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Strategic Plan to Destroy ISIL

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posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 09:29 PM
First Obama has to totally relinquish his proposition to the overthrowing of the Syrian President Basher Assad. Inform the non terrorist rebel forces, the FSA, that it has to hold its fire with the long range goal of reaching a deal with Assad.

Similar to the deal they made with Assad over chemical weapons, which has turned out well, the US should form a temporary alliance with Assad for the sole reason of destroying the ISIL forces in Syria and IRAQ

A similar deal should be made with the new IRAQI government once Malaki is out of the picture for good. Insist that the new government initiate immediate reforms to bring the Sunni and Kurd population into the governing and military infrastructure.

Make public announcements of these changes that the rights and privileges of all minorities in IRAQ is guaranteed.

Continue the arming and supporting of the Kurds by both the US and the IRAQI government: air, intelligence and logistical support to the max. This along with the new initiative of the Iraqi military establishment and massive volunteers of militia units from the Iraqi populace should insure a steady supply of basic military units to initiate an offensive in the IRAQI sphere of operations.

This leaves four potential pools of military units: the Kurds, regular Iraqi army, the Iraqi Militias, and the Syrian regular army troops who can form the bulk of the ground units to fight along with the more comprehensive air attack that the US will immediately initiate as an offensive operation against ISIL units.

Strategically speaking a two tier command should be erected: the Syrian sphere and the Iraqi sphere. The overall command structure should be based in the Iraqi Kurd area in the Iraqi sphere.

In theory the destruction of the ISIL regular military units can be relatively straight foward and militarily speaking easy. Facilitated by the terrain and the operational position of the enemy and his scattered forced: the enemy has too wide a front that Special Forces of the US can readily take advantage of.

This is so because ISIS is an irregular military structure with no real base of operations outside its acquired territory in Syria and recently in Iraq. In other words unlike opponents such as the North Vietnamese, the Taliban army, ISIL lacks a viable county to safely retreat to…. They have no where to hide!

Special Forces are necessary here because the enemy, ISIL, has been given time to embed itself into the conquered populations. And that is the biggest challenge of this operation. Therefore number no more than 5000 and no less than 3000 special ops from the US is a necessity in this operation: primarily for population aquisiiton control and infiltration operations.

Overall strategic outlook

Consequently, if the above MILITARY AND POLITICAL parameters are met, whence the viable military units of the new Allied formations from the Kurds, Syrian regular army, Iraq regulars and militia are ready to attack a massive pinzer movement on enemy positions can be formulated to annihilate the ISIL formations; that is with a massive air and artillery campaign done by the US strategic forces in conjunction with this pinzer ground attack.

There is no reason that this campaign can’t be completed by mid September of 2014

Genghis Khan
George Washington

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:16 PM
a reply to: Willtell

The best way to stop ISIL is to defund them. That means impeaching Obama, returning to the Constitution, shutting down the Federal Reserves, stopping all foreign aid, cutting ALL ties with Israel, ADL and any other Zionist organization, and cutting taxes severely.

ISIL is American made. Obama will make no real effort to stop them. The Zionists want an Islamic State that they can control, and ISIL is doing their dirty work.

If we had defunded Hitler, both the Holocaust and WWII would have been avoided...but war is good for Globalism.

ISIL will not be stopped. The Zionist bankers have invested far too much into them to stop them now.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:21 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

You want to dispute with Genghis Khan?

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: Willtell

I have been pondering similar strategies.

I approve this post!

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:33 PM
a reply to: daaskapital

Genghis Khan
George Washington

From the fellows
They appreciate your comment

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:36 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: Willtell

The best way to stop ISIL is to defund them. That means impeaching Obama, returning to the Constitution, shutting down the Federal Reserves, stopping all foreign aid, cutting ALL ties with Israel, ADL and any other Zionist organization, and cutting taxes severely.

ISIL is American made. Obama will make no real effort to stop them. The Zionists want an Islamic State that they can control, and ISIL is doing their dirty work.

If we had defunded Hitler, both the Holocaust and WWII would have been avoided...but war is good for Globalism.

ISIL will not be stopped. The Zionist bankers have invested far too much into them to stop them now.

Try again.

Look to the Saudis and some of the other Gulf allies if you want to de-fund ISIS/ISIL..
Covertly even Israel has a lot to gain from the Arab destabilization wrought by ISIS.. Let's hope that has not been the case..

The US has nothing to gain by the rise of this group unlike some of the other players listed above.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: Willtell


You, an American CANNOT understand, nor mess with, the dynamics of a people you know NOTHING about!

You must stop messing in people's lives. Middle easterners are NOT LIKE US. They have personalities all their own, and we must stop playing in things we know nothing about.

We don't like Russia, so we fund the Mujahideen arm them, train them... leave the power vacuum, and in walks the Taliban. cool. 1 mistake down.

We don't like the democratic government in Iran, so we oust that one and put into place the shah, whom the people hate, and in walks Khamanei. 2 mistake down.

We don't like Ghadafi, so we arm and fund and train the Brotherhood, and in walks the brotherhood... and the country is in shambles, and the people angry. 3 mistake down.

We don't like Assad, so we arm and fund the FSA, and in walks ISIS, and utter chaos ensure. 4 mistakes down.

We don't like Saddam, and in walks ISIS to fill a vacuum caused by an istalled government, and chaos ensures genocide. 5 mistakes down.

The same with every single country over there we touch! mistakes piled upon mistakes all due to not understanding the people at all!

So now we are back to arming the FSA, and now the kurds too? Are you stupid?

Just #ing stop messing with the goddamn lives of people... let THEM sort out their own goddamn problems that all your problem #ing solving abilities CAUSED... and then maybe, just maybe.. they can find some goddamn peace for a #ing change!

ISIS exists BECAUSE we #ed everything up! They ARE the culmination of all our mistakes... and guess what.. WE CANNOT FIX IT... only the people of the middle east can.
edit on 11-8-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:50 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Saudis Arabia was promised a caliphate in a major NWO meeting and they get Syria, Iraq period.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:53 PM

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
a reply to: Willtell


You, an American CANNOT understand, nor mess with, the dynamics of a people you know NOTHING about!

You must stop messing in people's lives. Middle easterners are NOT LIKE US. They have personalities all their own, and we must stop playing in things we know nothing about.

We don't like Russia, so we fund the Mujahideen arm them, train them... leave the power vacuum, and in walks the Taliban. cool. 1 mistake down.

We don't like the democratic government in Iran, so we oust that one and put into place the shah, whom the people hate, and in walks Khamanei. 2 mistake down.

We don't like Ghadafi, so we arm and fund and train the Brotherhood, and in walks the brotherhood... and the country is in shambles, and the people angry. 3 mistake down.

We don't like Assad, so we arm and fund the FSA, and in walks ISIS, and utter chaos ensure. 4 mistakes down.

We don't like Saddam, and in walks ISIS to fill a vacuum caused by an istalled government, and chaos ensures genocide. 5 mistakes down.

The same with every single country over there we touch! mistakes piled upon mistakes all due to not understanding the people at all!

So now we are back to arming the FSA, and now the kurds too? Are you stupid?

Just #ing stop messing with the goddamn lives of people... let THEM sort out their own goddamn problems that all your problem #ing solving abilities CAUSED... and then maybe, just maybe.. they can find some goddamn peace for a #ing change!

ISIS exists BECAUSE we #ed everything up! They ARE the culmination of all our mistakes... and guess what.. WE CANNOT FIX IT... only the people of the middle east can.

I endorse this message. Maybe we should vote OpinionatedB into office.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: clay2 baraka

The US is interested in what benefits Israel. Obama could not take down Assad in Syria with the false flag serin gas attacks, so the US raised and trained ISIL...just ask John McCain, he knows all about it. Saudi Arabia is on America's and Israel's payroll, so its no surprise that they have connections to ISIL too.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: OpinionatedB

I agree with your post, only I dont think these were mistakes, but carefully calculated moves to ensure that the Middle East will always be subjected to Zionist money.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:03 PM
a reply to: karmicecstasy

lol... it's a sad day in America if I'm the best we got. hahahaha
edit on 11-8-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:06 PM

originally posted by: BELIEVERpriest
a reply to: clay2 baraka

The US is interested in what benefits Israel. Obama could not take down Assad in Syria with the false flag serin gas attacks, so the US raised and trained ISIL...just ask John McCain, he knows all about it. Saudi Arabia is on America's and Israel's payroll, so its no surprise that they have connections to ISIL too.

Israel is a close US ally, but trust me that does not mean their strategic interests always intersect..
If you want an example, look into the USS Liberty incident.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:07 PM
a reply to: OpinionatedB

I don't see anything wrong with his proposed plans. In fact, it is better to take some form of action, rather than letting ISIS continue to grow in power.

You're lucky i'm not like some of the other posters on here...i would call you an ISIS supporter otherwise, lol.

Seriously though, I think you need to settle down. There are no doubts that the USA has royally screwed up the Middle-East, but when these countries call for assistance, we should respond. Forming an temporary alliance/truce with Assad and the FSA, while strengthening the Kurds and Iraq, are great ideas to tackle ISIS. They're not going away in the current landscape.
edit on 11-8-2014 by daaskapital because: sp

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

I'd rather they were mistakes than calculated moves for someone elses gain. Too many died, and too many lives destroyed... I shudder to think it would have been on purpose - for nothing more than money in someone's pocket.

Although I realize the truth of that too... its just too sad to contemplate. We are supposed to be better than all this... better than nothing more than a death machine for material gain.

I want us to be better than this.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:12 PM

originally posted by: daaskapital
a reply to: OpinionatedB

I don't see anything wrong with his proposed plans. In fact, it is better to take some form of action, rather than letting ISIS continue to grow in power.

You're lucky i'm not like some of the other posters on here...i would call you an ISIS supporter otherwise, lol.

Seriously though, I think you need to settle down. There are no doubts that the USA has royally screwed up the Middle-East, but when these countries call for assistance, we should respond. Forming an temporary alliance/truce with Assad and the FSA, while strengthening the Kurds and Iraq, are great ideas to tackle ISIS. They're not going away in the current landscape.

temporary alliances for the greater good. right. that is what we keep hearing, time and time again. it's for the greater good.

well great... all that "good" produced ISIS, and now doing the exact same thing which caused them is supposed to stop them - and create something better?

It's like beating ones head against a wall, and expecting it not to hurt the 10th time.

And you know more than anyone I don't support ISIS... I support their defeat, and I also know it wont happen by our hand - or in our way. It will happen when the middle east comes together to stop it... otherwise it will do nothing but grow, and become a larger monster.

Mark my words.
edit on 11-8-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: clay2 baraka

If you want an example, look into the USS Liberty incident.

Yes, Israel attacked the USS Liberty and we did nothing. The same happened at 9/11. Mossad was there in New York filming the attack, they openly admitted it on Israeli tv, and again, we did nothing. We are Israel's personal piggy bank. They walk all over us, and we do nothing but praise them. I would not expect that from an ally.

Up until 1948, it was the Zionist bankers that called the shots from within the US and UK. Then, when Israel was put together, the demon finally had a host of its own to possess. America serves Israel. The EU serves Israel. ISIL serves Israel.

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:46 PM

originally posted by: OpinionatedB
temporary alliances for the greater good. right. that is what we keep hearing, time and time again. it's for the greater good.

It is this time...

well great... all that "good" produced ISIS, and now doing the exact same thing which caused them is supposed to stop them - and create something better?

The USA royally screwed up. I think if they play the cards right this time, things could get better. Anything is better than allowing a terrorist state such as the IS to prosper. I don't think any army in the Middle East would be ablt to take it on once it gains a proper foothold. That's why it is better to intervene sooner, rather than later.

It's like beating ones head against a wall, and expecting it not to hurt the 10th time.

Yeah, it starts to hurt after a while...

And you know more than anyone I don't support ISIS... I support their defeat, and I also know it wont happen by our hand - or in our way. It will happen when the middle east comes together to stop it... otherwise it will do nothing but grow, and become a larger monster.

Mark my words.

I know you don't support them...i was poking fun at the minority here who call someone a supporter of something, just because they espouse unrelated terms. You will see it in the Israel/Hamas arguments.

I do hope that ISIS is defeated soon. But i think intervention, at least this time, will not hurt. We don't have to go in guns blazing, but some intervention is good. Look how the airstrikes have helped the Kurds...

posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 11:52 PM
a reply to: BELIEVERpriest

These are the one's we are saying to arm, and fund... these sons of the shaytan.

(warning, exceedingly graphic)

I have said time and time again on this very site that Assad had a death penalty for these people for a reason, and now they are being armed, and funded, by the US. Now... in order to get rid of other's of the exact same breed, we are going to throw more money at these people?

When will people realize Assad was never a threat to us, nor to his people... he kept them safe from those evil people... leave Syria alone... leave these damn people alone!

Not long ago, in Syria, there was freedom of religion, and minorities had a voice in government, and people were safe... now... all that is but a distant memory for Syrians...

Leave people alone for god's sake. before you make it any worse....

posted on Aug, 12 2014 @ 12:12 AM
a reply to: OpinionatedB

Thank you. This takes me back to my first point: The US (and the rest of the West for that matter) can only help by withdrawing all support. The Middle East is broken into dozens (or even hundreds) of factions. If you support one, they will rise up and kill the others along with innocent civilians. Havent we learned from feeding the NAZIs, or from supporting the Communists? Vietnam, the South American drug wars?

I know that as long as America is infiltrated with Zionists, we will never stop this sick cycle.

Jesus said, clean the inside before polishing the outside...remove the log from your own eye before removing the speck of dust from your brothers eye.

We cant stop the killing in the Middle East until we fix our own problems. We dont need to intervene, we just need to bring our traitors to justice.

How can a nation that knows no justice be charged with policing the world?

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