posted on Aug, 25 2014 @ 08:47 PM
I'm perplexed as to why anyone would think this is fake. Then again why does everyone call fake and CGI on anything anymore?..I took CGI courses in
school for television and digital production, there is no way you could create something of this nature without there being traces that could be
easily identifiable..I'm not seeing any such thing here.
Let's never mind the fact that how could you fake something that could be easily verified by talking to someone in the area or checking the
newspapers of the region. It's like all these supposed fake people really think entire towns/cities/regions are all just going to stay
quiet about these things? I'm always baffled by the fact that people think everything is fake and we're all just living in a big movie.
It seems to me that all the advances we've made in technology over the years including things like Photoshop, CGI, and the internet have become a
sort of prison of cynicism to many. It seems that because it can be done now by anyone no-one believes that anything is really happening
seems to me perhaps some of these skeptics have seen a few too many movies. An entire Mexican town on a highway is not going to be "in on the
scam". What has happened to reason anymore? It's good to question things, but common sense is also nice too..not everything is a big put on.