posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to:
Sometimes, all you can do is throw your hands up, and either bellow your inchoate rage at the sky, or put the old Whiskey Tango Foxtrot face on, and
muddle through regardless.
Like tonight for example... I was getting ready to go to bed, and all of a sudden, I hear the crash of breaking glass, and the pitter patter of
shards of glass hitting the floor. I scoop up my boots, my jacket, and head downstairs, to find that one of the businesses across the road has had its
window smashed. I assumed the face at this point, and that face has remained with me since. After applying said face, I dealt with the police, got
accosted in the street by friends of the person who probably did this, then swore expansively, and went the hell back to bed. Of course, I cannot
sleep now!