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Ebola-Psychosis: Ebola-Fueled Racism On the Rise in Europe

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posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: Lady_Tuatha
I went ahead and found some of the offending sign pics from South Korea

from a restaurant in South Korea


the establishment apologized the next day with a new sign.. They must not have expected such a backlash.

I am particularly offended by the no smoking sign

Since i'll apparently be dying of Ebola I would think the life expectancy to die of Cancer is now a moot point.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: new_here

originally posted by: soficrow
a reply to: Daavid

Whether or not you choose to recognize the problem, Ebola-psychosis IS manifesting as racism, and fueling anti-immigration bias. The fact that 75% of Ebola victims are women is another issue.

Well, not in my heart it isn't. I was shocked and dismayed that two Ebola incubators (the doc & aide worker) were flown to Emory. I could care less how much melanin is in the cells of their skin. My ONLY concern was the virus they were harboring.

I agree wholeheartedly. It is not about skin colour, or whether you have dangly bits between your legs. Its about stopping millions of people getting infected.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: soficrow

originally posted by: new_here

originally posted by: soficrow
a reply to: Daavid

Whether or not you choose to recognize the problem, Ebola-psychosis IS manifesting as racism, and fueling anti-immigration bias. The fact that 75% of Ebola victims are women is another issue.

Well, not in my heart it isn't. ....

You mean, The fact that 75% of Ebola victims are women is another issue. ....?

No I meant that it is not manifesting as Racism within my heart. I just learned of the 75% women infection rate, and I wasn't referring to that fact in my comment.

[btw - This thread is about Europe's response. ...?]

Ok. Was just using the Emory thing as an example, so to speak from personal experience, since I live 2 hours from there. So I will kindly bow out of your conversation like a good American. You know, it is all the same though. One big world. Have a nice day.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:22 AM
Truthfully, I wish America would stop forcing it's ideology on the world anyway...

We are a "multicultural" nation. Okay... cool

But the reality of genetics is that as a species on the path of not allowing Isolation and actual genetic diversity which is the ability for specialization within a species we will face extinction due to shortening of our telomere in roughly 40,000 years.

The reality via science? We are the least genetically diverse mammal species on the planet and multiculturalism is honestly an example of "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" what America calls "diversity" is in the long term absolutely nothing less than cultural and genetic inbreeding if applied on a global Will kill us off as a certainty

If we go back 100,000 years, you'd find a variety of Homonid species, Homo Florensis, Gigantopithicus, Neanderthal, Denisova some remaining pockets of Homo Erectus and likely a few we don't know of yet... Today we have what we call "races" which is purely the dominance of just one Homonid group... interbreeding and killing have virtually eliminated our specialization already.

How does this relate to Ebola?

Well as a start we are creating a very inbred species which CAN be killed off by a single disease

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:30 AM

originally posted by: Daavid
a reply to: soficrow

You are aware the EU are putting millions into fighting this outbreak in africa.

EU and Ebola

Also, white people have been detained amid concerns about the disease. In fact a Spanish priest died from it the other day. (he was quarantined as per normal (not racist) procedure). Just like the people in the OP, he displayed signs, so they quarantined him just the same, only this time, he did in fact have it.

Again, Im not saying this could not turn into a racist agenda. Just the points in the OP do not suggest it to me.....not yet.

Despite the vaunted millions European and other nations are throwing at the epidemic, the desperately needed resources are not materializing. See here: MSF Slams Global Ebola Response, Warns Inaction Dangerous.

fyi - the Spanish priest was air-lifted from West Africa to Spain for treatment - he was not quarantined after he "displayed signs."

also fyi - I'm not saying this is a racist agenda - rather that Ebola-Psychosis is manifesting as racist. There's a difference. (Not to deny that opportunists of any agenda know how to play any opportunity.)

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: new_here

originally posted by: soficrow

originally posted by: new_here

originally posted by: soficrow
a reply to: Daavid

Whether or not you choose to recognize the problem, Ebola-psychosis IS manifesting as racism, and fueling anti-immigration bias. The fact that 75% of Ebola victims are women is another issue.

Well, not in my heart it isn't. ....

You mean, The fact that 75% of Ebola victims are women is another issue. ....?

No I meant that it is not manifesting as Racism within my heart. I just learned of the 75% women infection rate, and I wasn't referring to that fact in my comment.

[btw - This thread is about Europe's response. ...?]

Ok. Was just using the Emory thing as an example, so to speak from personal experience, since I live 2 hours from there. So I will kindly bow out of your conversation like a good American. You know, it is all the same though. One big world. Have a nice day.

You quoted my post in your response and it wasn't computing for me. As far as US v/s European response, they're different. So far.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 12:09 PM
It is racism in Italy's case at the very least. Not all "black people " have any connection to Africa at all!
Very few people outside the African continent aren't multi cultural.

You could know me for years and until i tell you I'm mixed you would look at my skin and think white.

originally posted by: Daavid
Im pretty sure this is not racism. On one hand we have people saying we dont do enough to curb the spread. Now people are stating those who do take precautions are racist.

What do you suggest we do. Ignore ill black people as it could be regarded by some fools as being racist? The epidemic is mainly affecting countries with a black majority. How can it be racist when taking precautions in order to stop infecting millions of people.

This is a bit silly if you ask me. The racist callers are at it again. Only this time it could jeopardise the lives of millions.

I understand there may be some fools that will use it as an excuse to be racist. But ensuring ill people are in fact not contagious, is common sense to me, especially if those people show symptoms like the ones caused by Ebola, which the ones in the article do.

I know in the UK white people were quarantined even though they didnt have the disease.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: criticalhit
Can you please elaborate on how being multicultural is being inbred? I'm not following you.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Iamthatbish

Okay... hard to explain but i'll give it a go.

Let's take 2 fictional populations

The first, 20 people 10 male and 10 Female, 4 are Asian, 4 African, 4 Caucasian, 4 Middle Eastern and 4 Pacific Islanders, they all remain together as a tribe on an island and inter marry as couples irregardless of race.

The second, all Caucasian 10 males, 10 females but they break themselves up onto 5 nearby Islands, 2 couples on each...

The children of group one INITIALLY have a greater genetic variance, but after many generations become a singular stagnant gene pool, the face the same challenges, the same environment, the same traits are exemplified no new genetics develop, eventually you have a tan group of people... a new singular race so to speak with very little genetic variance...

Group 2 starting out as a singular race, but isolated on five islands, each group faces different challenges, has different environment and pursues over time entirely different cultural norms... on one island let's say the only habitat is caves....they become whiter, almost albino... on another island there is a particular fruit that expresses a gene that leads to a bluish skin tone on yet another there is a predator that only a select few can out run and they develop longer legs... etc, etc...

via isolation, over time you get 5 completely distinct genomes, 5 races so to speak, given a long enough time maybe even 5 species...

Group One, is genetically doomed, think of their island as a planet... when an "ebola" comes along that affects One of them, they will all die, likewise there is an aspect to the male chromosome that doesn't allow for repair so over time... without the introduction of novel genetics from another population the deficits to the male genetics will pile up dooming the species... from multiple directions the singular population is "long term" destined to die off...

Group 2 however, will develop multiple genetic populations, they have the capacity to introduce novel genetics back to one another, when an ebola type virus strikes separate group 3 and 4 will survive maybe...

Let's use Aids as an example...

There is a genetic population of Europeans immune to the disease due to a mutation that flourished because of Bubonic Plauge... if Aids were to mutate into an airborne disease in X number of years what we would have left would be some Europeans (and Chinese) who were immune.... Now make the entire world "multi cultural" imagine there are no more Chinese and Europeans... everybody dies as these rare genetics get quashed

Now don't get me wrong

"Multiculturalism" so to speak is a much needed part of the process, the introduction of novel genes is a mandatory

BUT the creation of Novel genes via interbreeding and isolated population groups is equally as important

what i'm saying is BOTH are necessary for a species to survive. The implications of American Multiculturalism on a global scale would be a reduction of genetic material.

This goes back to my first post... 100,000 years ago "humanity" was NOT the most inbred mammal on the planet, there were not 4-5 "races" but rather 4-5 nearly distinct Species each having many tribes/races in varying locations, today we have far less Hominid diversity and are in fact well over the edge on the road to genetic extinction already...

In reality, what we call "race" barely even exists by genetic standards we share more genes between an African and European than any two breeds of dog do for example... we are already prone to a vast variety of diseases and genetic disorders because of this, one could actually say that a large portion of us only survive to adult hood already only because of modern science we are that genetically Fubar

We need the "specialization" of genetics to survive as a species long term and as we face globalism this is vanishing fast, we need to allow some places to remain Germany, Japan, Russia and the places that are a bit xenophobic to remain as is... in addition to what we do or we wont survive, what we are doing with pushing a "global" philosophy of multiculturalism is EQUALLY as bad as what the powers of WW2 did in regards to singular race dominance... the end result would be the same, BOTH philosophies are needed from a genetic perspective and "Global" multiculturalism is also a dead end...

In short... you can't let the Germans conquer the world but you can't interbreed them out of existence either... if you just look at the loss of tribalism in the last century... we have half doomed our species as it is just by their integration

It's just Balance, the Tao is... there is no Tao

What we call "diversity" in America is actually the death of specialization, inbreeding on a larger scale and the destruction of culture which in the end is the key to actual "diversity" there are no "Blue" people in the Great Beige Race

Genetically we have no choice but to learn to "Tolerate" people being "Korean" or "Amish" or what have you even if they don't like Gays or Blacks etc, etc it might be "intellectually" correct to accept people of all races and creeds ( I agree with that ) BUT your in a genetic doomsday without specialization of genes, there is no actual genetic diversity without that end of the spectrum and like all debates it's a circle not a line with extremism meeting on both sides

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: criticalhit
Ty for taking the time to elaborate.

What I got out of that was allowing people to fall in love with whomever they want is the best response. There isn't really any actual isolation on this planet today.

I do agree that race is some man mad idea that furthers an us vs them mentality. We are all human. Unless we find aliens then you are correct that eventually our diversity will become stagnant. There will still be encoding errors or other throwbacks that allow for the future race to have differences.

ETA isn't the push for diversity more in am effort to stop hate crimes and racism from becoming more wide spread?
edit on 21-8-2014 by Iamthatbish because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 02:18 PM
Now let me play "The Oracle" and give everyone something to really twist their noodle...

Let's take the current debate over Homosexuality as an example...

2 Population groups... "America" and Iran"

In America your free to be "Homosexual" which now means you can declare yourself Gay, have a Gay relationship, marry, "ADOPT" a child live your life, for the most part in America, if there is a Gene that creates a disposition to "Homosexuality" our so called "enlightened" philosophy will likely cause a vast reduction in that Gene.... WHY?

In Iran... the ultimate Homophobic states "Homosexuals" will be pushed into marriage hide the disposition and reproduce the genetic trait... DOH!

So I guess to surmise this...

Genetics and Human Morality do not co-exist, Mother Nature is a real Bish as any good Mom sometimes Is.... The trait of Xenophobia is useful, it has saved our species before most assuredly and this includes "culture" even if you dislike the Culture for being that way... does proficient use of chopsticks affect group genetics? Absolutely, if your culture vales that skill it's a prevalence of finger dexterity over clumsy fingers, the idiosyncrasies of our various cultures must not only be preserved but diversified further not all brought together as one way of life...

In short, if the South Koreans don't want Africans they shouldn't even have to state a reason... let alone use Ebola as an excuse.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: Iamthatbish

Yes, it stems from the desire for "peace" and that's a great cause...

But i'd say, that's where it stops... i.e. Living on the same planet your not allowed to go killing others

But likewise we need to avoid extremism, like the above sign... the apology for not allowing whomever... In Korea. That's USA doctrine spilling by demand into other nations and locations, Genetics dictate... "we need Koreans" Korean culture, we need that, there is no way around that, the culture to itself needs to be preserved as well as it's continued development as it's own distinct genetic, so long as they aren't "marching" it's not "bad"

I kind of see the USA as moving to become the "Nazis of Benetton" we particularly give the Asians so much crap lol....

We just can't be "multicultural" without other cultures lol... it's sort of insane IMHO

Just the Korean incident here, in regards to the Ebola topic made me say WTF.... Isolation by location has saved more species including humans than anything else ever, I remember the discovery of an ancient form of horse about a decade ago in Tibet, 12 inches high, thought to be extinct, that's straight up living in an isolated valley in works.

We are who we are....

If we choose to stop and frisk every airline passenger in our country to allow Muslims to come and go, well we risk being an Islamic country one day if the nation one over just bans flights from those regions, that's their business not mine. We CHOOSE to simply not just stop flights from Africa, we shouldn't call people "racist" if they choose a different path

Is there a big chance of "Ebola" becoming air born? NO

But if it does...

There wont be a South Korea for having kissed our butts... But there will be a North Korea they tell us to piss off...

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 02:46 PM
That's not racism or psychosis.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 04:39 PM
It's no different from what happened 500 years ago:
edit on 21-8-2014 by stormcell because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: stormcell

True - and history shows that quarantine doesn't work. [Isolating patients does work, but that's a different thing.]

The take-home message is that the world needs to pump resources -doctors, nurses, technicians, supplies- into West Africa, and stop it where it started.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:08 PM

originally posted by: soficrow

Lots of white people go to Africa to work and for vacation - but nobody's jumping all over them. Guess you didn't read the quote:

...any students of African origin would be required to have additional health certificates prior to starting school, though no requests were made of white children who may have been to Africa on summer vacations.

That's ONE example in Italy. Plenty of white people have been quarantined and/or tested. The Irish guy, the many cases that have come back to the U.S., the plane full of people in Aberdeen.....

Stop injecting racism. And there is nothing wrong with profiling to save millions of lives.

posted on Aug, 24 2014 @ 10:32 PM
This is just my opinion but I personally do not think this counts as racism. This is how you stop the spread of the virus if it does in fact hit the west. I do not think it will in great numbers. But if it does. This is one way you combat it.

It just so happens that the point of origin is in Africa. I am sure if it was South America, governments would have the same reaction. If the point of origin was Finland, governments would have the same reaction. The woman that collapsed in the building was not wearing a sticker that said, I am from Kenya, which is not one of the infected countries. That was found out after the fact. All anyone knew was that she was from Africa. The point of origin is in Africa. Just like if the point of Origin was South America, specifically Peru, and a Brazilian woman collapsed. The same thing would happen. If the point of origin was Finland and a Swedish woman collapsed. The same thing would of happened.

Its a preventive measure. Not racism. Now if they start rounding up all Black people in a country no matter what their point of origin. Then that would be racism. This is coming from someone who hates racism and has every color under the rainbow in his family. White, Hispanic, Black, Asian, Arabic, Native American. I am not and never will be a racism defender. This is just not racism, and calling it that is just taking away from all the real racism that exists in the world. It gives ammo to racists and allows them to call anyone who questions racism a boy who cried wolf.

edit on 24-8-2014 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-8-2014 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-8-2014 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-8-2014 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-8-2014 by karmicecstasy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny
a reply to: karmicecstasy

The title is from the news source: Ebola Fueled Racism on the Rise in Europe.

An important warning, imho.

posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 11:30 PM

originally posted by: soficrow
a reply to: 8675309jenny
a reply to: karmicecstasy

The title is from the news source: Ebola Fueled Racism on the Rise in Europe.

An important warning, imho.

What both of us said had nothing to do with the article title. It has to do with people agreeing that these things happening are wrong. Theres no wrong-doing here, simply people taking precautions (and quite rightly-so)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

Precautions would focus on people travelling from Ebola-hit countries. These people are just black - and did NOT come from Ebola-hit countries. And while you may think that's sufficient to justify profiling, I do not agree.

ETA: The white mining managers and supervisors travelling in and out of mining operations in the middle of the original Ebola epicenter are FAR more worthy of isolation and testing imho - but that's not happening.

...She visited Kenya, not one of the Ebola-hit Western African countries and her African background was enough to put a building under lock down.

This is not the only isolated case of Ebola-fueled racism in Europe. Such examples have been reported from other European countries. Take the case of the African man with a nosebleed in July. While shopping at a mall in Brussels earlier in July, the African man who had a nosebleed was hurried away for medical attention. The store he was in was sterilized even before he tested negative for signs of Ebola.

Yet another example is one about a woman who flew to London from Gambia (not one of the Ebola-hit Western African countries). She died after she fell ill from the flight. Examiners found no known symptoms of Ebola on her body to confirm if she came into contact with anyone affected by the disease during her time in Gambia.

Some Italian schools have taken this to the next level. African students are supposed to produce supplemental health certificates before starting school this year, although the same does not apply to while students who may may have visited Africa in the summer.

edit on 26/8/14 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

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