Originally posted by dragonrider
Since you mentioned Pro Wrestling, I do kinda wonder if there is a Cabal connection to the sport. After all, it is a huge world wide sport with
massive public appeal and, at least the big feds get a good deal of exposure on TV, to a very impressionable audience.
Dunno, DR, I don't think I could share that view!
I guess it makes a little more sense when you see it from behind the scenes; every person involved in pro wrestling is in it for themselves.
Sad but true.
From the young kid who's training for his/her first appearance in front of a crowd to the guy with fused vertebrae who's writing the stories, it's
a race for the elusive dream of fame and fortune.
When you see people who've killed others' careers in the ring, who've stepped on anyone and everyone to get ahead...when you see them busted up and
broken down before they hit 35, well, I can't see how any "higher power" would bother with the minutae of daily drama in this life of ours.
Vinnie Mac makes lots of money doing this. Some of the names you recognize (Hogan, Ventura, Savage, HHH, HBK, and so on), make a decent amount of
money doing this. For everyone else?
Nope. Broken bones and a great deal of personal satisfaction.
About the only Cabalistic motive I could begin to think of is a wrestling as a means to create a bunch of insane warriors who like violence and don't
mind a whole lot of pain. But then again, isn't that what the world's military forces are for?
Hell, they get more respect.
And to everyone else...
onlyinmydreams An ex of mine used to tell me I was like "one of the guys" that he could...well, you know.
ADVISOR I got the nick "Banshee" years back from the way I talk $hit when I'm hitting someone. (you know, hear a banshee wail and death is
ProudAmerican Heh, no, I'm not shy in the ring. Mind you, I'm playing a psychotic maniac when I'm in the ring, so therefore...