posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 08:34 AM
source from science daily
In 2014 we had an asteroid that spouted a comet like tail. This is still an enigma for the icy dirt-ball and dirty ice-ball models of comets. It
remains an open question.
We seem to have a number of dog bone shaped comets which violate the standard model of comets.
Rosetta is now orbiting a comet and surprises include; the observation that the body is rocky at the surface, surprisingly warm and exceptionally dark
(low reflectivity ). Another oddity is the way ions are being ejected from the surface. More to come on that from ESA I believe.
Now we have this today. It's the first time electric forces have been discovered causing larger scale physical changes in the soil of the moon. There
has always been a recognition that solar wind ionizes things but these new observations show the effects may be much more significant than first
modeling done by University of New Hampshire and NASA scientists suggests that, over the eons, periodic storms of solar energetic particles may have
significantly altered the properties of the soil in the moon's coldest craters through the process of sparking -- a finding that could change our
understanding of the evolution of planetary surfaces in the solar system.
Maybe the action on comets is the same electrical action happening everywhere in the heliosphere?
Electric forces are changing the chemistry of the moon and liberating ions from it's surface. Remember,
the moon also has a tail
The charging may create sparking, or electrostatic breakdown, and this "breakdown weathering" process has possibly changed the very nature of the
moon's polar soil, suggesting that permanently shadowed regions, which hold clues to our solar system's past, may be more active than previously
So the Electric Comet hypothesis is lurking again. I personally love when science actually works and overturns a model that is riddled with
violations. When that happens, sometimes the dominoes fall on other models.
So who knows how far the Electric Universe hypothesis has to run?
edit on 22-8-2014 by InverseLookingGlass because: syntax
edit on 22-8-2014 by InverseLookingGlass because: