posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 09:46 AM
Let's face it; life can be tough sometimes. When the light at the end of the tunnel grows dim, adages can help brighten it again!
Here are a few of my favorites:
Mind over matter; if I don't mind,it doesn't matter.
Today is the first day of the rest of my life!
Never take life too seriously; none of us are going to get out of it alive.
Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday.
The height of your joy cannot exceed the depth of your sorrow.
And an all-time favorite,
A Persian Proverb:
He who knows not,
And knows not that he knows not, Is a fool - shun him.
He who knows not,
And knows that he knows not,
Is a child - teach him.
He who knows,
And knows not that he knows,
Is asleep - wake him.
He who knows,
And knows that he knows,
Is wise - follow him.
I would love to hear some of your favorite adages!