September 9th, 2014, the former Secretary of State will be releasing his twentieth book titled World Order. Eerily close to the thirteenth
anniversary of the September 11th attacks, this book release will explore how to build a shared international order in a world full of divergent
perspectives, violent conflict, proliferating technology, and ideological
For those who are unfamiliar, the New World Order is a term that was publicly introduced back in the days of Woodrow Wilson, and popularized by
George H.W. Bush during a joint meeting with Congress about the Persian Gulf War on September 11, 1990. Proponents describe the NWO as the solution to
all of the planet's major problems. Opponents to the concept describe it as an authoritarian global government that will wield total control over the
entire population and resources of the planet.
While everyone should decide on their own what goals the NWO has, if you've been paying attention thus far, it's fruits have shown to be
rotten and festering. Henry Alfred Kissinger has been at the tip of the NWO spear since he has entered the political realm, and has groomed many
politicians and world leaders to help further the progress of the NWO's objectives. Two of whom he groomed for office are Barack Obama and Bill
Clinton. Kissinger also has been a policy pusher and right hand man of the Rockefeller family, namely Nelson Rockefeller.
He has been
involved in many many reckless, dishonorable and discreditable actions. In the interest of time, I will only present a short laundry list of his war
crimes, crimes against humanity, as well as conspiracy to commit
kidnap, and torture.
On December, 2 1998 the New York Times reported that the U.S. Will R
Fileson Crimes Under Pinochet, which refers to the coup d'etat that took place in Chile on September 11, 1973. The military junta replaced a
mainly conservative Congress and socialist President Salvador Allende with it's army's chief Augusto Pinochet. Through economic warfare ordered
under President Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the military coup was a success and the United States promptly recognized the junta
government and
supported it with seizing power. Prior to the take-over, Chile
had been recognized as a shining jewel of political stability and democracy. After Pinoche took power, their military was allowed and encouraged to
seize control of political power, all political parties were outlawed, and all political activity was
declared in recess. Prior to the military action, the CIA paid right-wing
opposition groups 6.8-8 million US Dollars to create pressures, exploit weaknesses, magnify obstacles, and hasten
Allede's ouster
Torture and murder was rampant within the first three years and thousands went missing or were found dead in only the first few months of the
military government. 130,000 were arrested in the three year period, roughly 28,000 were imprisoned and tortured. The US government, with Henry
Kissinger as the Secretary of State, were partly responsible for inducing, protecting, and funding the atrocities that took place between
In 1968, France was beginning to introduce peace talks that would halt bombings in Vietnam. Secretary Kissinger learned of this before it
was publicly announced and advised Nixon to stay away from any new policies were introduced thereafter. This intervention protracted the war once
again, rebooting the bombing campaign for Four More Years, killing hundreds of thousands more and destroying countless villages and communities
throughout Vietnam. He was prompted with the idea of stopping the bombings again in 1970, but the Secretary decided that it would be a bad idea due to
the detriments it would cause the next political campaign in America.
When French General de Gaulle demanded to know by what right the Nixon Administration had to bomb Indochina, he simply replied a
sudden withdrawl might give us a credibility problem. Does this
sound familiar? That's because the same man most likely advised our government elected servants on the exit from Iraq during Bush's famous Operation
Enduring Freedom. From the time that Nixon and Kissinger were sworn into office to the day that troops were withdrawn, 20,763 Americans, 109,230 South
Vietnamese, and 496,260 North Vietnamese servicemen lost their lives. Surely those responsible for keeping the war going should be held responsible
for what happened, right?
Laos, Cambodia, and Indonesia
In 1968, after Kissinger knew that the war had technically been settled politically and diplomatically, he continued the argument to keep our
troops fighting; extending the devastation into two neutral countries,
violating international law Death is our business, and business is
good"; the slogan for Operation Speedy Express explained. During the month long operation in March of 1969, over 3,000
enemies were killed. Once bombing campaigns were approved and
intensified, it has been estimated that as many as 350,000 civilians in Laos and 600,000 in Cambodia lost their lives. All actions approved by Dr.
Henry Kissinger, who was more worried about political appearance than hundreds of thousands of lives. Between March 1968 - February 1972 total
casualties on all sides of the Indonesian war reached almost
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