posted on Aug, 16 2014 @ 10:49 PM
The Ultimate Conspiracy (possibly)
Maybe the trivial doctrine, that we are lead to believe, intelligence is only academic, wealth is a goal to strive for, civilized slavery is our only
option, perpetual world crisis is just the way it is, the distribution of belief, has to be believed, all propaganda, under every veil is the truth
you will, believe…………….
Have we not minds to think, or are we a twitter, face book rip each other, take each other apart, show, I have the most fantastic, narcissist
egotistical existence, for what to make ourselves feel mighty, in our game ridden mobile empire of futile gadgetised scorn and quick wit, critical
assassination of each other, behind the keys of scorn for a moment of pointless satisfaction.
200.000 years of humanity, are you not entertained…………………….Bread and circus
Maybe in the whole all of it , the synchronicities, are, I think, the eternal collective, serenely becoming, but to high, is the percentage, in the
hibernation state, of reality, as a will flows inwards, directing ego , self comfort, function, habit, a self belief, confined system, in between
Family or enemy, perpetuating sub-conscious , symbiotic affairs with constriction, shadowing the doors to potentialities, this I struggle to
understand although, it is as, as I will not put my will on another(although it frustrates), as this would fold the truth in the harmony of
I feel that it might be that an internal mechanism, synchronized with the vital organs, somehow, can bring into fruition, a form of secondary
intrinsic knowledge, if the will given, chooses to do so, it’s a bit out there, but can we basically, restructure our own DNA, for what purpose?
I’m not totally sure……………