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Writer of The Coming Plague warns "you are not nearly scared enough about Ebola"

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posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: fleabit

hey fleasbiting, what if a mosquito bites the ebola patient then sucks on you. What about a nat that bites or a biting fly ? Your airplane theory is bogus. I can bet that if you know that an ebola infected person gets on the plane, I CAN bet a 100% that you would take the next flight out and stay away from that plane all together. I know i would. And if anyone else did, they would too. Something tells me you work for the airlines. NO. Any cdc can tell you that an airplane is not a bio-containment full proof of catching ebola on a plane. I'm sure they would tell you to avoid the plane all together and the plane would get roped off as bio hazzard. OH WAIT A MINUTE, what airline are we talking about ? I take that back, the airline would spray an air freshener and the plane would be in the air by the hour.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 01:01 PM
If it is allowed to spread in poor areas and without a vaccine eventually it will overwhelm most country's if not all
by sheer force of numbers.

Imagine just 5 Ebola victim a day entering a country illegally that people consider safe now because of rumors of cures and such.

Lets hope they do what needs to be done now rather than much worse later if it reaches breakout point.
and just hope it has not already reached breakout point

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: joho99

Agree completely. I wonder if it has reached that breaking point already. I know that when influenza is in season no matter what the strain is strain - only a few are actually tested and reported. I assume it is the same with this. Kinda wonder how bad it is.

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