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Michael Brown Rapping About "Smokin Dope" "Shooting People"

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posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: butcherguy

holy cow, I knew there were a few, but not that many

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:39 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: BerenstEiner

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: macman
a reply to: cerbium

How dare you, or anyone else show anything that contradicts this idea that he was a gentle giant just planning to go to college.

I mean, him rapping about such things, and stealing stuff, and intimidating store owners can't be relevant in this............because it isn't fair that he is shown for what he was.

I have yet to see proof that he was really going to attend college, but I wonder what he was planning to study? Does anyone know?
They do have an Audio-Visual section in their Arts program... which includes... I quote from their website... "Derrty Dancing... Professional Dance Classes, St, Lunatic Style". Hmmm.

Here is a link to Vatterott ... well they are really called Vatterott Educational Centers, Inc.

I see you do not approve of dancing either.

Hmmmm. My daughter is in her second year of Hip Hop class.
Jump to conclusions much?
I listen to some rap. I don't disapprove of it. My kids listen to some of it. I don't say that people shouldn't have songs that have violent lyrics. But I do see proof that plenty of rappers have died violent deaths, and I am not afraid to post that.

Have you seen any proof that he was enrolled at Vatterott? Have you jumped on anyone about them continually pushing the point that he was when they have no proof?

You know who started off as a hip hop dancer? 2Pac. And he became a rapper then he got shot. So be careful, you don't want your daughter to become one of them horrible rap people.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

Brown is not on trial, his reputation is not on trial. The only person who MAY see a trial is the cop. And he's going to have to defend his killing of Michael Brown.

When the police officer is tried, I say when because I believe that he will be, his defense team will use the character of Michael Brown in the officer's defense. If there is a juvenile record it will be used, along with anything they can find that shows him to be of poor character.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:39 AM
"Psychosis means experiencing things and believing them to be real
when they are not;
in other words, losing contact with reality"

"he was a gentleman and role model,,the content of his character was judged to be ( fill in the blank )."

Has American society become psycotic to a great extent.?

"Delusions - false beliefs, especially based on fear or suspicion of things that are not real."

im sure he sits with the noble and caring,, for all eternity.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: BerenstEiner

He started out in ballet and did Shakespeare before starting his professional career too. Tupac Shakur

At the age of twelve, Shakur enrolled in Harlem's 127th Street Repertory Ensemble and was cast as the Travis Younger character in the play A Raisin in the Sun, which was performed at the Apollo Theater. In 1986, the family relocated to Baltimore, Maryland.[31] After completing his second year at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School, he transferred to the Baltimore School for the Arts, where he studied acting, poetry, jazz, and ballet.[32] He performed in Shakespeare plays, and in the role of the Mouse King in the ballet The Nutcracker.[29]

edit on 21-8-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: BerenstEiner

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: BerenstEiner

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: macman
a reply to: cerbium

How dare you, or anyone else show anything that contradicts this idea that he was a gentle giant just planning to go to college.

I mean, him rapping about such things, and stealing stuff, and intimidating store owners can't be relevant in this............because it isn't fair that he is shown for what he was.

I have yet to see proof that he was really going to attend college, but I wonder what he was planning to study? Does anyone know?
They do have an Audio-Visual section in their Arts program... which includes... I quote from their website... "Derrty Dancing... Professional Dance Classes, St, Lunatic Style". Hmmm.

Here is a link to Vatterott ... well they are really called Vatterott Educational Centers, Inc.

I see you do not approve of dancing either.

Hmmmm. My daughter is in her second year of Hip Hop class.
Jump to conclusions much?
I listen to some rap. I don't disapprove of it. My kids listen to some of it. I don't say that people shouldn't have songs that have violent lyrics. But I do see proof that plenty of rappers have died violent deaths, and I am not afraid to post that.

Have you seen any proof that he was enrolled at Vatterott? Have you jumped on anyone about them continually pushing the point that he was when they have no proof?

You know who started off as a hip hop dancer? 2Pac. And he became a rapper then he got shot. So be careful, you don't want your daughter to become one of them horrible rap people.

She will continue her hip hop classes, she is excelling at it.
If she decides to be a rapper, I will support her.
Maybe if I had been the father of just one of those rappers on the 'dead list' they could possibly be alive today.
Will Smith is/was a rapper, he is not dead from a shot to the head. He didn't live the same lifestyle. His mom was an administrator with the school district... his dad was an engineer.
edit on bu312014-08-21T09:45:58-05:0009America/ChicagoThu, 21 Aug 2014 09:45:58 -05009u14 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: BerenstEiner

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: BerenstEiner

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: macman
a reply to: cerbium

How dare you, or anyone else show anything that contradicts this idea that he was a gentle giant just planning to go to college.

I mean, him rapping about such things, and stealing stuff, and intimidating store owners can't be relevant in this............because it isn't fair that he is shown for what he was.

I have yet to see proof that he was really going to attend college, but I wonder what he was planning to study? Does anyone know?
They do have an Audio-Visual section in their Arts program... which includes... I quote from their website... "Derrty Dancing... Professional Dance Classes, St, Lunatic Style". Hmmm.

Here is a link to Vatterott ... well they are really called Vatterott Educational Centers, Inc.

I see you do not approve of dancing either.

Hmmmm. My daughter is in her second year of Hip Hop class.
Jump to conclusions much?
I listen to some rap. I don't disapprove of it. My kids listen to some of it. I don't say that people shouldn't have songs that have violent lyrics. But I do see proof that plenty of rappers have died violent deaths, and I am not afraid to post that.

Have you seen any proof that he was enrolled at Vatterott? Have you jumped on anyone about them continually pushing the point that he was when they have no proof?

You know who started off as a hip hop dancer? 2Pac. And he became a rapper then he got shot. So be careful, you don't want your daughter to become one of them horrible rap people.

She will continue her hip hop classes, she is excelling at it.
If she decides to be a rapper, I will support her.
Maybe if I had been the father of just one of those rappers on the 'dead list' they could possibly be alive today.


posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:47 AM
Brown was a thug. He had a rap sheet that included assault. Word is that he had a juvenile record as well. He was on probation for assault. If you have a history of assault then it is used against you in court if you commit another crime.
Rap music does brainwash our youths minds. It romanticizes murder,death,drugs,etc. If the black community can't figure out what is happening to their kids then they deserve everything they get. There have been great black role models pop up from time to time. The liberal media destroys them and labels them uncle toms. The democrat voter base of black slaves must be maintained at all cost. They sold themselves to the highest bidder pretty much. Free stuff is not free. They sold their very souls to the democrat party. They will not wake up to the fact. There is no cure. The parents of these lost youths apparently only care if they are killed by a white man. Blacks kill other blacks all the time. Not a peep from the MSM or the black community. There is no need to assassinate Browns character, he did that on his own. Spin the facts all you want. It won't change the fact that his love for violence got him a bullet in the head.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:48 AM
Who is the 2nd "artist" in this garbage? Could it be the skinny punk Dorian Johnson? This is your mind on drugs! A mind is a terrible thing to waste, lol! PCP fries the brain!

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 09:59 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
a reply to: cerbium

You're kidding!!! A rapper who sings about drugs, money, women, and shooting people??? What a shock! I'm sure the Association of American Rappers is appalled!


And a rapper who sings about shooting people has been involved with that? Another shock.

"•August 1993 - Snoop was charged for being an accomplice to the murder of Phillip Woldermarian. In February 1996, with the help of attorney Jonnie Cochran, Snoop was found not guilty of all charges but voluntary manslaughter, on which the jury deadlocked".

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Anyone can go back and read a number of your posts making blanket statements and character assassinations about police officers.

I guess it is okay because...police officers.

Is that not a little hypocritical?
edit on 21-8-2014 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

edit on 21-8-2014 by TorqueyThePig because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: jimmiec
Brown was a thug. He had a rap sheet that included assault. Word is that he had a juvenile record as well. He was on probation for assault. If you have a history of assault then it is used against you in court if you commit another crime.

Rap music does brainwash our youths minds. It romanticizes murder,death,drugs,etc. If the black community can't figure out what is happening to their kids then they deserve everything they get. There have been great black role models pop up from time to time. The liberal media destroys them and labels them uncle toms. The democrat voter base of black slaves must be maintained at all cost. They sold themselves to the highest bidder pretty much. Free stuff is not free. They sold their very souls to the democrat party. They will not wake up to the fact. There is no cure. The parents of these lost youths apparently only care if they are killed by a white man. Blacks kill other blacks all the time. Not a peep from the MSM or the black community. There is no need to assassinate Browns character, he did that on his own. Spin the facts all you want. It won't change the fact that his love for violence got him a bullet in the head.

How dare you point out the obvious. The reason no charges have been brought against the officer yet is because the shooting was justified/self-defense. They know when it is announced all hell will break loose. But I'm sure Eric Holder will be objective and fair in his findings.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: TorqueyThePig
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Anyone can go back and read a number of your posts making blanket statements and character assassinations about police officers.

I guess it is okay because...police officers.

Is that not a little hypocritical?

Key difference here, my character assassinations aren't being put forth in a court of law to determine someone's guilt though. Though you are really only referring to that one thread that I spoke ill towards you. I rarely comment in threads about the police. So it's not "any number of posts", it's one thread.
edit on 21-8-2014 by Krazysh0t because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

It is a totality of the person.

If one gravitates towards such things, common sense leads one to believe that they agree with those actions or live them.

If the Police Officer's life is brought into question, then Mr. Brown's life does as well.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: macman

I didn't bring the police officer's life into question and I haven't seen any threads that have. In fact all the threads I see about this case are trying to either character assassinate Brown or show some evidence. But if I did see one, I'd disagree with it as well.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

You are working on this automatically assumed premise that Mr. Brown is the victim.

His background and who he was is very much a part of what happened.

If he gravitates towards a lifestyle glorified by Rap music, like drugs, criminal activities and so on, then it seems it is easier for him, or anyone, to carry out such things that they relate to. This is very much basic human nature, and why courts typically allow the background of a person to be allowed in court.

As you and others have stated in many other discussions, life isn't happening in a vacuum....unless this is *cough* most Progressive ideals rely on.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

There are statements about the LEO's past service.

It is not directed towards you, but basically in general.

As the media pushes forward, they will dig into the officer's life and pull it apart.

TO be fair, if one side gets to, then so does the other.

This is not a vacuum, this is a totality situation.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: BerenstEiner


originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: BerenstEiner

originally posted by: butcherguy

originally posted by: macman

a reply to: cerbium

How dare you, or anyone else show anything that contradicts this idea that he was a gentle giant just planning to go to college.

I mean, him rapping about such things, and stealing stuff, and intimidating store owners can't be relevant in this............because it isn't fair that he is shown for what he was.

I have yet to see proof that he was really going to attend college, but I wonder what he was planning to study? Does anyone know?

They do have an Audio-Visual section in their Arts program... which includes... I quote from their website... "Derrty Dancing... Professional Dance Classes, St, Lunatic Style". Hmmm.

Here is a link to Vatterott ... well they are really called Vatterott Educational Centers, Inc.

I see you do not approve of dancing either.

Hmmmm. My daughter is in her second year of Hip Hop class.

Jump to conclusions much?

I listen to some rap. I don't disapprove of it. My kids listen to some of it. I don't say that people shouldn't have songs that have violent lyrics. But I do see proof that plenty of rappers have died violent deaths, and I am not afraid to post that.

Have you seen any proof that he was enrolled at Vatterott? Have you jumped on anyone about them continually pushing the point that he was when they have no proof?

You know who started off as a hip hop dancer? 2Pac. And he became a rapper then he got shot. So be careful, you don't want your daughter to become one of them horrible rap people.

She will continue her hip hop classes, she is excelling at it.

If she decides to be a rapper, I will support her.

Maybe if I had been the father of just one of those rappers on the 'dead list' they could possibly be alive today.

Will Smith is/was a rapper, he is not dead from a shot to the head. He didn't live the same lifestyle. His mom was an administrator with the school district... his dad was an engineer.

Please. There're rappers then there's Will Smith. He has zero street cred with real rappers. That's like comparing the Partridge Family to Iron Maiden when talking rock.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

It does not matter if it is in court or not.

You are guilty of what you are speaking out against.

My favorite was a thread that I DID NOT participate in where you said "Oh come on don't be silly. Don't forget about the mandatory training sessions cops go through called "Planting evidence to shift blame to victim."

No character assassination going on there.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: macman
a reply to: Krazysh0t

There are statements about the LEO's past service.

It is not directed towards you, but basically in general.

As the media pushes forward, they will dig into the officer's life and pull it apart.

TO be fair, if one side gets to, then so does the other.

This is not a vacuum, this is a totality situation.

With that I agree. Fair's fair. If one side can do it, so can the other. But I certainly don't agree with the idea of doing it because it distracts from the real evidence.

Though again. Rap music, or music in general, is ZERO indicator of someone's personal life outlook and is a fallacy that Tipper Gore fell for in 1985. Then Frank Zappa, Dee Snider, and John Denver proved them wrong (though it didn't stop the record labels from creating their own parental advisory sticker).

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