posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 04:24 PM
The OP raises a good point, one totally lost on nearly all of the posts so far due to his mention of the latest event in the arena of man vs. police.
So ignore that and let us focus on his point.
I own a tiger, I never go into his pen naked with blood smeared all over my body. Why? He's just looking for a reason to eat me and he is way
stronger, way more skilled then I and has no moral system comparable to mine.
The police are tigers looking for blood. They do not answer to you know matter who you are. Let that sink in, the police do not work for you, the are
under no legal, moral or contractual obligation to help you in any way. They work for the system of suppression only and that system has established
rules, policy and laws to help it suppress - and collect taxes.
The police desperately want you to produce the scent of blood so they can attack. I sincerely doubt the enter the locker room bragging about helping
and old lady cross the street, or giving directions to a lost tourist. I know the brag about bashing a guys head in, or teaching that kid a lesson
(the are the teachers you know).
The police cannot be reasoned with. The reason for this is simple, they have been taught "all people are guilty of something, find out what it is and
arrest them or tax them" and "remember, it is kill or be killed as we are in a war." They don't like people, otherwise they would not be
interested in being the oppressive arm of the suppression system. Too bright, too smart, too compassionate? The court has said you can be rejected as
an officer if you are NOT willing to blow someone's head off.
Most importantly: To those who decided to teach a cop a lesson in the law, or human nature and so on. No person has EVER taught an officer a lesson.
No officer has ever walked away from an encounter with a natural rights person and said, "gee you know what, I think we are going about this the
wrong way." If they were to be open to this kind of thinking the are fired - look up a cop's experience with just such a think, I believe in
The OP has stated something profound. You cannot win a war for your rights fighting the troops. The troops only enforce the policies that were
designed to enforce the law. Let me say that again.
There are millions of words of law, all subject to interpretation and all are not known by any one person. The laws are vague, confusing and
impossible for the average cop to understand - remember "too bright" are not accepted. As such the cops do not know the law, they know the POLICIES
DESIGNED TO ENFORCE THE LAW ONLY. The do not know the constitution, natural human law, moral law, or anything else, the only know the policies
designed to enforce those laws. Therefor, you will never make a point with them.
The are god, let them believe it, let them know they are Zeus, or Yahweh, or whatever. If you are going to fight them do it in court in some way. Sue
their bond company - not the force.