posted on Aug, 11 2014 @ 08:00 PM
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It was 1984 and my cousin's bachelor party. A bunch of us took my cousin out to the Wienerwald in Times Square and then out to clubs. Last club we
hit was Studio 54. Our group was spread out throughout the club and many of us didn't see one another until closing.
Me and my buddy Tom were hanging by one of the bars. Tom is looking at this guy then walks over to him - a short guy dressed in a green corduroy suit
with a matching green corduroy cap. A few minutes later he walks back to me and says, "You know who that is? That's Robin Williams." I had to
think about it for a minute, because he wasn't the big star he eventually became. He said, "Let's buy him a drink." So we walked over and did
just that. We stood there for 3 or 4 hours, buying each other drinks and getting pretty faced. He told jokes and did impressions. He was actually
very real and sincere. We ended up closing the place at 4am as they turned up the lights and asked everyone to leave.
So there we were, outside Studio 54, on the street, with Robin Williams, still bulls$itting and laughing. We asked if he needed a ride somewhere. He
said he expected a ride, but would take us up on it if "the guy didn't show". So we waited with him. When people passed by, we said, "Hey you
know who this is?", pointing at Robin. People just looked and then kept walking, not knowing who was under the green corduroy cap. Robin got a kick
out of it, understanding we were busting his b...s
About an hour later, with the sun just starting to light the sky, a limo turned the corner. As it approached, someone stood up through the sunroof.
At first it was difficult to make out who the heck it was. Then as it pulled up next to us, I was like, holy $h!t, it's Rick James! Yup, Rick
James, the king of funk. Robin thanked us for a good time and for waiting with him and then drove off into the rising sun with Rick James. Guess we
knew what they were going to be up to for remainder of the day
I just remember him being a very real guy with foibles like the rest of us. My favorite movie of his was Dead Poet Society. It seemed to fit his
personality - a rebel with a cause who doesn't want the fanfare that goes with it.
Rest in peace Robin! You made us all laugh and for a short time, experience the magic you performed!