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KKK raising money for Ferguson police officer

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posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 02:35 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

Well how 'bout that, some wacko group grandstanding and using the cop as their rationale to perpetrate their hate.

And this means what about the officer? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 02:53 PM
I have a general question, but specific to this thread. Why are several members going from Ferguson thread to Ferguson thread trying to shut down any discussion that doesn't fit the authoritarian/statist "Cops are Innocent" agenda being oddly being pushed by folks who are generally anti-government overreach/tyranny/etc?

I mean, sure, we all have our opinions, prejudices and so forth. I get that.

This is different, it's like, some are actually intent on shutting down free speech and diverging opinions.

Kind of like (personal opinion alert) the police department in Ferguson.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: Freenrgy2
a reply to: LDragonFire

Well how 'bout that, some wacko group grandstanding and using the cop as their rationale to perpetrate their hate.

And this means what about the officer? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


Are you suggesting that Darren Wilson should use this money to buy red hearing?

Maybe he should donate it to the parents of Michael Brown? Bet that would make the kkk mad lol

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 02:58 PM

originally posted by: Freenrgy2
a reply to: LDragonFire

Well how 'bout that, some wacko group grandstanding and using the cop as their rationale to perpetrate their hate.

And this means what about the officer? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.


1. I haven't read anyone in the thread making any claims about the fundraiser having anything to do with Officer Wilson's guilt or innocence.

2. The fact that the KKK (or a psuedo-KKK ... is the KKK a licensed trademark now?) is ready and willing to announce such support DOES speak to the general attitudes at hand, for example, see those who are intent on labelling either Brown or Wilson rather than dealing with facts.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 02:59 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

I'm saying that an unread person might take the subject to somehow mean that Darren Wilson is affiliated with the KKK.

This is a typical example of grandstanding and using stories like this to further hatred.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: Freenrgy2

Thats pretty much what I'm trying to show with this thread on ksdk newchannel 5 part.

It seems to me they are poking the fire on both sides with this story....

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: RedmoonMWC
a reply to: LDragonFire
If he is smart he will refuse to accept that money.

The KKK knows he will refuse that money.. This is one of their rare moments they can pretent to look good ... among their own public.

What is this money for anyways... some twisted reward money?

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 04:45 PM
Does no one else see it? they keep trying to make tensions so high that a war will break out. Everyone keeps taking these stories as single incidents, but they are all part of the big picture. Every time things start to calm down and some semblance of order is perceived another article, news story, or video is shown to flare it back up. They want this to keep going, either to take heat from other issues or actually make a fighting war.

Check your powder reserves and food stores, time to man the ramparts and hunker down. Is anyone really ready for this? I mean really ready mentally?

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 04:52 PM

originally posted by: Jaellma
a reply to: deadeyedick

I can care less to explain the dwindling numbers of KKK members. Remember, that organization has historically recruited in the millions, so I can care less if they are dwindling in numbers, be it financial or lack of interest, etc.

The fact remains the NBP (and BP, if we want to go as far back) was spawned as a response to the existence of the KKK.

So what happens when the nbp rule america or when the kkk rule america. It should be noted that only one of the groups i mentioned have plans to rule.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 05:13 PM

originally posted by: zysin5
a reply to: LDragonFire

Thank you for bringing this to light. There are many members jumping on this band wagon not even knowing it is being backed by the Klan.

Such as remarks like this from a member on Hearsay thread.

originally posted by: GreenMtnBoys
Support is already growing for officer Wilson. It's sad because whatever slight credibility the blacks of Ferguson had has gone out the window.

THE BLACKS! WTF! its all people out there.. white, black, brown, yellow, whatever.
It is pro Wilson remarks like those that show people are very racist and it is living and breathing right on ATS..

Just because it is mostly African Americans living there, does not mean you have to say.. The blacks. That is, and I do not care what others have to toss out, is slanted remark. And broad brush strokes everyone into one group.

What a ridiculous attempt to race bait.

"The blacks"? Yeeeeeaaaaa...... Shhhh.....I call white people "the whites".

YOU are the fuel that feeds the engine of hate by creating "unintentional" racism.

As a member of ATS myself I do see racism in full effect. Reverse-racism and all of the bigots who further that agenda. People not competent enough to argue issues at hand reduced to bickering about completely irrelevant "details".

Quit being so damned PC and you'll probably detect a little less racism. Blame your perception not our membership.


posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire>>> It's The Southern Poverty Law Center so you might want to check into the credibility of he story before you accept it as legitimate. They've been criticized before for being extremely politically motivated and not fact checking when they issue reports.
Somebody could have sent a statement to them pretending to be somebody in the KKK and they ran with it never bothering to verify its authenticity. Maybe they even made it up.
I've seen them on MSNBC and they don't exactly impress me with their integrity.
And I think racism still exists but its nowhere remotely near as bad as some want people to believe. Even looking at the protestors I still think they represent only a very small minority in the back community.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 05:29 PM
If that don't take the figures. So many factions are getting into the middle of this thing, one can't help but wonder if there is one above all that is pulling the strings and doing their darndest to turn this Ferguson thing into the catalyst for starting a nation wide race war or civil war of some kind. It just never seems to end anymore...the shootings, the various abuses of authority. Texas is having a problem right now relevant to some shootings and abuse of un armed citizens. It seems like a pox on this country...keeps up and we gotta know all of this will escalate into something much bigger. The more factions and groups that pick a side and get involved into this mess..,the greater the chance of it all spinning totally out of control. Martial Law next...who knows.

What should we be noticing the most, in order of importance, or what...the racial angle and/or the militarized police response? It all sucks anymore and between all of the above, the Ebola scare, and the immigration issue, wow, sure is a recipe for disaster no matter which way you look.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 09:18 PM
a reply to: Sublimecraft

The American people aren't choosing anything. The race baiters and hustlers are running the show with a very complicit media. That much is evident.

What needs to be done is the American people need to call out the despicable race baiters and hustlers, like they did in Ferguson, where Jesse Jackson was booed, and both he and Sharpton were told by the crowd they weren't wanted there.

They need to rail them out of town, along with the NBP, then start in on the race baiting media, and call them out, too.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 09:22 PM
a reply to: Blackmarketeer

It is, however, manipulative, by the media, to attempt to make the officer look bad, while being rather likely he would never even see a penny.

That doesn't matter though, because appearances are everything.

All he needs to do is make a statement that he disavows this behaviour and group, has nothing to do with them, will not accept their money, and be done with it.

Of course, the media won't carry that, unless he says it during his first public statement.

edit on 19-8-2014 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: Libertygal

It is, however, manipulative, by the media, to attempt to make the officer look bad, while being rather likely he would never even see a penny.

If anyone is doing such manipulation, it is the New Empire Knights of the KKK, as they are the ones who publicly announced this fundraiser.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 09:25 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

I'm not meaning to bash the press

Somehow I think most of us on ATS would forgive you.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: TexasSeabee

A race war has been being fomented by all parts of this administration with the help of a totally complicit media, since the Trayvon Martin case.

We were promised there would be riots and death if Zimmerman was aquitted, but the good people of Sanford, Florida didn't take the bait. Good for them.

Since then, Al Sharpton has been rather busy, along with several members of MSNBC, some of whom were fired, ratcheting up the race tensions. They weren't the only ones, just some of the most vocal.

It has been an ever increasing issue, with the divide being fomented by those in charge.

It is up to us, as individuals, to not take the bait, just as the people of Sanford didn't.

Sadly, however, I see just the opposite. I see a rapid degeneration of racial issues, and I seriously thought we had come much further. I am sad really, to see that I was wrong.

Some very powerful people have been fanning the flames, and media have done everything to help.

God help us all. We need it.

edit on 19-8-2014 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 09:35 PM

originally posted by: Blackmarketeer
a reply to: Libertygal

It is, however, manipulative, by the media, to attempt to make the officer look bad, while being rather likely he would never even see a penny.

If anyone is doing such manipulation, it is the New Empire Knights of the KKK, as they are the ones who publicly announced this fundraiser.

That is to whom I was referring. It would have gotten no notice without some media carrying the story, obviously.

edit on 19-8-2014 by Libertygal because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 10:02 PM
Good god. Isn't "It's Obama's fault; thanks Obama!" enough of a joke at this point? Don't any of you see the ludicrosity?

Now, Obama is instigating a race-war. Last week, he was decimating the population with Ebola to move in more immigrants.

Wow. I thought I had seen it all.

Let's get real for a minute, shall we? If anyone denies some level of racism within themselves, they're either lying or delusional. Humans are a tribal species at our cores; and the most basic social interaction (outside the immediate family) is the xenophobic "Us and Them."

The issues with racism in this country are not based on whether or not there is "black on white racism." Of course there is. There's "darker black on lighter black" racism and racism based on every other skin tincture and texture difference.

What makes a difference if a culture wishes to be considered civilized ... is what we do with those natural tendencies. How we act to keep those thoughts, reactions, etc., in check and do our best to treat others the same without regard to their race is what determines that measure.

So, if anyone wants to be real about it, let's stop pretending that it's an all or nothing situation, shall we?

Black on white racism does not eradicate white on black racism. Or any other racism.

Let's stop with the childish "but they're doing it too" and get down to the business of solving problems, eh?

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 11:15 PM
a reply to: LDragonFire

I came I heard (read) all the posts and thanks, everybody.
The only reason KSDK considered this newsworthy is
because of the flag and star count. Yes, I added to it.
It was and is worth it. But I refuse to accept dying for
what somebody else believes in. That isn't where I was
born... and anytime after I was 37 the government can't
make me either.

Time to go campin' with a couple cases of Orville R. ...
because the TV and the brain scientists won. It ain't rocket
surgery either, look at how easy it was to chisel another
fissure in the dialogs. Next month we may be reduced to
"MY racism is more justifiable than THEIRS". Because ...?

Maybe they want a war and are smart enough to get us to
start one for them. We also might be stupid enough to eat it.

I was hoping someday for the only racism we could tolerate
was human. I've been wrong about waiting for that coming true
my whole life. And from the looks of it by the smartest bunch
of skeptics on the Web it never will in my lifetime.

My dad was Pacific Theater in the second Big One... and a month
before he got his flag folded for him he said
"Next time I want to be on EVERYBODY's side." Now he is... and
unfortunately it seems the only way for humans to get there.
And we're sure getting there quicker every month.

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