posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to:
sorry little late on the reply , my PC is nearing death , few blue screens , internet cable port controller seems to have died already , im using old
wireless adapter , pulling 70 kb download speed per sec , takes minutes to load a simple internet page
Ordered a new one , so gotta hold on for a few days
Have you noticed that KSP even emulates gravity assistance?
yeah it saved my first Mun contract Mission , and my craft packed with science , had to little fuel , but managed to get it off the surface and do a
hohmann transfer to Kerbin , wich was able to catch me in his gravity field and entered the atmosphere.
Mechjeb is really helpful for Hohmann transfers
I agree , the accuracy is usually spot on , i rarely have to make course adjustments upon rendevous with other planets with mechjeb.