posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 05:20 PM
I know that you are correct in the sense that we are going to see something happen, for they have made that painfully clear for everyone to see.
What I do have to do, is believe that somehow someway it is not going to go according to their plans. Example being back on 9/11 when the plane that
was supposed to hit building #7 for some reason landed in PA this made it clear to all of us who were paying attention that there was a far more
nefarious plan what the official story tried to portray.
The well known intelligence agencies hands are all over IS, that much is obvious, people can spit the mainstream version of them all they want,
however it is clear that they have been trained in Syria for the next phase which they are currently orchestrating.
Things are going to get rocky this much is to be expected, the hubris of TPTB will be their downfall, there is no stopping the consciousness shift
that we are experiencing, everything they do has an underhanded effect that they can not predict with all of their fear mongering for we are moving
beyond that, that being said we do have a fair amount of collective bad karma to work through.
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