a reply to:
Blue Shift
Well, that's kind of the thing though.
If we simply continue to expect 'rock-solid' physical evidence on a matter like this, we may never truly get the answer. Look at it already, we have
some massive gaps in our 200,000 year history as 'modern man' where transitionary evidence has evidently largely been lost.
When evidence is lost like that, you HAVE to apply critical thinking to reach the answers. Take the Tomb of Jonah for example. It was recently
completely blown from this Earth by ISIS. It NO LONGER EXISTS.
The only way a future generation in 3000 years time will EVER be able to deduce that a Tomb of Jonah actually existed would be through the use of
careful analysis of historical secondary evidence.
In that same sense, we might just be in a similar scenario. We actually have a ridiculously large amount of sacred and ancient texts and traditions
relating to a massive catastrophic event that had destroyed most of the PREVIOUS civilisation.
We have evidence of GOLD MINING at 30,000 BC. We have one-off, amazingly well sculpted 'Lion-man' statuette from around 40,000 BC.
We have some settlements in 80,000 BC. Domestication in 12,000 to 8,000 BC. Massive flood around 14,000 to 12,000 BC. Megalithic structures at 10,000
BC, not followed again for 1,000s of years. Cave paintings 10,000s of years apart.
We had gold in abundance, one of the Earth's rarest and most widely spread elements. Out of the 7 metals of antiquity, it is the one we should've had
least of. Establishing a gold mine is NOT simple work either lol.
We also know the Earth can pretty much swallow massive amounts of evidence of previous civilisations within a relatively short span of a couple
thousand years. With the human desire of destruction, even quicker than that.
We may never have the privilege of finding much out about our complete history through a primary, smoking-gun singular piece of evidence. Past a
certain time back, we may genuinely be left with just some jigsaw pieces and nothing more.
In that sense, we really do need more people like Hancock, who I think is a great man actually.
But I do fully agree with you that humanity will probably require some ridiculous form of undoubtable smoking-gun tangible evidence before subscribing
to this on a whole.
Perhaps we should start searching the sea much more. Unfortunately, just as we speak my friend, evidence of our history is being destroyed.
Estimates put the numbers at 10,000s if not 100,000s of tablets, figurines and cylinder seals from the most ancient of true civilizations - the
Sumerians/first mesopotamians - have been destroyed by military activity and groups like ISIS.
This tablet source include ones like the story of Gilgamesh which practically completely mirrors the story of Noah's Ark but at least 3,000 years
earlier! These things are extremely important to deciphering a full picture of our past and yet once they're gone - they're gone.
I'm afraid we might actually be left with nothing but scraps of our true history at this point.
edit on 13-8-2014 by DazDaKing because: (no
reason given)