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Homeland Security Predicts Rise of 'Anti-Government' Violence

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posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

No probs

It drives me crazy too when words to that to me

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 08:41 PM
This reminds me of the Ministry of Defence Concepts & Doctrine Center "future strategic context" report that they release every ten years or so. They don't call their report a prediction, of course, they call it "probability-based, rather than predictive".

- Within 30 years implanted brain chips as standard for all citizens in developed nations.

- A sharp decline in the population of white Europeans but an 81% increase in the population of sub-Saharan Africa and that of Middle Eastern countries by 132%.

- Unchecked globalization that effectively ends the nation state and leads to wars based on territorial belief systems rather than country against country.

- Endemic unemployment, instability and threat to the social order as a result of population increase.

- A mass revolt on behalf of the middle classes of the developed world in opposition to rampant immigration, an urban under-class and the deterioration of social order.

- The revival of Marxism as a replacement for religion in an increasingly morally relativist age.

- The emergence of a "terrorist coalition," an alliance of belief systems that oppose the state, from environmentalists to "ultra-nationalists" and remnants of religious groups.

- The development of neutron weapons that destroy living organs but not buildings.

Kinda like a "to do" list of the NWO. Ad Astra!

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:14 PM
Homeland Security Predicts Rise of 'Anti-Government' Violence

Freekin geniuses them

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: keenasbro
You will need to scroll down the page to view the full report.
I am not able to copy any of the content from the report, only the part below from the article.

If anyone was wondering if the DHS is taking much notice of the possibility of civil unrest in on.

A leaked document from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis predicts increased “anti-government violence over the next year.” The document says the inspiration for violence is Cliven Bundy’s Bunkerville standoff with the Bureau of Land Management from earlier in the year.

From the report:
After years of only sporadic violence from violent domestic extremists motivated by anti-government ideologies, I&A has seen a spike within the past year in violence committed by militia extremists and lone offenders who hold violent anti-government beliefs. These groups and individuals recognize government authority but facilitate or engage in acts of violence due to their perception that the United States Government is tyrannical and oppressive, coupled to their belief that the government needs to be violently resisted or overthrown.

edit on 15-8-2014 by _BoneZ_ because: Removed all-caps from title. MOD NOTE: The use of All Caps

Text Sounds like king george's ruminations about those Yankees of yester year.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:17 PM
a reply to: keenasbro

Predicts or plans to instigate?
Because theyve been working hard on the latter.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:25 PM

I love the way that the government tags the unhappy and dissatisfied voters and tax payers when fed up with government corruption, police brutality and oppression "extremist"

There are plenty of right-wing anti government extremists in this country, it's not imaginary. Remember the morons bringing guns to town hall meetings about Obamacare and wearing shirts that said freedom requires blood sacrifice or some such thing?

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to: keenasbro

Gee really, they figured it out that people are upset? What gave it away? Bush and then Obama and soon to come Hillary? Good thing we have the best and brightest working in the United States...

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: CB328

Funny remember a Mike Capuano Congressman from Massachusetts who mentioned at a rally to his union buds "Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary."

We are surrounded by ideological mental patients...left, right or in the middle...

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: Iamthatbish
In order for any movement to succeed today it would have to be non violent. Otherwise the movement would just be labeled as a terrorism threat.

Yeah right.

Like the 'Occupy' movement?

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 10:29 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: rickymouse
I'm going to go stick gum under the seat at the courthouse or maybe pull a bunch of waiting tickets off the roll at the license bureau to cause chaos. I want to fit in.

I'm with you. In solidarity, I'm going to hand dry my dishes, whisper dirty things in my wife's ear, and eat ice cream this Sunday. These are all against law in my state (they're actually on the books).

And the SAD part of all this funny talk? That we still "think" we are a free country. Pitiful.

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
a reply to: keenasbro
after what has happened in America this week it doesn't exactly take Nostrodamus to figure that one out.

Wonder how much that report cost.

I was going to say something like that LOL, but talk about the easy way to self-fullfilling prophecy eh ;-) They piss people off and then piss them off some more and then predict the people will be pissed off. Funny junk!

Cheers - Dave

posted on Aug, 15 2014 @ 11:04 PM
a reply to: Cuervo

I think you must live in Oregon?

At least you can eat ice cream with a fork on the sidewalk there. Better than California.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 05:42 AM
a reply to: keenasbro


These organisations and agencies always write their reports backwards.

The problem is not anti-government feeling amongst the population, but the fact that the government is behaving in a way which makes the citizens angry! If they stopped trying to control the people (not the job of government) then perhaps people would be less inclined to rip the spine out of the nearest authority figure!

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: CB328

...wearing shirts that said freedom requires blood sacrifice or some such thing?

Well, history rather proves that, on the whole, it does.

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:47 AM

originally posted by: Cynic
And you wonder why Homeland Security bought a shat load of bullets.

They got a butt load of bullets primarily because we are no longer a nation for, of or by the people. Imagine the mind set that propagandizes its ability to suppress the people? And worse its an "agency" of the "government" unelected and unaffiliated. Their headquarter complex is larger than the Pentagon. All the ground work laid for an american "get-stopo".

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: CB328

I love the way that the government tags the unhappy and dissatisfied voters and tax payers when fed up with government corruption, police brutality and oppression "extremist"

There are plenty of right-wing anti government extremists in this country, it's not imaginary. Remember the morons bringing guns to town hall meetings about Obamacare and wearing shirts that said freedom requires blood sacrifice or some such thing?

Maybe they were responding to the POTUS idea of a national defense front or some sh*t. Larger than our military he said it would be. Do you remember that? Oh that's sure to set the freedom loving americans at ease! Who couldn't compare something like that to the Brown Shirts?

posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 09:02 AM
To formulate such an equation; to come up with any certain scenarios, (result) the chemist/social programmer has to know the reaction he wants to achieve first-hand.

He has to add each ingredient separately. He knows what to expect by the end of his experiment.

If he doesn't know the reaction ahead of time; =4

How does he know he has to add 2 + 2 ?

posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 01:50 AM
It probably goes something like this.

"Hey Fred, what's going on out in the real world?"

"Well Mr. President,
We've spent several decades destroying the security of the nation.
We've undermined the dollar to the point of ridiculousness.
We've allowed the wholesale deportation of most of the manufacturing to foreign countries.
We tax as much as we can get away with and borrow another 40% on top of that to cover our expenditures.
We ignore the citizens and taxpayers but cater to the rest of the world and to people who are here illegally.
We continuously lie too and cheat our citizenry while stealing from them.
We've got the citizens divided and hating each other.
Our politicians are all getting rich while ignoring the needs of the constituents.
We've tripled the cost of healthcare and cut the effectiveness by half.
And we finally got to legally import three actual cases of ebola.
That's about it for now.

"Damn Fred, that's something.
guess they ought to be pretty pissed off at us by now."

"Yes sir.
To be honest, we can't figure out how we've gotten away with it for so long.
They should have revolted by now but they just keep on working and paying taxes.
We just don't get it. "

Put out some bulletins and tell everybody we're ready for the civil war that's coming.
We'll have to find a way to really piss em off. We're running behind schedule."

"Yessir. Right away."

"Oh, and Fred..."


"Any ebola reported on the Mexican border yet?"

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