known toxic dose... BUT when you take more than your body can use or is used to, you get diarrhea for a couple minutes until expelled.

Everybody is a tad different, though.

I don't know what you mean by BB (herpes?) EDIT: OOHHH ---burning back door syndrome--- so you cannot tolerate larger doses taken at once... simple, take smaller doses of C separated by an hour (20 min half life in bloodstream actually).

But any reactions like that can also be due to impurities/fillers in the brand (perhaps the D-Ascorbic Acid in most?) or you are singular (we all know you are). It can also cause rare eruptions by killing infections and having the dead cells expelled en masse through the dermis... if so, then you may need more of it to kill the infection off.

If you are the one person in a million who cannot tolerate L-Ascorbic acid, then try a liposomal form OR a "buffered" mineral ascorbate, like sodium ascorbate, for positive PH.

EDIT2 The buffering isn't exactly how it sounds... but too geeky to go into! That Vit C website has good, geeky info... and the guy running it took the time to answer my email about an illness and is straight up about the science, so they're the best resource I've found.

edit on 8/22/2014 by Baddogma because: add to address mistake

edit on 8/22/2014 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

Sorry Julie. Kinda jumped down your throat on that one, didn't I? ...Just worried that some fool will think that taking Vitamin C means they can walk through an Ebola ward unharmed.

But back to your topic. As I said, I'm a firm believer in Vitamin C therapy and Pauling is one of my heroes. So I searched Pubmed quickly, found this study that used Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) to treat cytokine storm in patients with severe sepsis. Helps to support the case.

Intravenous ascorbic acid infusion was safe and well tolerated in this study and may positively impact the extent of multiple organ failure and biomarkers of inflammation and endothelial injury.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Every time I have tried taking vitamin C pills I have had negative reactions. I could work construction for sixteen hours a day without taking any vitamins, being able to think and heal well.

People absorb vitamins differently than other people. I must absorb this vitamin out of foods well, cause I have never had symptoms of a deficiency yet I have often displayed symptoms of too much vitamin c. I can have problems with benzoic acid or sodium benzoate, which has a different symptom, if I overconsume it. But there is no benzoic acid in vitamin C pills so the problem I have with OJ is probably the vitamin c because the symptoms match better.

I haven't tried Liposomal, but if I have not experienced any deficiency symptoms so why would I take a supplement. I do need molybdenum, copper, and selenium supplements. That is because I don't eat enough foods containing these, this leads to asthma symptoms and headaches if I do not get enough of these. I actually naturally eat foods that contain this vitamin.

If someone needs vitamin C supplementation they should take it. I know people who take it every day like clockwork, if I did that I would be sick as a dog. I tried accepting that maybe Bernie butt would clear up after a week, it only got worse. It has been about twelve years since I last did a test with this long term, I know better now.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: soficrow

Thank you.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 07:16 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Rickymouse - you are having reactions because you are not doing it right. You must take small doses throughout the day. Yes if you take it all at once you will get diarrhea.

You cannot get enough in your diet. There is not enough Vitamin C in foods to be absorbed. To get the minimum dosage you would need to eat 28 oranges a day.

You also have to start out slow and build up your body tolerance. The reactions you had is a classic example of doing it wrong.

It's all a bit complicated, so you must educate yourself.

I take Lipsomal Vitamin C every day. I average 6,000 - 8,000 mgs per day. (Which is said to be equivalent of taking 30,000 - 40,000 mg of IV). And that's still probably not enough. But I've never been healthier in my life. EVER

edit on 22-8-2014 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 07:49 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington bleach will work.
After reading your thread a couple yrs ago i stocked up on vitaman c. I live way out alone and i was cooking out on the grill smoking some meat one day. Somehow i managed to throw a couple logs on the fire that were soaked with i believe it was garlon that the electric co. uses to kill new growth on the lines. Anyhow after i ate i started getting sick. I felt my organs shutting down. really i can't describe what was happening with words but in short i was dying fast. I started chewing the vitaman c to the tune of about 20 pills. The worst 4 hours i can remember but i am here saying thanks.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 10:04 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yeah, Julie answered that well and I gotta say most people can squeak by with the minimum amount of C because their body goes into conservation mode and they're okay... until they're NOT.

They def get ill more often than they would with C... but they have nothing to compare it with. If you get sick at ALL, I'd suspect C deficiency... since I've been taking enough I haven't been ill once... really.

One thing I've heard and seen is heart disease... congestive heart disease... getting better with enough C.

Pauling thought the whole theory of congestive heart disease was wrong and thought a proper dose of C (around 6 gms per day) and the amino acid lysine (about 5 gms a day) could repair and reverse the cholesterol build up that he thought wasn't the problem, but a sign of chronic scurvy as the inside of the artery that gets hit with every heart beat and deteriorates ...and the cholesterol clumps on as a "band-aid"... and is NOT the cause.

Sounds weird but I know a couple people who were dying and have lived more than a decade just by taking that C and lysine... weird as it sounds and contrary to most cardiology.

I'll shut up now... but if someone has heart disease it cannot hurt to try Pauling's Therapy... and it just might save a life.

Edit: and have to add that that Vit C Fndtn and the info about Pauling's therapy saved a family member's life... and recently a friend's father with congestive heart failure... so it isn't b.s. despite not having FDA approval... NOW I'll shut up.

edit on 8/22/2014 by Baddogma because: add

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

Yes... heart disease is reversed as well.

If people did any serious study about Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) they would discover there is little out there that Vitamin C can't cure.

Sounds unbelievable.... but seriously true.

Lots of success stories on the Vitamin C forum here if you are interested:

Vitamin C Forum

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: Baddogma
... I can have problems with benzoic acid or sodium benzoate...

WARNING Never consume vitamin c and food with benzoic acid or sodium benzoate or any other benzoate!!!!
Vitamin C/ascorbic acid chemicaly reacts with benzoates and forms dangerous benzene!!!

you should not consume any garbage processed foods and drinks that contain benzoates anyways
and some vegetables and plants contain benzoic acid

have a look here
edit on 24-8-2014 by thevace because: link added

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: thevace

Oranges and tomatoes contain benzoic acid and benzoates naturally. So do many foods.

In moderation, in a natural form, not in the refined juices, it is not harmful. Cranberries also contain benzene compounds that some people cannot tolerate.

Certain benzene compounds in their natural forms are often good at controlling some disease. But moderation needs to be observed.

Sometimes High vitamin C can cause kidney stones and even gallstones in people because some of it is metabolized into oxalates. There are ways to control this from bothering us though, special timing of foods containing calcium and making sure that you consume adequate foods containing magnesium.

There is a lot to proper use of high levels of vitamin C. Some people automatically adjust their diet to compensate because somewhere inside they know what needs to be done subconsciously. Companion food chemistry is important.

Oh WOW....You edited your post while I was working on this and now my post is not necessary.
Good job.
edit on 24-8-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: thevace

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: Baddogma
... I can have problems with benzoic acid or sodium benzoate...

WARNING Never consume vitamin c and food with benzoic acid or sodium benzoate or any other benzoate!!!!
Vitamin C/ascorbic acid chemicaly reacts with benzoates and forms dangerous benzene!!!

you should not consume any garbage processed foods and drinks that contain benzoates anyways

Hmmm...let's not do any fear mongering... However let''s look at this a bit closer, so people can be informed.

Hopefully people aren't drinking more than 10 cans of soda pop a day.

The approved food additives ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and sodium benzoate can react to produce low levels of benzene when they are present in the same beverage. Exposure to low levels of benzene in industry over an extended period has been linked to the development of aplastic anaemia, which can lead to leukaemia.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has set the acceptable level of benzene in drinking water at 10 parts per billion (ppb). In early 2006, tests performed on beverages in the USA found levels 2-5 times above this, sparking international concern. In response to this FSANZ (Food Standards Australia New Zealand) conducted a survey on the status of Australian beverages and benzene levels.

Focusing on beverages that were more likely to contain benzene, such as soft drinks and fruit juice, FSANZ sampled 68 beverages sold in retail outlets from March to April 2006. Independent analysis showed that 56 percent of beverages contained trace levels of benzene, ranging from 1 to 40 ppb. Over 90 percent of the 68 beverages screened were below the WHO guideline of 10 ppb.

Typically you would have to drink 10 bottles in a day to exceed the WHO drinking water upper limit.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Vitamin C DOES NOT increase the risk of Kidney Stones.... that was disproven a while back.

The results showed that these risk factors were not significantly altered. They concluded that ingestion of large doses of Vitamin C does not increase the risk of forming kidney stones. The results of this study were published internationally. I asked Professor Allen Rodgers from the University of Cape Town, one of the world’s leading experts on kidney stones, if vitamin C could cause kidney stones and he said “The answer is simply no.”

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

That is a five day, ten person trial. I doubt if you could even form kidney stones big enough to be noticable in five days.

Here is a big study. Now, I am a guy and guys were effected while women had no increase.

Now, if you eat a lot of oxalate foods it will increase your possibility of kidney stones. Lots of foods contain oxalates.

I have had kidney stones and have problems with eating high oxalate foods causing kidney pain. I have learned how to neutralize the oxalates somewhat, by boiling the veggies well as oxalates break down with heat.

I cannot say whether I experienced any increase in stones when I tried taking big doses that time, I was more irritated with Bernie.

Now by boosting magnesium or making sure to take your vitamin c timed with consumption of high calcium foods, the oxalates are less of a problem because of two different reasons. If you know what to do you will not have a problem. In the case of someone with a milk allergy like me, that could be a little more difficult. Raw Cauliflower has a lot of calcium bound to the oxalates naturally, so it does not really raise the risks of stone formation. Just dip it in sour cream dip and the problem is gone.

Also, a chemical in the cruciferous veggies can neutralize benzene effects in the body, it is a mild tranqualizer. I actually utilize this food chemistry to help control my Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Too much and I get kidney pain though

I tried the Vitamin C thing a few times, but only one time for over a week. They say Liposomal is better tolerated, but it didn't work for me either, I only took that two days and had problems.

I know many people have good results with vitamin C but not me. I also have a genetic change that is from heavy metals in my ancestors past, that may have something to do with this inability to take too much C.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

Well, back on topic. Even though I do not think that high doses of vitamin C are good for a lot of people (1/2) for a variety of reasons, I will say that it is possible that supplementation of vitamin C could possibly help with Ebola. I read Soficrows post a while back and investigated it and it appears it can help to protect a lot of people if the disease is around. NAC supplements or foods containing NAC could possibly help also, but in a different way. One protects the cells, one refurbishes the stuff protecting the mitochondria. A small amount of vitamin C is also needed to boost the stuff that protects the mitochondria.

So if Ebola does come to my town, I will have some Vitamin C on hand. I do have big vitamin C pills all the time and I will take them if I start to come down with a cold. I only take them for about two days though. We also have some chewable zinc candies. We do use vitamin C, but only as a medicine.

edit on 24-8-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

I have to ask, though, if you take C as a "medicine" when you are getting ill... why the heck not take it as recommended ... as a daily essential vitamin, and not get ill at all?

I know most people who are generally healthy don't want to fool around with bowel tolerance and taking huge amounts of it several times a day... but taking some high quality C daily as a general preventative just seems smart.

Preventative, rather than reactive, medicine just seems like a good idea.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

Once a week I take a multivitamin. I can't even take multivitamins every day, I start building up water weight. I don't know why this is. I cannot take most long term medicines either, so I am forced to use diet to control my TLE.

I do have to eat adequate amounts of salt though, or I get weak. I seem to pee out too much salt, leaving my level too low. I suppose if I increased consumption of Calcium I could regulate the sodium channels better, but then I have more problems with the epilepsy because it increases energy levels.

My intolerance to high levels of vitamin C goes back many years prior to my auto accident and TLE. I also have always had low blood volume and problems with my sugar level going too low. I boosted my protein levels as boosting sugar foods caused an increase in the TLE symptoms. If I build up more water in the body I get anemic, the problem is that I don't make blood cells very fast so I have to slowly build the blood. The foods I eat, high in sulfur compounds, to help control the epilepsy are in direct opposition of the problem with low blood volume.

I'll survive. Just an inconvenience.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

PS. But I would be a lot more comfortable if the focus was on prevention rather than cure.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Julie Washington

There's now a big push on for off-label use of licensed anti-inflammatory and anti-virals for treating Ebola. For the record, if it should ever come down to a choice, I would choose intravenous Vitamin C over all of them.

New Thinking About Ebola Treatments

…There are currently no approved drugs to treat infection with the Ebola virus… The new proposal would fill the gap by using drugs that have already been approved to treat other diseases and repurposing them to treat Ebola as well.

This approach is well worth pursuing, given the crisis. Two broad categories of drugs are being mentioned. Existing drugs that seek to disable the viruses responsible for other diseases, for example, might conceivably disable the Ebola virus. And drugs that temper the body’s response to other diseases by reducing severe inflammation might also dampen the often fatal inflammatory response in Ebola patients.

….Even those who have backed the use of existing drugs because “desperate situations justify desperate measures” have stressed that there needs to be some evidence a drug might work.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: soficrow

I agree.... I would too

posted on Aug, 30 2014 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Julie Washington

I respect your posts on Vit C in fact I used the Lipo version for the first time after reading your thread , with great success. But cure and prevent are very different. I am just saying, it won't save somebody that has progressed to a certain point, as too much major organ damage has already happened. If Lipo C is awesome and combating all virus's then Ebola would be included and that is a given.

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