posted on Dec, 4 2004 @ 06:15 PM
Det som skulle bli en harml�s �vning i flygs�kerhet slutade med ett pinsamt misstag f�r den franska polisen p� l�rdagen.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
I could only find this news in Swedish, so here comes a little translation:
It started as a harmless exercise but ended up as an embarrasing mistake by the French police. The plan was to see if the policedogs could find
explosives in a suitcase on the Charles de Gaulle airport. One of the staff accidently send the suitcase away before the dogs had found the
explosives. Before the French police found out in wich of the 80 planes it ended up in it was already in the air!
If anyone find links to this news in english please post them.