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The Furgeson community is shooting itself in the foot!

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posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 03:39 PM
The law enforcement can't do anything without drawing the ire of the public. It seems to be a no win.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: pennydrops

I knew someone was going to turn this into a race thing.

I'm upset that the African Americans in that neighborhood dropped the ball on this. They had a legitimate complaint and they had the worlds attention. They should of organized, whether black or white, and had people in their community stand in front of those stores to deter anybody from looting. They had bad press the first time there was looting, don't make the same mistake twice!!!

The thought behind my thread was the loss of support if the criminal element continues to loot and shoot their guns on the street! It may be wrong, but the majority of people will relate looting to the protesters. I also think sympathy for the teen who lost his life, lost some support after seeing the video of him allegedly robbing the convenience store. If this kid robbed a store once, how many other times was he involved in a crime but has never been caught?

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: kosmicjack

Here's a novel idea...don't police the protesters - police the looters/rioters.
They stood by and watched the looting and now they are punishing all of the citizens of Ferguson for the acts of a few.

You like many blacks fail to understand the definition of and point of a COMMUNITY!!!! What a small minority do reflects badly on the rest of the community. If the black people of Ferguson want to do something and the innocent protesters want to do something maybe they should try reeling in and condeming and stopping the looting and rioting IN THEIR COMMUNITY! If enough of the good, law abiding black people have enough balls to go out and protest they should find the couragement and teamwork to go out there and stop the few of their neighbors etc. that are causing problems. THAT my friend is the point of a COMMUNITY! Like I said before blacks want all the benefits of a community without doing any of the "work". Next time the blacks have murders committed in their town instead of telling people not to snitch they should be out there demanding justice and telling the police who the perp is. That is COMMUNITY!

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 04:03 PM

originally posted by: Witness2008
a reply to: Nyiah

The video and the article both address the fact that Ferguson residents came to the rescue of the business being looted. How can you indict a whole community for the acts of a few stupid people? I'd say that the residents of Ferguson have grown "a pair" they had to over the years, it's the only way they have stayed as calm and collected as they have living under police brutality.
where were they last night when the looting and destruction was going down? If they care so much why werent they all standing guard with the store owners and protecting their beloved community? I know if i or a friend or family member had a store out there we would all be out there with ARs drawn protecting our investment.

Thats the thing about a small community, if you love it so damn much, protect it with your life.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 04:04 PM
a reply to: CRUSTY37

They were out there trying to protect businesses.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: Liquesence

Here's the problem. I find it outrageous that a cop had to use lethal force on this kid. Not to mention shooting him 8 times and letting him lie in the street for hours. I can understand how the black community, African Americans, (trying to be politically correct) can be mad as hell considering all the law abiding African Americans who have problems with the police all over the country.

Let's not try to ignore the fact that people will associate a culture based upon food, cultural habits, music, dress, religion, and yes crime. I'm Italian, when you think of Italians you think of good food and the "mafia," , lol. Russians and Chinese Americans are now being associated with "mafias." Muslims and their religion are looked upon as having a radical religion and unfortunately as possible terrorists. The African American culture is associated with Rap music, athletics and great dancers, but they're also associated with crime because of the amount of violence and shootings that occurs in their neighborhoods.

Call it what it is, but people associate cultures with how they act and what goes on in their "communities." It's like someone being nervous on a plane if they see a middle eastern man or women. With all the suicide bombings, 9/11, gruesome beheadings and infighting between religious sects, how can you honestly say a majority of people don't feel comfortable around them in a plane?

The African American communities have the same problem when it comes to crime, drive-bys, home invasions and shootings. There is a disproportional amount of violence and crime coming from their culture. The glorification of a thugs life, rap music that talks about killing cops, gang related violence, drugs and their rankings in education are at the bottom. Anyone who denies this are not being true to themselves or anyone else.

I'm not trying to be raciest, I'm just stating the facts.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: GreenMtnBoys

You know, a lot of people may call you raciest, but unfortunately you're telling it like it is. People want to be politically correct and cover one eye. If the black community wants to stop being stereotyped, they need to address the violence in their communities. People are weary and nervous when they're alone with a group of black men. It all stems with the amount of violence and crime being committed by African Americans. It's wrong that the police are stereotyping, but heck they're only human. Human beings react and feel according to past experiences and what they see.

Case in point...A lot of people are very uneasy being around a pit bull because a majority of dog attacks are done by this breed. Does that mean every pit bull you see on the street will attack? No, but it doesn't put people at ease when they're in the company of them. The amount of attacks and publicity this breed gets, has given it a reputation that the breed can't be trusted. Until the attacks stop, this breed will always have a stigma attached to it.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 05:40 PM

originally posted by: ExNihiloRed
a reply to: Liquesence

Tell that to the cop who has death threats against him and had to leave the area and go under protection because he was doing his duty. If the cops intervened in the looting I bet they would have gotten attacked by the protestors. At least that might have been their concern.

Maybe if the cop had known he was a suspect he wouldn't have approached him in the way he did and had the big guy try and take his gun.

the cop put himself in a predicament because the big boy knew he had just robbed a store (the cop did not) and thought this cop was after him and when he got close enough he thought he was big enough to take the gun away and shoot the cop. In the end the big boy gets shot dead for thinkin' he was all that.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:05 PM

So black people and white people have a community? Lol cmon man. Its a use of force dispute. Race is irrelevant.

All blacks are not like that. Dont let this turn you into a racist. Thats exactly why they put it in that perspective and used those words. They got you (msm)

a reply to: darkwarrior

I'm italian, and when I grew up we lived in a neighborhood made up of mostly Italians! People called it the Italian community, and it was also called little Italy. So if "black community is politically incorrect," how about I call it the African American culture?

The African American culture has a big problem with crime and violence in their neighborhoods. You can't ignore that fact. When a culture or race of people display habits, they develop a stigma related to those habits. Not every African American engages in crime or violence, but the law abiding citizens ends up getting lost in all of it.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to: WeRpeons

So then I have to ask you what have YOU done about the Mob?

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:24 PM

'm not a racist. I don't believe any one race is superior than any other. But I do believe as a people black Americans have some SERIOUS issues they need to work out. I've heard all the excuses in the book. Corruption, poverty, white raciesm blah blah blah. It's BS! This is the 21st century not the 1950s!!!!!!! Look at the Asians and all the other people that come from that part of the world. They have their issues but they sure as hell have a different way of life and culture and I will say work ethic than blacks. So am I racist? LOL Pathetic.
a reply to: GreenMtnBoys

Nicely said. Whenever someone points out the problems in the black culture, you're immediately labeled as a raciest. They do have SERIOUS problems that they need to address. All I know, is if I was a black man and saw my son or daughter on the nightly news as one of the looters coming out of that store, there would have been hell to pay!

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:29 PM

I dont care where youre from. You have a racist perspective. You actually interviewed the MAJORITY of black people in st louis and asked what they think of Bill Cosby? Or was that another thoughtless generalization?
a reply to: darkwarrior

Bill Cosby lambasted his own black race about throwing their dirty laundry on the streets. African Americans were outraged. Sometimes the truth hurts.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: 2wheelvet

Exactly my point. There's a reason why they are being stereotyped by police. The community had a chance to put the police on trial for this outrageous shooting, but than they have people in this same community looting and setting fires. There's no other word for it but stupid.
edit on 16-8-2014 by WeRpeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:45 PM
Sounds like they did a bang up job. So the bad guys must outnumber the good guys i guess. a reply to: Kali74

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: ExNihiloRed
a reply to: Liquesence

Tell that to the cop who has death threats against him and had to leave the area and go under protection because he was doing his duty. If the cops intervened in the looting I bet they would have gotten attacked by the protestors. At least that might have been their concern.

Exactly how does that have any relevance whatsoever? He made the decision to become a cop, he can deal with the result and daily hardships regardless of circumstance in which he was involved. He likely knew—or came to understand—what the job entails (and he probably learned all too well from his fellow officers, namely how to play things to the LE advantage). And something he, voluntarily wearing a badge, has to deal with and accept.

"If cops intervened in the looting.." So that's a valid justification for...NOT intervening as officers of the law? A very BS rationale and justification.
edit on 16-8-2014 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 07:04 PM
I have a feeling a lot of people aren`t going to like the results of the autopsy when the report is released because it will confirm what they don`t want to believe and make a lot of witnesses look like liars.
I think the autopsy will show that:
1) He wasn`t shot in the back
2) He has gunshot residue on his hands,confirming he was trying to take the gun when it went off in the car.
3) He has drugs in his system.

If it was a justified use of deadly force then all of this looting,rioting,and protesting was for nothing.
Just like the boy who cried wolf too many times,people are going to stop paying attention when another "innocent black kid" gets killed by the police.
I`ve already reached the point where I`m cynical when I hear that another innocent black kid was unjustly killed by the police.
I try to keep an open mind with each new case but that`s hard to do when time after time the evidence ends up proving that the "innocent kid" wasn`t a kid and wasn`t so innocent.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 07:33 PM

o then I have to ask you what have YOU done about the Mob?
a reply to: Kali74

What have I done or what have most Italian Americans done? We raised our children to know that the Mafia is a bad thing. Just like crime, you teach your kids the moral responsibility that killing or being violent is not tolerated. We give our kids consequences when they do the wrong thing. Settling disputes without violence was always stressed in my home and also in my parent's home. We were always taught to treat people with respect. To earn respect, you have to earn it. We were always taught to work hard and be considerate of other people. Heck, I started working at the age of 14!

As far as stopping the Mafia, I think that's the responsibility for the FBI and the police. Any kind of crime is bad, but the difference here is, a majority of the time the mafia kills people in their own organizations. They don't prey on innocent civilians. Having said that, they are known to shake down businesses, whether they still do that or not, I don't know. The Italian mafia is no longer what it used to be. A lot of their organizations were taken down. Now in Sicily, that's a whole different story.

Italian and Polish immigrants were discriminated against when they came to the United States. I know my grandparents would tell me stories how they wouldn't be hired for jobs, being called whops, degos, grease balls, you name it. They all had to prove their worth. They worked hard and they we're proud of their community. They also stressed the importance of education. (If I ever spoke back to a teacher or got in trouble at school, my butt would be red and I would be grounded for two weeks!, lol)

Through hard work and education, they moved up into middle class neighborhoods. To reduce any kind of violence in a community, it has to start in the home.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 07:55 PM
a reply to: Tardacus

Give all these incidents where it was proven the cops were innocent. Like Rodney King.

Just because they got off with usually white juries means nothing.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 07:57 PM
White kids have riots after soccer games. Do people blame the whole white community?

When John Gotti got off 3 times the community had a party with fire works

So all Italians are responsible for that?

edit on 16-8-2014 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: WeRpeons

But the mafia still exists and you're Italian so you're partly to blame.

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