posted on Aug, 13 2014 @ 11:41 PM
I started writing them down about a year ago. I really should get them into a word doc or scanned to PDF.
Honestly, to me, it feel like I'm there...just living life. I don't really have an inner monologue in the dream, I just seem to do stuff out of
habit or instinct. Like I said it's like watching a movie or reality show of a persons life.
I also get the feeling I'm on earth even though it looks so alien, maybe that's because it's the "earth" to my protagonist. The other humans
I've seen look like they're human, just wider and thicker, maybe not taller as I have no reference and everything seems big, just big.
But yes, recently I started trying to piece it all together like maybe it's some brilliant idea for a book my subconscious is trying to dictate to
I do somewhat believe in retaining memories from past relatives through DNA as there is some scientific weight to that, but I can't really accept
that I'm having a memory from an alien grandpa...
The dinosaurs I've seen are Triceratops (Torosauruones mixed in), some type of feathered tyranosaur and a bunch of little ones. I've also seen huge
gorillas. Most everything is big really, even the bugs.
I know one thing, I avoid other humans more than I avoid dinosaurs. I carry no weapons at all and seem to be a vegetarian. The humans I avoid carry
weapons, very similar to what you might see in NZ tribes and they paint/tatoo their bodies. I've seen their camps and they have bones etc from
animals, however I've found human skulls. These are the times I've woken up in a cold sweat/panic. A few times I couldn't even breathe...
I don't do shrinks so I'm unsure how to research this type of material. I'm a scientist and I'm having trouble writing these off as projections of
my waking life.
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