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My theory concerning the great pyramids of Egypt

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posted on Dec, 7 2004 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Flange Gasket
The Great pyramid at Giza is certainly far more than a 'simple burial mound', The ancient Egyptian name for the Giza Pyramid is 'the lights' indicating the optical effect at midday of the visible light reflection of the faces in correspondence to the time of year in concordance with the growing seasons of the Nile valley, thus the great pyramid at Giza is a enormous seasonal sundial.

The sophisication of the structure includes a three foot 'hollowing in' of the outside surfaces to account for the well known optical illusion where a large plane escarpment appears to bulge outwards. The greeks also allowed for this in the construction of their columns.

There is much to be learnt considering the allegory of the displacement of the Pyramid structure and also the reason why the apex stone was deliberately left off ('the stone the builders rejected'). Much study has been done of the geometrical aspects and constants of the pyramids in relation to the earths size,rotation and orbit yeilding too many surprises to casually mention, (see the works of Petrie,Davidson and Aldersmith)

There is a significant body of evidence that the numerical constants used to construct the pyramid at Giza are akin to those used to construct Stonehenge, and evidence that the pharoahs had trading links with the Pyramid builders of South America.

The question is not who built the pyramids, the question is who designed the pyramids?

P.S. It's Silly Putty, not Puddy!!

That's some pretty interesting information there. I've never really looked at the aspect of them acting like a sun dial...makes sense. The trading link between the pharoahs and south America is a little harder to believe but hey anything is possible. I soon realized after the first post, by the way, that I missed spelled putty

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Frosty
What if they were built by man? There is no what if, we know man built them. Only people with the brain capacity for two seconds claim that man could not have constructed the pyramids. Pyramids are an example of ancient mans fascination with the stars. No f-ing way you can say that the pyramids are one of mans greatest triumphs. The pyramids have no value to man, they were giant tombs built for pharoas which serve basically no purpose other than to burry dead people. Completly worthless structures, only now gaining value through tourism. The atom bomb, microwave oven, pencil, paper, calculator, and even silly puddy should be ranked above the pyramids.

There is evidence that built into the Great Pyramid is the mathematical formula of pi, the correct distance of the sun from the earth, that it's height is the average hieght of all land above sea level and that it was constructed precisely lined up with true north. We know that man today with all of our technology is unable to reproduce this. I believe that the key to the future is found hidden in our past. I believe that understanding this pyramid is important to our future....unlike silly putty.

posted on Dec, 8 2004 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Cherish

Originally posted by Frosty
What if they were built by man? There is no what if, we know man built them. Only people with the brain capacity for two seconds claim that man could not have constructed the pyramids. Pyramids are an example of ancient mans fascination with the stars. No f-ing way you can say that the pyramids are one of mans greatest triumphs. The pyramids have no value to man, they were giant tombs built for pharoas which serve basically no purpose other than to burry dead people. Completly worthless structures, only now gaining value through tourism. The atom bomb, microwave oven, pencil, paper, calculator, and even silly puddy should be ranked above the pyramids.

There is evidence that built into the Great Pyramid is the mathematical formula of pi, the correct distance of the sun from the earth, that it's height is the average hieght of all land above sea level and that it was constructed precisely lined up with true north. We know that man today with all of our technology is unable to reproduce this. I believe that the key to the future is found hidden in our past. I believe that understanding this pyramid is important to our future....unlike silly putty.

I get the feeling that so much has been lost, stolen and purposefully hidden that the true meaning/usefullness has been loast to us forever.

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 06:21 PM
If you use a wheel to measure off distance for any structure, the formulae for Pi will automatically be factored into the structure as a result. That being said, the Pyramids are a fantastic construction, left by our ancestors to force acknowledgement that they too understood the Universe.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:09 AM
Over the past years i have noticed that many theory's have been put out there. but no one has ever seem to see a mathematical improbability how there is a possibility that 4 pyramids are there.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:03 PM
could it be possible that tunnels that under Giza connect to 2 more pyramids that are under the sand i have found a sort of a mystery that no one seams to see, there is also a multi layered cube over the pyramids if seen from above and let your mind relax you would understand that the Giza pyramids mite be a map to some thing there.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 02:49 PM
We already know pi and the distance from the sun. Why do we need the pyramids to help back this?

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 03:56 PM
See this link on toxicology studies of Egyptian mummies in Munich....

or try Munich mummies in your search engine....

This analysis proves indisputably that coc aine from South America found it's way to ancient Egypt 3000 years ago...

Existing theory must give way to explain forensic evidence....

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 04:11 PM
Yes, that is true. Who knows what lies under the sand. Except those three has anyone done a real search around. I have read they stopped all kind of this reasearch in Egypt.

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 05:37 AM

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 01:37 PM
Why should we care what lies within or under the pyramids (unless its gold)? The primitives that built the pyramids have nothing of value to offer us (except gold). What could we possibly learn from men who still adorned their king as god (except how to make gold)?

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 02:47 PM
the funny part is that with all the knowing we have and technology, you would not be able to reproduce what they did and put into it the information that it contains. only some one who has not reached the point in his life would not care about his past. ignorance is only beautiful when you are dead.

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 05:36 PM
about the Coral Castle. The man claimed he knew the secrets of the ancient egyptains and said we could find out as well.

I remember reading/hearing somewhere that what makes up both of the structures are similiar, ie same atomic make up or something

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 10:56 PM
cmaricing - what can we not do that the ancient egyptians did?

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 11:51 PM
Very interesting, Cmaracing. Kudos!

Would it be possible for you to detail the four pyramids relative to the queens' pyramids, the boat sites and the Sphinx, so that we can see them all? I recognize that the 3rd and 4th may have to be shrunk, I don't see that as an issue.

Thanks in advance.

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by skychief

Could these massive monuments just be an example of the ingenuity of man? I mean think about it, if you had thousands of people working towards one goal, night and day, what could you accomplish?

I think that there is no doubt that this is a great achievement of man, but the interesting question is what motivation thousands of people had to build them. Something of the magnitude of the pyramids is a great social undertaking that requires mass cooperaton over a large period of time. We have found evidence on the Giza plateau that shows these workers were fed well - fish, beef, and even bread. The plateau contained thousands of additional workers whose job it was to prepare food as well as keep up the required trippings of a functioning society to ensure a quality of life condusive to what amounted to really hard labor in not the most forgiving of environments.

Maybe back in the day, void of our entertainment venues and intricate network of tasks for economic manipulation, endeavours of such proportions were a way to control and tame an otherwise unknown conglomeration of human settlements and villages - a huge project meant to create one big village with common goal and assuaged anxiety; anxiety maybe caused from an awareness of a continous stream of strangers constantly breeching boundaries.

Merely a speculation and devoid of explanation satisfactory to what I want expressed, which I can hopefully refine and expand upon later but I believe cooperation of that level in an era of a burguending population deserves some attention. Maybe we can understand more about the Great Wonder if we can get into the minds of the social hierarchy of the times and the reason for the institution of the hierarchy in the first place.

Any thoughts?

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by Byrd
They fail to account for things like the paintings and references showing stones being transported, the mastabas, the step pyramids, and the other pyramids, as well as the burial chambers and the sarcophagi.

No, the pyramids aren't microwave generators. They don't have any of the structure needed to make microwaves -- and if they somehow HAD made microwaves, people working in them and tourists and so forth would become very ill just going inside them.

I would like to point out, in addition to the depictions of stones being moved which Byrd offers, that an most carpenters and engineers who are worth their salt (I have worked in both fields) can manipulate large objects on their own and with the proper organization could recreate stonehenge and even the pyramids with a crew numbering in the hundreds working 40 hour weeks for a few short years. (if I remember correctly- if not i'll find the thread on it and give the right addy) shows how a carpenter here in the United States is able to build his own stonehenge out of multi-ton concrete blocks with no modern tools and the assisstance of only one or two friends.

Now to address the idea that large quantities of chemicals were poured through the pyramids to fuel any sort of power generating process. As an operating engineer I have worked on many types of equipment which handle large volumes of rock, sand, gravel, oil, lime, and other chemicals. In an enclosed area such as the insides of they pyramids the residues left by any sort of material passed through them would likely never disappear. I doubt you can even concieve of the mess that most materials leave in a plant- now and again I have been required to take a jackhammer into the mixing drum of an asphalt plant and spend hours breaking old material off of the walls, knowing full well that it will NEVER be truly clean. I am firmly convinced that if any type of chemical had ever been run through the pyramids for any purpose we would be ready able to identify some level of residue in the pyramids.
Perhaps more importantly though, we have two big clues about the pyramid not being a power plant of microwave beacon.
1. We haven't found any devices that need to be powered. If the egyptians built a giant microwave then where is all the fossilized jiffy pop?
2. If the pyramids had generated large amounts of microwave energy with the goal of getting attention from the alien rescue fleet or whatever, we would have some very interesting tablets from the Egyptians that say something like this: "Dear Ra, we built you these pyramids and you gave us all cancer- what gives? Love, Pharoh."

posted on Dec, 12 2004 @ 07:15 PM
In a way we can, but in a way we can't.
I have seen no other great pyramids built, as well as no human colonies on Mars. We could do it but...
It would be too great project too achieve even now, and to say with a hundred people in a few years, it is not possible now, maybe in the future.
I have seen dozen of people working half a year to build two story building.
With our technology we have today, not NASA project, regular working.
We can make Eifel tower, but cutting those large stone blocks and moving them, we can't do that easy.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:04 AM
As others have stated, this was a community project and for many years this is basically what the focus of the Egyptians was on. Can you imagine if you would take a fairly large city of today, remove t.v.'s, remove computers, etc. and tell them that their focus is now on building a monument for your God/leader. This monument, once complete, will bring you honor in the eyes of your Gods and pride in your hearts. This is a truly amazing feat but I believe one pulled off by committed Egyptians and not an alien race. It would be nice though, to discover that an alien species was behind all this and buried the secrets of the universe in a well hidden chamber. Unfortunatley, saddly, I believe we will probably not find this library and will have to solve the riddles of the universe on our own. Now, with that said, what the pyramids were used for, beyond the obvious, can still be debated.

posted on Dec, 14 2004 @ 12:36 AM
I think there incredible no matter who the hell made them or how. Some of those blocks are alledged to weigh 200 tons each. thats no mean feat of man labour! Maybe it was just an historic competition among pharoahs to see who could build the highest/biggest! Perhaps they saw them as a stairway to heaven of sorts, a holy place? Maybe they were the early equivalent of the WTC? Maybe they ran water over the surface to heat it for the pharoahs bath?

[edit on 123131p://371212 by instar]

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