a reply to:
They release this video of Mike Brown and here is why. They are going to let Darren Wilson get away with Murder! They are just priming people to "Get
Ready". For when they announce Brown was being aggressive to Wilson.
The video clearly shows Brown, not but hours before his murder, Acting aggressive to the store clerk. This is all part of the well placed plan to get
Wilson off the hook.
You watch. I already see it. This video of Brown was put out, to sway peoples thoughts and feelings. Which it clearly has. The fairy tale is over, and
Brown was aggressive. Hence that will allow Wilson's testimony stand up in court.
Just watch.. I already see it coming. Darren is going to get off on this. And this video release was just the first STAB at the people.
I don't agree with their tactics. It is a complete phy op.
They already know that Wilson is going to say it was in self defense.
Now they just have to hurt Brown and his family. Poor taste. But I get it.. I see what they are doing.
But make no mistake.. This goes beyond Mike Brown. This is more than just about one kid. This is really about Cops over reach, and military style
presence all over the USA.
Do they not know about escalation? Cops get Body armor. Criminals get armor piecing rounds. Cops get Tanks, then Criminals gear up for war. This is
coming to a boiling point. And it is not good.
I see the chaos to come.
I know I am not the only one..
But I am stating this here for the record.
Once they announce Darren Wilson innocence, I can come back to this post here, and be like.. Yep, saw it coming from the start..
Carefully crafted.
I stand behind all those who stand up against the Status Quo. I stand behind all those who seek to Fight the power!
Its what we have been doing here on ATS since the Start!
Now it is coming into reality. So now is the time to pick a side.
For once in my life, I am picking a side. And I stand with the people.
Even in light of Mike Brown acting like a "thug". Even in light that he was acting a fool. Still does not justify years of police brutality.
You know I get it .. I see the other side too. Police have a real hard job out here, working the mean streets. I get it. Don't think I am missing that
part of the puzzle. But weight with everything else. Sorry the scale fall in favor of the people this time. Not the police, or TPTB.
Edit- I had made this post on a couple other pages.. I did write this all out in notepad, and had to make a couple notes in this. As with everything
being said, and things moving so fast. It is harder and harder to be heard. Lots of white noise. But we will make our voices be HEARD! Thanks for
the thread!
edit on 22814234285 by zysin5 because: spelling edit