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So now it's wrong to use term 'ninja"? This is getting ridiculous.

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posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

As a child in Okinawa Japan-I wanted to be a ninja.

Does that mean I was some kind of 6 year old racist bigot? lol!

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:19 PM
a reply to: FalcoFan

btw-as a white person that was made in Japan-I am kind of rare.

Does that make me a "Ninja-American"?

I really like the sound of that...

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:30 PM
As long as they don't claim my name or anyway refer to it in spoken or written language or committing acts that somehow could relate to me it its okok otherwise I will be offended and need to riot and loot to protect my people.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:43 PM
I don't know guys, I'm really starting to see the similarities. LOL, what the hell? That is one confused ninja.

edit on 18-8-2014 by eisegesis because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

Ninja, please...

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:50 PM
I'm not "cool" enough to be hip to the current lingo, so I didn't know ninja was a word used to replace "ni**a". To me, it's more about intent, then the word itself. So I guess if you use the word as it was originally intended (Japanese assassin), then no problem, but if you are using it specifically to get away with saying "ni**a", then that is what is upsetting these people? The reason I don't really agree with those people is because Timberlake was addressing it to a white woman whom he greatly admires, so it wasn't meant as an insult or a derogatory term at all.

If, however, Timberlake used it towards a black guy, and the obvious intent was to insult them by using ninja as a code word for ni**a, then maybe I could see someone being upset by it.

Maybe it's kinda like the word trash. When that word is used for actual garbage that goes to the dump, no problem. But when you use the word to describe certain kinds of people, it can be used as an insult to someone. Words with innocent original meanings that have been hijacked to mean something else entirely.

edit on 18-8-2014 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:12 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

I can't stand political correctness. I make it a point to let people know that I'm as anti-PC as they're going to meet. Never once have I been called a racist, bigot, or an ignorant POS. Why? Because I'm courteous and polite.

Something the PC crowd thinks we can't be. They think that if they don't enforce all these idiot laws that we'll go around committing "race crimes" like there's no tomorrow never thinking that, "Hey, maybe people aren't so racist as we think they are?".

Guess what, the PC police can kiss my politically incorrect nether posterior.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:26 PM
a reply to: [post=18303308]UnBreakable[/post

This had my head spinning around. I started three times and deleted two responses already.. I wish people (almost wrote "some") would man up.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:29 PM
There was a car company that used this song in it's television commercial last year I think...

They better start scrambling before Al "FBI Informant" Sharpton and Jesse "Always Looking For An Oppurtunity" Jackson track them down.

They are coming for you...

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:32 PM
What's worse? Out of control PC or whining about bogus examples of out of control PC? In both instances you have people trying to prove they're somehow better than somebody else and failing miserably.

From the US Weekly source for the HuffPost fluff piece:

Justin Timberlake found himself the target of widespread Twitter outrage this weekend when he allegedly sent Madonna a birthday tweet calling her his "mother chucking ninja." Followers quickly pounced on him for his use of the phrase, which is sometimes understood as an alternate way of saying "mother f---ing n---a."

So an indeterminate number of Justin Timberlake's Twitter followers didn't think he was clever? Sometimes you think you're funny and you bomb and people tell you so. Who cares? Is there anyone in the world who read that and didn't get the gist of what Justin Timberlake was inferring? I'm sure that in his head, it seemed super awesome ("Look how clever I am, I'm using the f-word and the n-word without actually doing either! This is totally cool and ironic because I'm Justin Timberlake, white R&B singer!").

Not really the same thing as OMG LOOK WHAT THEY'VE DONE NOW! NINJA IS A BAD WORD!

The way I see it, there are two overly vocal, overly sensitive (butthurt if you will) factions in the "PC wars" — the people who are actually over the top trying to prove how evolved they are and the people who obsess over the first group and lament how they're forbidden from saying ANYTHING (OMGOMGOMG) to prove how put upon THEY are.

Meanwhile, 99% of people don't really have these hang-ups.
edit on 2014-8-18 by theantediluvian because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: theantediluvian

Chicken or egg? Which group spawned the other?

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: UnBreakable

Am I OK to say Ninja Gaiden? Just making sure so people don't take offense thinking I'm saying N****** gay den.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:55 PM
Wow. If someone were being racist why would they substitute any word? That makes no sense. The PC is getting highly ridiculous. Americans are being taught that when anyone has a problem with anything someone else does, they can simply complain or sue somebody to get their way.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 06:41 PM
Ok, as far as im concerned the word "ninja" morphed into a verb and noun being used to describe usually comical actions and events that occurred.this took place early in 2000's.
As the "ninja" took on a modern mystical adaption the new generation saw it as a being with supernatural like powers equal to that of any western superhero but not as flamboyant.
In all serious though i went to Urban dictionary to see what was floating around , if a modern colloquial connection between the two words had been formed some kid may have posted it.
I found the first reference to it being used as a cover for the "N" word 2007, it picked up substantially in 2010 also at this time it started to be used to refer to women who pass on STD's, so around 2010-2011 was when an element started to turn it to a negative then it went quiet again.
All told i stopped looking at around 115 posts and only came across 10 references to the "N" word and about two in a negative way to women, i will add all of the posts i mentioned had a small amount of thumbs up and were almost even in thumbs down.
I understand Urban dictionary will be viewed as not a viable source by some but in this circumstance gauging the teenage slang pattern over the years it is one of the best.
check it out
A universal replacement for any verb.
"Hey lets ninja us up a pizza"

"Your mom was all like, wanna ninja?"

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: kaylaluv

Dear kaylaluv,

Thank you for your post, I had to star it. I can count on you to introduce a new thought into a thread.

To me, it's more about intent, then the word itself. So I guess if you use the word as it was originally intended (Japanese assassin), then no problem, but if you are using it specifically to get away with saying "ni**a", then that is what is upsetting these people?

If, however, Timberlake used it towards a black guy, and the obvious intent was to insult them by using ninja as a code word for ni**a, then maybe I could see someone being upset by it.

Maybe it's kinda like the word trash. When that word is used for actual garbage that goes to the dump, no problem. But when you use the word to describe certain kinds of people, it can be used as an insult to someone. Words with innocent original meanings that have been hijacked to mean something else entirely.

You've opened so many possibilities here, I wish I had chosen it for the Wednesday night thread. Maybe I can still get it in.

Here's the first thought, "Intent." How do you go about proving intent? I would think that the only person who knows for sure is the speaker. He'll always say that it wasn't his intent to insult, so where do we go? Not the person who claims to be insulted. A neutral jury? Wherever will you find one of those? Besides the "victim" will always say he was emotionally distraught, lost sleep, didn't eat well, etc. A jury would be tempted to say that somebody has to pay for his "suffering."

Thought number two. Why talk about juries? Are we at the stage where, if you insult someone, you should go to jail? In that case, turn out the lights, sanity has lost. Assume A insults B. What should happen? What can happen? Is B then justified in attacking A on the spur of the moment? Is he justified in getting a bunch of friends together to send A to the hospital and set fire to his car? Can B justifiably take any action on his own against A? Or does he have to go to court to say "He said a bad word and hurt my feelings?"

I can think of words that are treated as justification for violence in most circles. Words against Blacks, and Muslims are obvious to almost everyone. There is society wide disgust for words against women. Are there any words which can be used against White men that society completely rejects and are justification for violence? One way to tell is to review the words spelled with asterisks. N*****, C**T, B***H are obvious choices. Are they any that apply to White males? If not, why not?

Are White males supposed to be able to control themselves from flying into violent rages, while Blacks and women are not? Is White males the one group that isn't hated by anybody?

You mention that it should be OK if we use the words in their original meanings. What do you think would happen if I wore a T-Shirt with the message "Let's put all the faggots in a pile and get some gasoline and a match?" Who could ever prove what my intent was? How would my intent be "Obvious?"

You mention the word "trash." Assume I'm walking by a trailer home with 6 adult men and women sitting around a beer cooler. At my end of the trailer home, there are bags of trash which have been torn open and have begun to rot. As I walk by, I say "Man, that's some of the worst trash I've ever seen." Assuming that I survive the beating, how is my intent obvious.

The words that people find "offensive" change monthly. I have no desire to even try to keep up.

Finally, why is it so terrible to insult people? There are many who deserve it. There are some who should be insulted as a matter of pride and honor. At least, there's no problem with insulting government officials, or foreign dictators, or even groups of people such as ISIS (or ISIL, or whatever grandiose name those lunatics have chosen this month). Consider Westboro Baptist, they insult and are insulted.

So while I do really appreciate your post, I'm panting with expectation for your expansion of your thoughts.

With respect,

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: yourmaker

I can say ninja. I dated a Japanese guy so it's all good

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 06:57 PM
Oh No!!! I just brought the New Album from NWA.

Ninja's with Attitude.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 07:03 PM
I'm a ninja.
You're a ninja.
He's a ninja.
She's a ninja.

Wouldn't you like to be a ninja too ?

** CranialSponge patiently waits for the PC police to haul her off in a set of shiny silver bracelets - hopefully those ones with the fur lining on the inside.... real fur, that is **

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 07:07 PM
Well we must also stop using the Terms - Ferguson, Leroy and Detroit, because we all know that's Racist.

Apologies to any Leroy Ferguson's who live in Detroit.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 07:31 PM
[reply]originally posted by: [post=18304314]charles1952[/reply]

Well, intent goes along with context. What is the context of the conversation? What other things are being said? What are the actions going on? Is the speaker taking any physical action in addition to the speaking, i.e., pushing aggressively, poking, etc.?

Thought number two. Why talk about juries? Are we at the stage where, if you insult someone, you should go to jail?

Whoa, I don't think I ever said anything about anyone going to jail. I thought we were talking about some guy tweeting something, and others tweeting back their responses. All part of free speech America, right? I don't advocate violence at all.

I can think of words that are treated as justification for violence in most circles. Words against Blacks, and Muslims are obvious to almost everyone. There is society wide disgust for words against women. Are there any words which can be used against White men that society completely rejects and are justification for violence? Are they any that apply to White males? If not, why not?

That's a good question. Maybe white males have ruled the world for so long, that there just aren't any derogatory terms to cut them down to size. There are plenty of male derogatory terms, but not specific to the white variety. Again, words don't justify violence in my opinion.

Are White males supposed to be able to control themselves from flying into violent rages, while Blacks and women are not? Is White males the one group that isn't hated by anybody?

I think white males are seldom at the bottom of the totem pole, just by being white. Now, you can say that Irish white men, or Italian white men or Jewish white men have been at the bottom, but that wasn't because they were white. It was because they were Irish or Italian or Jewish. And yet again, violent rages aren't justified in my opinion.

You mention that it should be OK if we use the words in their original meanings. What do you think would happen if I wore a T-Shirt with the message "Let's put all the faggots in a pile and get some gasoline and a match?" Who could ever prove what my intent was? How would my intent be "Obvious?"

Now realistically speaking, why would someone put that on a t-shirt?

You mention the word "trash." Assume I'm walking by a trailer home with 6 adult men and women sitting around a beer cooler. At my end of the trailer home, there are bags of trash which have been torn open and have begun to rot. As I walk by, I say "Man, that's some of the worst trash I've ever seen." Assuming that I survive the beating, how is my intent obvious.

Again, context. I would hope the men and women would clarify what you were talking about before they hauled off and beat the crap out of you, especially if you were pointing or looking at the bags of trash when you were saying it. And yet again, violence not recommended or justified by me.

Finally, why is it so terrible to insult people? There are many who deserve it. There are some who should be insulted as a matter of pride and honor.

Why is it so terrible to respond verbally to (perceived) verbal insults? Tit for tat? You can do that without being violent. Tweeting your displeasure at someone else's tweet is certainly not considered violence, is it?

edit on 18-8-2014 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

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