the entice thing is actually not how it appears. the text says that they ate from the tree of knowledge but at the time, knowledge meant procreation
(adam knew his wife and she begat). enlil was mad about the knowledge thing.
so what that means is that the earlier "go forth and multiply" suddenly became a "don't multiply". that's because these are 2 different layers
of the same story. it's not a single line of thought in succession.
rightly dividing the scripture means you have to recognize which one is loaded with enlil (the accuser) stuff and which one is from the guy that
actually created us and gave us "knowledge" (procreation)
their eyes were opened to each other's naked bodies, not to some high esoteric secret. it's called hormones. hehe
originally posted by: muse7
What's the difference between Jesus and lets say Zeus? What sets Jesus apart? Why should I believe Jesus exists but not Zeus or Neptune?
This is not aimed to offend anyone I'm just genuinely curious
I know that Jesus might have existed but I'm talking about the Christian god what sets him apart from the rest?
Yahweh is Godhead over all creation both celestial and terrestrial, or natural and supernatural. He is not a created being, as he is the alpha &
omega, meaning he has no beginning or end, he is eternal and self-existent. He created and transcends the heavens and the earth. Zeus however, is
described in the Greek creation accounts as one of many created beings that was birthed out of other "gods" called Titans who themselves were the
offspring of Gaia and Uranus, the earth and the sky, meaning they are all nature gods, or pantheistic. This also makes Zeus pantheistic in his very
nature as he was birthed as a manifestation of thunder. So there is a colossal difference between Yahweh and Zeus, and the rest of the nature "gods"
worshipped by the rest of the world for that matter.
edit on 17-8-2014 by BlackManINC because: (no reason given)
Jesus is the IMAGE of God, not God himself. He is the perfect image, whereas we are fallen images. He is also the cause of the error in the image as
the Father of mankind (First Adam), and he is also the Redeemer as the Last Adam. In other words, he has lived every life in each of us. He is the
Alpha and Omega, or first and last man. Those born after Him are then from the firstfruits of the new man he engages. The new man does not step
forward until the end of day six, which is just about to happen.
There is only one character from history that can demonstrate his origin. He does it here:
8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Alpha is Aleph, or the first letter of the original alphabet. Omega is the Tav, or last letter of our original language of Phoenician. Phoenician is
a proto-Canannite language that leads to Hebrew, Latin, Greek and English. All languages are babel from this root sequence of letters.
Why is this a demonstration of his origin?
The word Father in Hebrew is Aleph Bet, or Alphabet. The Father represents the letters that form in sequence to make a Word.
Who is the Word, or Logos:
John 1
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were
made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the
darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Again, you still need more evidence.
In order for DNA to create a form from digital encoding, it must have a catalyst. Water is the catalyst. In the Bible, this is the Cup. Bread is
made from crushed seed. Christ claimed to be the bread of life.
Mother in Hebrew is Aleph (Strong) Mem (Water).
What do you get when you put chains and sequences of letters into water (Mater / Matrix)? You get a Son.
The word Son in Hebrew is Bet (House) Nun (Seed).
The House of Seed is the Son, or the seed making bread.
So far, the story checks out. There is much more. Throughout scriptures, there is a marker called the Aleph Tav. It is not a word, but appears in
the Hebrew from the very first verse of Genesis all the way to the verse I quote above. It is the marker for the Father and Son. Literally, it means
Strong Mark.
The word Sin is Chet, or to miss the mark. Tav is the mark to hit. The word TRUTH in Hebrew is Aleph Mem Tav, or Father, Mother Son.
This is the word EMET, or Truth. If you take away the Aleph, you have Met, or the Hebrew word Death. You cannot take the Father away from Truth or
there is no strength. Who did Christ always point to?
He pointed to the Father, or God. Jesus was not God, but part of the first family. The Son is the image of God.
Colossians 1
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all
things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead,
so that in everything he might have the supremacy. 19 For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, 20 and through him to reconcile to
himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross.
Catch what it says about the true God. He is invisible. In other words, He cannot be seen in an image, but only represented by all images. We are
all Sons of God. No more or less than Jesus. Jesus was merely the first and last in sequence.
Adam to Abraham is the age of the Father. 2000 years, or 2 days.
Issac to Jesus was the age of the Son. 2 Days.
Jesus to today is the age of the Holy Spirit (Mother). 1 Day.
On the 6th day, the new man is created.
The last day is a day of rest. We are at the end of the 6th day, or the day when the Holy Spirit rises in man.
As Jesus is, so we will be--the perfected image of God. God will be all in all.
edit on 17-8-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)
I cant believe that a simple question could receive so many nonsensical and irrelevant answers.
Answers that dont even address the question.
ats has become a shambles with no real discussion or objectivity, just a heap of silly statements based on peoples beliefs, without a drop of logic or
I wont answer the question bt writing my understanding, just a cut and paste, just because some one may be interested
In a sense asking this question is sort of like asking how the sun differs from other stars in our solar system—the point being that there are no
other stars in our solar system!
The point is that no other "religious leader" even compares to Jesus Christ. Every other religious leader is either alive or dead. Jesus Christ is
the only one who was dead (He died in our place, for our sins, according I Corinthians 15:1-8) and is now alive. Indeed, He proclaims in Revelation
1:17-18 that He is alive forevermore! No other religious leader even makes such a claim, a claim that is either true or utterly preposterous.
Another important difference is found in the very nature of Christianity. The essence of Christianity is Christ. Crucified, resurrected, ascended into
Heaven, returning someday. Without Him—and without His resurrection—there is no Christianity. Compare that with other major religions. Hinduism,
for example, can stand or fall entirely apart from any of the "great Swamis" who founded it. Buddhism is the same story. Even Islam is based upon
the sayings and teachings of Mohammed, not upon the claim that he came back to life from the dead.
The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 15:13-19, says that if Christ was not raised from the dead, then our faith is empty and we are still in our sins!
What he is saying is that the truth claims of Christianity are based simply and solely upon the resurrected Jesus Christ! If He did not, in fact, come
back from the dead—in time and space—then there is no truth to Christianity whatsoever. Over and over again throughout the New Testament the
apostles and evangelists base the truth of the Gospel upon the Resurrection.
One other significant point that we dare not overlook is the exceedingly important fact that Jesus Christ claimed to be the "Son of God" (a Hebraism
meaning "characterized by God") as well as the "Son of Man" (a Hebraism meaning "characterized by Man"). In many varied passages, He makes
claims to be equal with the Father (see, for example, John 10:29-33). To Him are ascribed all of the prerogatives and attributes of Deity. Yet He was
also a man, born of a virgin (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-56). Having lived a sinless life, He was crucified in order to pay for the sins of all men:
"He Himself is the satisfaction of God's wrath for our sins; and not for ours only, but for those of the whole world" (1 John 2:2), and then He was
resurrected from the dead three days later. He is fully God and fully Man, the "theanthropos" [from the Greek for God (theos) - Man (anthropos)];
yet He is one person.
The very Person and Work of Christ poses for us a question that we cannot avoid: What will you do with Jesus? We cannot simply dismiss Him. We cannot
ignore Him. He is the central figure in all of human history, and if He died for the sins of the whole world, then He died for yours as well. The
Apostle Peter tells us in Acts 4:12, "And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by
which we must be saved." If we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior from sin, we will be saved.
You know the funny thing, Jesus never demanded any one give money, neither does the teachings of the New Testament,
its just what some want to believe because they think they know everything
Thank you for that. Reread the end. I added a bit that I missed the first time. All of the videos from Willaim Sanford are worth watching. The
Aleph Tav is the target for us all.
p.s. jesus was the god of life and creation. his symbol was the ankh and dna. serpent wound staff, which he refers to himself as the serpent raised
on the staff of moses to bring healing to the people. he doesn't mean he's a snake. he's referring to medicine, dna, life creation. its amazingly
bizaare to me that the ankh was turned into a method of death when it was originally all about life and healing.
edit on 17-8-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)
Unfortunately, there is more to this story that may not sit well with most believers. It is unclear at this point in history how we will eventually
see Jesus (Son of God). He must come and demonstrate his own words.
The word Abaddon is the word used in Revelation for the destroying angel from the bottomless pit. Take the word apart.
Abba, or Ab is Father (Aleph Bet). Addon is Adonis, or Adonai. Jesus was called Adonai in the entire New Testament and not LORD (YHVH). He was Lord
Adonai. In Genesis 1, the Elihim creates all things, then rests at the beginning of Genesis 2. In Genesis 2, YHVH creates and splits Adam, followed
by restrictions in the Garden. In Genesis 1, Elohim did not restrict the garden and man was BOTH male and female. Adam was split in Genesis 2. Our
story is the story of the LORD creating. It is fully possible that our plight is directly caused by the LORD creating and proclaiming himself to be
God. Then again, this is most likely the will of the Father God all along. The prodigal must return. All things are destroyed and renewed.
Abaddon is literally translated, father of Adonai. This brings us back to the Phoenicians. They have the tradition of Adon as the son of Deity.
How will we know if Jesus is true? There is only one way we can. He must come and demonstrate his words as King of Kings. He must love his enemies
and not destroy them. He must do good to all men. He must seek peace and be meek. All the things that we hear from the NT must be fulfilled in his
actions when he returns. Anything short of his own words will show the truth behind the story. As 1 Corinthians 13 states, love keeps no record of
wrongs. As 1 John states, "God is Love."
Do I doubt Jesus from the OT to the NT (Aleph Tav)? All eyes will see. My faith and hope is in the truth of the invisible God and not the image that
is distorted. It took me a lifetime to find this answer. This does not mean I do not have faith in Christ. It means I am waiting to see how I am in
the body of Christ. Right now, we are all blinded to this reality. It is a story only until our memories are restored.
Faith must become solid fact, or it is no truth / hope at all.
edit on 17-8-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)
if he's enki, then yes he is. that's my position, anyway. enki was also called EA, pronounced Ayah. Add semitic prefix H-ayah, that is Yah-weh
and Yehovah. In fact, in ancient Egypt it was also Iah. Mose (moses) was the adopted son of Ahmose, who's name means son of Iah. Yep they don't
tell you that in sunday school, mosque or synagogue, but there it is.
if he's enki, then yes he is. that's my position, anyway. enki was also called EA, pronounced Ayah. Add semitic prefix H-ayah, that is Yah-weh
and Yehovah. In fact, in ancient Egypt it was also Iah. Mose (moses) was the adopted son of Ahmose, who's name means son of Iah. Yep they don't
tell you that in sunday school, mosque or synagogue, but there it is.
On that note, read the Cyrus Cylinder translation. Cyrus was the king that YHVH states was used for his purposes. If you read the Cyrus cylinder,
Cyrus gives credit for his victories to Marduk. Connect this then to the original story of Enki and Enlil. Marduk took control from the others and
made an agreement to control the destinies of man. Can we trust those earlier stories over that of the Jews? I am not sure.
What does it all mean? We don't know, but the clues tell us we are being manipulated (Deceived by Satan). I personally believe it means we should
be cautious what we believe to be true. It is my contention that the fallen Son of God is raised by the Father in the OT. The LORD is the Son (LUKE
3). He is the mind of us all throughout history. Each nation will have a name for the Son. Read the Thunder, Perfect Mind from the Gnostic texts.
marduk betrayed enki. he laid claim to the exploits of everyone that came before him. personally, i think he's nimrod which means he was nephil.
although, being nephil didn't automatically make one evil, as is evidence in the nephilim that helped king david over throw the philistines.
there's more to the story than we are told and that's causing alot of misconceptions.
ats has become a shambles with no real discussion or objectivity, just a heap of silly statements based on peoples beliefs, without a drop of logic or
I applaud your response, in that you addressed the topic, but to chide others for answering from their beliefs, "without a drop of logic or
intelligence" is a bit like the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it? Since you at least appear to be answering from a Christian mindset. No
conflict of interest there. Right?
The simple difference between Jesus, and the myriad of other gods is, Jesus won out because he became a state sponsored religion. Believe in him, or
we'll kill you, your family, your countrymen, and destroy your culture and history. Of course, now you're simply a heathen, and outside the mass
groupthink if you don't believe in Jesus.
Personally, I think we choose our afterlife. So I've decided to checkup on y'all every thousand years or so. I have this persistent belief that humans
are going to grow up someday. And somewhere in the universe, there will be stories written about the great exploits of the gods from a tiny blue
A long, long, time ago. In a galaxy far, far away...
edit on 8/17/2014 by Klassified because: (no reason given)
Christianity is the philosophy of self-immolation wrapped in the guise of salvation, so it can attack people on two-fronts: moral accusation and the
appearance of generosity. It feeds into the egos of people by making them feel special enough to be personally known by God while simultaneously
preying on our weakness, promising to take away all pain, suffering and death in perpetuity.
Where it is oppressed, it plays the martyr card very well, and where it is in charge, it has no institutional empathy towards the suffering of others.
In fact, it teaches that the flesh is wicked, suffering is a blessing from God which gets people to turn towards him and surrender to his will.
It is the ultimate death cult, hating the world and everything in it and worshiping a dying man eternally hanging on a cross.
It takes the pure message of Holy Mother and Son, which is timeless message echoed across many cultures and it perverts it from a Goddess of Sexuality
and Fertility into a barren virgin, from a son of power, prosperity, freedom and life into a son of weakness, poverty, slavery and death.
It usurps many things the ancients held dear to their hearts, but mostly it destroys the individual authority of people and the employment of their
intellect to improve upon the conditions of the world.
If you follow Jesus, do as he says. Give up all your possession, head out into the streets and trust in ShemHema to provide for you the things that
you need. Denounce the flesh as wicked. Give up worldly pleasure. Be neither married nor divorced, but asexual wretches clinging to the last thread of
life you have left in the hope that your self-immolation will earn you favor in the eyes of the sociopathic God. Any God who would deprive you of the
age of Chronos when all they have to do is bestow it upon you is not a deity worth celebrating, I can assure you of that.
Jesus was a man.
gods were and are potential otherworldly beings whom humans have turned to explain things going on in their world they can't understand.
The main difference is that Jesus is God while the angels/spirits you're referring to are only gods.
Think of Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost as the Soul, Body, and Spirit of God.
Yahweh is Father and is the Soul, mind, or awareness of God - he is the seer or sensor which images.
Yeshua is Son and is the Body, physicality, or [mental] imagery of God - he is what is imaged or seen.
The Holy Ghost is the Spirit, will, or purpose/ability of God - he is what is willed, desired, purposed, or functions.
From God [the Trinity] everything else came.
What gives things their distinctions are [mostly] their spirits, and their spirits are their will or purpose imbued from God.
As you know, many of the gods are defined by what they are the god or spirit of, and that is almost exactly what the word god/elohim means: an angel
or spirit whose purpose/will it is to govern someone or something.
Jesus' spirit, will, or purpose is to lead us to Father/awareness. As such, his qualities are what images are for: to teach, communicate, lead to an
awareness, to be the body of an awareness, etc.
Zues, Jupiter, Saturn, Appollo, Ra, Quetzalcoatl, etc may all actually be real gods and if they are, they are likely just as they are described - the
gods of something. Ra may very well be, or have been, the god or spirit of authority over/in charge of the sun. Quetzalcoatl may very well be or have
been the god or spirit of authority over the wind. etc.
Essentially, all of the "forces of nature" are actually the will or Spirit of God that was manifest into spirits for the purpose of governing
things, and so they are gods. And Jesus is the Lord over them because truly everything was imaged to lead us to know God's awareness / Father.
There are many gods: some over churches, some over planets, some over elements, some over lifeforms, etc but their commonality is that they are all
over some will/function - it is their spirit to govern something.
Christians should not deny that there are gods over things.
For every different will or function in nature, there is almost assuredly a specific god over it - overwise, things would not (re)act differently.
Reality is God manifesting the images that are within his will - it is "good" concept (re)production. Evolution is actually the reproduction of
concepts. A concept being an awareness/soul of a will/spirit, and the bodies/images we know are the images of said of awarenesses - what is imaged or
imagined to be a "good" concept.
"good" concept (re)production is everything and none of us can escape it. Our part is to be church, or to spread the gospel or awareness of God as
imagers, or to be wed or apart / same spirit as the Son. This is why men spread religion and laws.