posted on Aug, 17 2014 @ 03:31 PM
Bison steaks (doesn't matter what cut) marinated in olive oil, pepper, greek seasoning, Bullseye bbq sauce, and California salad dressing sauce (yes,
that's right salad dressing). The flavour combo is crazy delicious. I like to marinate my meat in the fridge overnight.
Grilled outdoors over an open flame (any kind of flame will do) a few minutes on each side with the marinade coating nicely crisped right onto the
Salad dressings make for great addition to marinade sauces because of the vinegar... vinegar breaks down the tough meat fibers. A bit of milk is also
great to use in a marinade, the enzymes in milk break down the meat fibers the same way an acidic liquid (vinegar, apple juice, etc) would. It's one
of the secrets of why people use a milk egg wash for breaded meat coatings - the milk tenderizes the meat and the egg acts like a glue.
We get our bison meat (hamburger, steaks, sausages) from a local bison farmer.
The hearty natural meaty flavour of bison has pretty much spoiled us for anything else, I no longer buy beef from the grocery stores.