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COPS - They are not all bad - It is just hard to find proof.

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posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 07:37 AM
With everything going on, this year alone (The Bundy Ranch, Ferguson etc...) it is very easy to find video of the police overreacting and violating their mandate to "Serve and Protect".

It is hard to find video of them doing good things. For most people, this gives the impression that most cops are bullies and care only about bringing in revenue to the city county or state for which they work.

Here's one good one, any more out there?

Cop saves life: Kalamazoo officer saves life of choking woman during traffic stop

In 2010 I posted this about the militarization of our police departments.

So you all know I am definitely not pro cop, but I cannot believe they are all bad. Maybe it is all situational for each officer. Under the right circumstances we can all turn violent.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 07:42 AM
I agree. They are not all bad at all. I think it's like anything else, you really only ever hear about what kind of job they are doing unless it's a complaint. Most people don't go out of their way to compliment somebody, but they will damn well go to the ends of the earth to complain about somebody. It works that way for a lot of things.

Here's one of my favorites:

And one more....

edit on 8/18/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 07:54 AM
I don't think that there is anyone out there who actually believes that all cops are bad eggs. To even suggest that is quite patronising to everyone who is trying to fight against injustice.
It doesn't even matter if 8 out of 10 cops are good if there are only two that will be violent without a reason or kill someone innocent. To the dead and beaten it is even less relevant.

The FACT remains that US [and to a degree UK] cops have changed for the worst. There is evidence a plenty for that.
Belonging to the police force should be a job to be proud of, it should be people who care for the community and each individual. Training should be such that shooting to kill is really the last resort and emphasis should be given to teach how to calm situations down rather than inflate them.

Yes it is nice to see that there are good cops but do you also know that even if they wanted, they are stuck amongst the bad ones and I know from personal friends that they can not say or do anything against those. The whole system is corrupt.

Nobody hates the good cops but we would like the system to be how it should be everywhere, we want to call the police and know that justice will be done without fear of those that are supposed to protect us.

What you are doing is like showing me flowers in Pyongyang and saying that it isn't always bad to live in N-Korea.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 07:55 AM
a reply to: RedmoonMWC

Great to see some balance to the ATS perspective S&F.

It must be frustrating for the good ones when they get branded as being all the same.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 07:56 AM
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Wow, Nice find.
I believe it is always better to look at the good people do.
Concentrating on the bad only leads to depression or anger.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 08:02 AM
My neighbor is the chief of police with a force of around 20. I also coach softball with a female detective from another small town. They are two of the nicest people you would ever want to meet. I have seen them switch from parent mode to cop mode in a blink. They are always on duty. As you said the majority are good people.
edit on 18-8-2014 by Hoosierdaddy71 because: spelling

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 08:04 AM

originally posted by: RedmoonMWC
a reply to: Kangaruex4Ewe

Wow, Nice find.
I believe it is always better to look at the good people do.
Concentrating on the bad only leads to depression or anger.

You are correct. I would go insane if I thought everyone in the world was like the few we see on the news every night. I have to believe there is still more good in the world than there is bad. Otherwise it would be as you said... depressing as hell. Not only that but you would lose hope in humanity and after that's gone what's the point?

Most good people don't toot their own horns, they don't want the recognition, or the accolades. A lot of times good does go widely unnoticed unfortunately because of that frame of mind. I wish it was shared more often, then maybe the despair people sometimes feel with the state of the world would ease.

edit on 8/18/2014 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 08:09 AM
A good cop is just expected to be "good" and not something to celebrate, it's just normal expectations. Especially if you have a gun.

By good I mean not doing bad things.

Of course one of the biggest test for cops is not "not shooting someone in the back for kicks", that's pretty simple, it's when your colleagues do bad things, or your immediate bosses are the bad guys. It can get complicated. . .

With the amount of silence and everyone sticking together you have to wonder what's going on.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: RedmoonMWC

In this commonwealth, most police officers are ex-military who got to the front of the line due to civil service regulations favoring their status. They are career bureaucrats pushing paperwork and they are full-time bullies throwing their weight around town in everything that they do.

We have a city of 8000 people that can barely afford to keep the traffic lights running, we have no public ambulance service and every year we vote whether or not to keep the fire department which has all of two firetruck operational, but the police have dozens of cars, k9 units, riot gear, bullet proof vests and automatic weaponry. They are, in practice, a paramilitary unit stationed here in our local town to enforce the imperialist will of Washington and Harrisburg onto the peoples of this community.

We are such a small town that we should either have no police force, or we should have a volunteer community PD managed by the sheriff's department, but because 20% of our population is black and some of them use drugs, omg, the chaos, the anarchy, the state must make sure that these people don't have a tiny bit of freedom to exercise their individual will in a non-violent manner, no, they must be meddled with to a totalitarian extreme.

Personally, I hate the police and everything they stand for. I'm sure there are good cops out there, just like there were good Nazis, but as far as I can tell, they are, mostly, the enemy of free people working to extract our liberty and our money from our hands at any cost towards the benefit of the state.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 08:57 AM
a reply to: RedmoonMWC

Well, a police officer doing HIS JOB or being nice, is not something I'd want to or care to notice. thats just how they are supposed to be..

But whey they are abusive of the rights given them as upholders of the law, above and beyond any of us?

dsamn right I want to hear about it.

so its not focusing on them being bed, its making sure they are held accountable., and showing officeer smiley saving a kitteh is not going to change that really..

We dont have episodes of "DOCS" where we see doctors performing routine surgery and saving every day lives... we do however hear when they stick their finger in your bum before cutting your skull off.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 09:09 AM
Some people don't seem to like the premise of my OP, that's ok.
When the police go overboard in their duties I want to hear about it also, and everyone should.
That being said we should also look at the other side of the coin and give credit where credit is due.
At least once in a while.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: RedmoonMWC

Lawless, power drunk police culture is created with full participation of "good cops".
The bad cops are simply the ones taking overt action and probably because they are less intelligent, getting caught more.

Good cops and good Muslims are irrelevant until they take action.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 10:12 AM

Lawless, power drunk police culture is created with full participation of "good cops".
The bad cops are simply the ones taking overt action and probably because they are less intelligent, getting caught more.

Good cops and good Muslims are irrelevant until they take action.
a reply to: InverseLookingGlass

You have a point there. Good cops know they should be protecting the constitutional rights of citizens. When they see a bad cop stepping over the line they should intercede, lodge a formal complaint, or if needed. feel free to go to the press. It comes down to the fear of them losing their job. It's why we don't often see as many government whistle blowers for fear of reprisals. Edward Snowden is a perfect example.

I think everyone should be concerned. If the police are gung-ho to go military over this shooting, just think how easy they'll jump when the federal government orders them to do it across the country! Our military and police officers are trained to take orders and not to ask questions. If they do have reservations about killing citizens or supporting Marshall Law, will the moral conscience of the good cops cause them to stand down and refuse to follow the order?

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: RedmoonMWC

In my life I have never had a cop do anything to help me out... Only tickets, pointless questionings, arguing, frisking, illegal stop and searches.

If there were good cops, why is there so much corruption still? The good cops should be arresting the bad cops, and the corrupt politicians and speaking out against corruption in the police force with absolutely no worries about being let go from their job.

Most cops are brainwashed slaves that can not think for themselves and are perpetuating a corrupt system.

edit on 18-8-2014 by booyakasha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: booyakasha

I have had both happen. I have been stopped and asked for ID on multiple occasions, once with 5 other officers surrounding me.
I have also been picked up while hitch-hiking and given a ride to my destination, no questions asked.

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: RedmoonMWC
Some people don't seem to like the premise of my OP, that's ok.
When the police go overboard in their duties I want to hear about it also, and everyone should.
That being said we should also look at the other side of the coin and give credit where credit is due.
At least once in a while.

I respectfully disagree with your premise.

I believe we should ONLY focus on the bad Apples and not stop shaking the Sugar Trees until every last one of them is ploughed into the ground we all stand upon which is where attitudes that abbrogate the Peoples Trust while under Oath BELONG.

The MANY MANY GOOD men and women speak for themselves each and every day,they do not need to be heard any louder than WE ALREADY HEAR THEM,they ALREADY have our 100% support.

We must let NOTHING DEFLECT-DIMINISH-OR DILUTE the single-minded PASSION for basic Justice which drives the program hunting the Bad Apples we already know about.

NO ENERGY need be bled off of this critical inquiry to support what we ALREADY KNOW AND ACCEPT AS GOOD AND RIGHT.

We will sacrifice NO RESOURCES on redundance, we will use everything and everyone at our disposal to help and support the GOOD men and women already in law enforcement who are standing by looking for signs we are serious about being their back-up.

We all know from Grade School and basic Socialisation processes that there is ALWAYS A RING-LEADER,a Person in Charge,a CATALYST ,and we all know that it is very easy to stop the CYCLE OF DECEPTION when you remove only the CATALYST which is the Path of Least resistance and the most peacefull way.

In this case it will take a multi-pronged unilateral action across many States and Counties and Jurisdictions,this type of National Security Action is best undertaken by the Texas Rangers supported by National Guard and Military as needed.

You need to remove the catalysts from every group and the groups are spread across the country and function exactly as terrorist cellls,autonomous of each other but with one common overriding philosophy,covering up for each other under any and all circumstances.The Judges,Prosecutors,Lawyers,and anyone else who can be identified as a catalyst needs to be removed in one sweeping action.

Trying to fight a multi-headed Dragon one head at a time never works out.

edit on 18-8-2014 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:30 PM
Show proof that white cops are executing blacks everyday and getting away with it.

How often does a white cop actually shoot and kill an innocent black teen/man.

I guess our jails and prisons are full of innocent black teens and men, right?

If we accept the belief that the few bad cops taint the whole bunch, then maybe that is what happened to the black community. a few bad black men have given the black community a bad rap.

but that doesn't negate the fact that 60 to 80% of our prisons hold black criminals.

edit on 18-8-2014 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 05:32 PM
Agreed, not all are bad but the good ones are few and far between

posted on Aug, 18 2014 @ 08:13 PM

originally posted by: ChesterJohn
Show proof that white cops are executing blacks everyday and getting away with it.

How often does a white cop actually shoot and kill an innocent black teen/man.

I guess our jails and prisons are full of innocent black teens and men, right?

If we accept the belief that the few bad cops taint the whole bunch, then maybe that is what happened to the black community. a few bad black men have given the black community a bad rap.

but that doesn't negate the fact that 60 to 80% of our prisons hold black criminals.

The correct answer is EVERY TIME.

Everyone is innocent until determined to be otherwise by the Judiciary System,EVERY person shot and killed is INNOCENT.


In other words striking a law enforcement officer is NOT a death sentence,in fact engaging one further is NOT punishable by the death penalty,evading custody is NOT cause for death,trying to flee in a motor vehicle and simply coming near an Officer IS NOT CAUSE FOR THE DEATH SENTENCE.

By the way Tasers are lethal weapons so we can INCLUDE all of the deaths contributed to "other causes" to fall into the Felony category as well.

A law enforcement officers WEAPONS are not intended to force compliance,they are designed to protect their lives.Just because someone doesnt comply to verbal commands or flees does not mean you may pull your firearm on them and pursue under terminlly escalated dynamics you yourself initiated UNLESS YOU HAVE CAUSE TO BELIEVE THEY HAVE DONE SOMEONE GRIEVOUS HARM AND POSE A CLOSE AND PRESENT DANGER TO YOUR OWN LIFE...this does not mean running on its own.Dont chase,get back-up.The world will not stop.If the Bank robber is doing 120 mph DONT pursue,its only money,wait for back-up.It is simple if we want it to be.

posted on Aug, 19 2014 @ 01:03 AM
a reply to: RedmoonMWC
Nope they are all bad. At least patrol cops. As evidence I always point to the 4 cops charges in milwaukee for giving unwarrantes cavity searches sometimes to the several times a day to the same person. They would wven find drugs in pockets and say they were inthe persons body so they couls continue. It went on for ten years and finally four were charges but only one got decent jail timw. It wouls be rape if a civilian sid it. Also other cops were involced but from uears before that didn't get trouble and the WHOLE DEPT KNEW.

So that's an entire big ciy de pt. All cops are bad because they all know about worse cops and do nothingm

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