a reply to:
You are wrong Krazyshot.
Many atheists are evolutionists and they all believe humans came from monkies.
The whole point of this post is proving that Aliens can and will terraform planets and colonize them.
Is it the outcome 100% of the time?
Of course not, That would be rediculous.
And it's got nothing to do with Life spawning more life.
Life did not come from God, Life comes from every spark that makes it way to physical existance.
The universe is folded on itself. There is no multiverse as there is no need of a multiverse.
The universe is entirely full, Only a huge portion of the universes mass and energy is compressed into NON IONIZED STATES.
Do you know what an Ions are? Do you know what an electron a proton and a neutron are? They are the building blocks of all mass and energy. All rocks
and froms of life in the UNIVERSE. Yes they have sub-atomic structures. They are not solid peices of 1 block or 1 one bent fragment but rather is a
collection of slivers that all point in the direction of its rotation, Just like how a turbine electric generator works. Only this is on a sub atomic
Mass can seem to not exist because part of what we see is an *illusion*
Like a fan blade spinning the object casts the appearence of being spherical but it is just the fast rotation of the electrons/protons generating the
effects. Everything that is built properly in the universe will function properly if assembled under the right conditions. There are places in the
universe where this does not occure.
Where anything is smashed and condensed ripped aparted and condensed reguardless of positive/negative electric charges- Which govern all physical mass
and energy.
Instead its subject to a drain, A literal vortex in space. Every Galaxy holds a black hole. And it is constantly feeding on mass which keeps it
stable. The presence of mass and energy fuels the initial implosion.
Its area pull is limmited tho, The degression in pull gives the surrounding areas some stability as everything is flying in the drections of its
waves. At the same time compressed mass is being ejected. These cannot be ionized simply because they are randomly assorted. Very high probability of
non reactive substances being drawn out of the black hole. Only physical mass and energy is subject to its decompression, Since its a funnel and not a
solid object. There are 2 openings in a black hole.
While mass and energy is being ripped apart it's Releasing the same energy as would cracking an atom and its sub-collective particles.
We call this Nuclear energy, But the ex-plosion is muffled and over powered by space hurricanes. * well it started off as a big ball of gas did it
not? lol*
Anyways if anything does excape a black hole, It would be Gammas that were generated by these pressures. Black energy and black matter is carried
along the currents into space at opposite ends. The spinning of the black hole causes the gamma rays to arc. There is a large buzzing in space that is
relative to our galaxy. The dispersion of gammarays ionizes nearby particles generating a vast electromagnetic feild that sheilds and holds our
planets together much like how Neutrons or neutrons and protons catch an electron and have it orbit based on the laws of attraction.
You can have an extremely dense particle that cannot be measured by gravity in existance. As gravity is the cause and effect of spinning. Rather than
simply mass density.
To calculate if gravity exists in mass density, We would need to drop a feather on dense and non dense particles in space and see if one falls faster
than the other.
Its hilarious because you can't have any of these effects.
It's the presence of electrons that cause pull, Because huge swarms of matter is spinning drawing things In and holding things in place. IF we didn't
have an strong electromagnetic feild *gravity* would be weaker. But having no electric feild is impossible for physical mass but not impossible for
randomly assorted particles.
This process has been going on for infinity. Eternity. Forever. Because a universe cannot hold all these bodies of stars if there was a *tare* in the
universe Everything would be drawn to that tare. And mass would not be returned. To say another universe feeds this tear from another tear would be
like saying The otherside is less pressurized and so sucks, But for some reason decides to blow? I'm not following that trail of thought as it creates
paradoxs. And a theory is 100% inaccurate once you draw up even 1 paradox.
There cannot be a paradox. As paradox's do not exist. They are just a product of ignorance nothing more.
All Mass and energy at once point was a living breathing creature. There is no need of God on a universal scale because everything is self reliant on
self. It only relies on its own existance coupled with dependence on other LIVING creatures.
Without life, Planets and stars would hold no stories. Nothing to hold onto. Earth would spin into the sun and that would be it. No epic story of
humans and our advance to space and eventually escaping the demise our planet will have.
No carrying on the Earth's and our solar systems legacy. Life gives the universe meaning. Life is the consious output in the universe.
As everything else is sleeping in a dorment state or not at the right place at the right time to form life.
It does not mean that these baren rocks in space CAN'T hold life. Shift its position, Add an atmosphere and you could very well give it life. And the
thing is, What will be used to build that life? But the minerals and particles of the planet itself? It's very dust. Will become the living output of
which life will thrive. So all mass and energy for the most part at one point or another has the chance to generate life by releasing some of its
contained energy to do so.
In a universe where entropy exists. It only occures because the objects fly off or lose a large portion of their vibration.
Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be deminished in its processes. The universe recycles all this by drawing it into black holes once its charge
has become very weak it is subject to the lesser forces of the black hole.
This is what the black hole MOSTLY feeds on. And is not entirely reliant on stars and gass clouds/asteroids as that energy alone is not enough to fuel
a black hole.
Anyways. As i explained life is the consious outlet of the universe. Our purpose is to build a story. That's it.
We generate a story for where ever advanced life is forming. Then we get the !@#$ out of there. And we carry the memories and respects of the planet,
materials and life essence of that solar system with them.
To seed waiting planets or experiment on living ones.
Evolution very much does exist but its only the Method of How to. Intelligent design speeds up colonization. Which is enivitable as humanity will be
required to do it if we wish to exist as a species in the galaxy...
The main argument is if we were created by Aliens or poped up as monkies. God in that case would be an Alien.
As living beings are the only consious output. We can create things in our image. But the universe cannot create Us in our image in one single flash.
It is a very slow process to get to where we are now. The Galaxy could be 13.5 billion years old. Or it could be older. Who knows.
But don't confuse the galaxy and universe. The big bang is only relative to our galaxy.
edit on 18-8-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason