I would not automatically rule out the possibility of the Mayan calendar having some correlation with the Apocalypse just because they were pagan.
Remember the "3 wise men"? They were Magi...astrologists...and not Jewish. Based on what they saw with the stars and planets (that a Jewish King
was born) they came to find the baby Jesus and give him the gifts, and worship him. I think they are the first recorded people to worship Jesus after
he was born.
And according to some people ( www.markbeast.com - I'm not sure about everything on the site, but there was some interesting stuff. ) 70
jubilee-cycles after God's people entered Canaan, which possibly puts the beginning of the Tribulation in 2008 (this year). The year 2012 would then
occur in the middle of the Tribulation, and the end would occur in 2015.
Jesus Christ seems to be mentioned in the middle all the time, like when God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit are mentioned, He's in the
middle. He died in the middle of a 7 year sabbatical cycle (3.5 years of ministry) - “In the middle of the ‘seven’ He will put an end to
sacrifice and offering.” Daniel 9:27 (NIV)
Here's another site that briefly mentions this:
I just thought this stuff was interesting. I don't necessarily agree with everything on www.markbeast.com, but the Sabbatical and Jubilee cycles
were something I was never aware of, but they seem to make sense and seem to be supported scripturally. I'm not sure of the accuracy of the
calculations of years/seasons on the site, but the fact that the Mayan calendar ends around the middle of the (calculated) last 7 years before the
next 1000 years with Christ reigning on earth begins, plus with all the other astronomical things possibly happening then (according to scientists), I
would say that there's enough information/evidence to consider it a possibility.
When you look at the extent of sin in the world, it's hard to imagine that the end times would not occur in the near future. Our government (the
U.S.), the most free country, is so corrupt on so many levels, and the level of freedom is nothing compared to what it was when it was created in the
late 1700's...I would even consider the vast majority of the population on earth, including us in the U.S. to be slaves...to the monetary systems,
the political systems, the entitlement systems (welfare, financial aid, subsidized whatever...all based on forcibly taking property [money
usually]...commonly known as theft...from one person and doing whatever they want with it or distributing it however 'they' see fit)...God-given
rights are forsaken for 'positive rights'...our freedoms/rights are systematically being denied more and more, and we no longer have the power we
used to have to guarantee that our government works for us instead of against us. What made our country great was that the libertarian ideas in the
minds of the people of this country in the late 1700's was that they matched very closely to those taught in the Bible.
These days people think that the ends justify the means, and stealing from someone is ok if it helps someone else, or that the government is
all-knowing and knows how to raise a child better than the parents of the child do, or that unjust pre-emptive wars are somehow ok and will somehow
make us safer (no man can guarantee safety) and the ability to ignore our right to privacy, or uses fiat (fake) money and manipulates the supply
through interest rates and printing more of it (inflation - which is practically a hidden/deceptive tax/theft).
Unjust government intervention promotes conflict in peoples lives and economies, whereas respect for peoples God-given rights, and punishing the
unjust promotes peace for all those involved.
With widespread disregard for justice or any Christian principle in todays world, we're definitely nearing the end days.