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ISIS BURIED PEOPLE ALIVE, scattered mass graves in and around Sinjar

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posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Has it ever occurred to you that you might be doing exactly what you are intended to be doing? Is it not just a bit weird that ISIS was allowed to operate unchecked for so long? Or that the mainstream media has largely been silent on their activities? Is it not just a little bit strange that they were practically gifted U.S equipment they took from Iraqi forces while Obama literally stood by and did nothing?

You claim it is all by design, but by who's? How is it you are so confident you are on the right side when it would seem the international community also sides with you at the moment? Certainly NATO hasn't become involved (when they were gung ho in Libya) and the U.N hasn't even batted an eyelash...

Could it be you who is towing the party line?

The simple answer is because I play chess, a lot of it. What's a few pawns and couple bishops sacrificed to control center board?
It's only useful if you can think several moves ahead.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: stumason

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
Has it ever occurred to you that you might be doing exactly what you are intended to be doing? Is it not just a bit weird that ISIS was allowed to operate unchecked for so long? Or that the mainstream media has largely been silent on their activities? Is it not just a little bit strange that they were practically gifted U.S equipment they took from Iraqi forces while Obama literally stood by and did nothing?

I don't believe for one moment that ISIS was "allowed to operate unchecked" nor that "the mainstream media has largely been silent on their activities" - perhaps in the US but that is hardly surprising - there have been many articles and video's from European news outlets going back to 2012 on the activities of ISIS. Being unaware of such coverage doesn't mean such coverage doesn't exist.

Not to mention they were considered a spent force after their previous incarnation of Al Qaeda in Iraq was defeated with the Sunni Awakening and the US surge - they went underground for a few years, popping up for the occasional kidnapping or car bombing, until Syria gave them fertile ground to re-invent themselves.

Bingo. Bolded for emphasis. There is a disturbing lack of action over these atrocities precisely because of Syria. For whatever reason, it would seem the power brokers care more about dethroning Assad than they do about ISIS and it's rise to power.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: stumason

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
The issue is ISIS was manufactured for the sole purpose of the citizenry of the world to unite against them.

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
As you know as alluded to, there is much to gain by certain ME powers that also happen to play nicely with the west. This isn't coincidence and if we just fall inline to the "crisis" construct then it is us who will lose in the long run.

I don't believe for a second that ISIS just "got out of control" neither, they are doing exactly what they were meant to be doing and ginning up the opposition as planned

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
I am not advocating we just turn our backs, the world needs to investigate and get to the truth and hold those responsible for manufacturing this crisis. Of course as history has shown this won't be the case.

And while the world "investigates" the money trail, what happens on the ground? We should obliterate these animals where they are before they really get their teeth into some power.

No but if the international community got together the funneling of US made weapons to ISIS can stop rather quickly. That of course would be a huge start.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:01 AM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Has it ever occurred to you that you might be doing exactly what you are intended to be doing? Is it not just a bit weird that ISIS was allowed to operate unchecked for so long? Or that the mainstream media has largely been silent on their activities? Is it not just a little bit strange that they were practically gifted U.S equipment they took from Iraqi forces while Obama literally stood by and did nothing?

You claim it is all by design, but by who's? How is it you are so confident you are on the right side when it would seem the international community also sides with you at the moment? Certainly NATO hasn't become involved (when they were gung ho in Libya) and the U.N hasn't even batted an eyelash...

Could it be you who is towing the party line?

Actually they werent that gung ho in Libya, but US attacked. Now its far more destabilized than with Gaddafi at the helm. That same pattern has played out all throughout the arab spring, they side with someone, then their friends morph into enemies

. I agree that something has to be done about the IS, but my question is what alliance of middle eastern states is going to do it. If US cant find a coIalition like that, than yeah, I stand with arrow shooting guy that this stinks, and feels a lot like some ones plan to reinvolve US in middle east quagmires.
edit on 10-8-2014 by tridentblue because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-8-2014 by tridentblue because: typing on phones sucks

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

You bolded the right word.
Syria is the key to all of this. Once Damascus falls then Iran can be next.

edit on 10-8-2014 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:07 AM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
Bingo. Bolded for emphasis. There is a disturbing lack of action over these atrocities precisely because of Syria. For whatever reason, it would seem the power brokers care more about dethroning Assad than they do about ISIS and it's rise to power.

Ironically, had the hand-wringers in the UK parliament - so keen to let the Iraq invasion dominate our thinking for the next 100 years - not got their way and allowed UK intervention, then neither Assad nor ISIS would be a problem. If the UK had given the Green light, then the US would have happily gone in to, but without the UK, Obama was too weak willed to act alone.

But instead, all those "anti-War at all costs" people have got us is, in fact, an even bigger problem to sort out - just like the run up to WW2, we should have nipped it in the bud when it was easier to do, instead we bent over backwards for "peace at any cost", then lost millions dealing with the problem those to weak to act failed to deal with.
edit on 10/8/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:09 AM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
No but if the international community got together the funneling of US made weapons to ISIS can stop rather quickly. That of course would be a huge start.

What US made weapons? If they are getting any, it is either looted from the Iraqi's or sent via Saudi/Qatar. If you're implying the US is funnelling them directly, I wouldn't believe it.

For the most part, the ISIS "soldiers" seem to be touting the standard kit for any irregular force - Russian (or Russian derived) weaponry such as the AK, RPG-7 and big, hefty AAA guns on the back of Hilux's.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:12 AM

originally posted by: stumason

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
No but if the international community got together the funneling of US made weapons to ISIS can stop rather quickly. That of course would be a huge start.

What US made weapons? If they are getting any, it is either looted from the Iraqi's or sent via Saudi/Qatar. If you're implying the US is funnelling them directly, I wouldn't believe it.

For the most part, the ISIS "soldiers" seem to be touting the standard kit for any irregular force - Russian (or Russian derived) weaponry such as the AK, RPG-7 and big, hefty AAA guns on the back of Hilux's.

I don't believe they are being funneled directly by the US, that would be a very bad move. No as you stated, Saudi/Qatar and certainly some looted equipment as well.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:48 AM
"TPTB" are the ones that created ISIS.

America turned this insane clown loose and now 5 more just like him, McCain supported ISIS in Syria.

Obama plays golf while his brothers in arms commit atrocities the likes that have not been seen since the Nazi's.

This whole event is lie's and misdirection, ISIS can be taken out any time with nothing but air power until they embed them selves in the towns behind women and children like Hamas, then it becomes another ground war with no end.

Lie's and more lie's, that's all anything is anymore...IMO
edit on 10-8-2014 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: stumason

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
No but if the international community got together the funneling of US made weapons to ISIS can stop rather quickly. That of course would be a huge start.

What US made weapons? If they are getting any, it is either looted from the Iraqi's or sent via Saudi/Qatar. If you're implying the US is funnelling them directly, I wouldn't believe it.

For the most part, the ISIS "soldiers" seem to be touting the standard kit for any irregular force - Russian (or Russian derived) weaponry such as the AK, RPG-7 and big, hefty AAA guns on the back of Hilux's.

Hah, you don't believe it but Obama said so himself 6 months ago when it concerned the Syrian conflict (only).

Today's reports, if we were to believe them, from Kurdish soldiers state that IS is riding around in American Humvee's and tanks and are in possession of modern US weapons.

As always, whatever sides are involved, they are not the ones being slaughtered. Once again the common people, unaware of any geopolitical games or danger are being killed. Makes me extremely angry.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:52 AM
I am going to make a prediction here.

The Kurds are going to form there own country separate from Iraq.

They will include in there new country the Iraqi christian and the Yazidis.

They will be supported by israel.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:56 AM
Does anyone think Qatar and Saudi Arabia may have had more help in arming these nightmares from a past century?

20,000 U.S. M-16s stolen from unguarded warehouse in Kuwait

If a couple M-16's come up missing in an inventory check? Someone may be selling them out the back door.

If a few M-16's come up missing, there may be a little group with delusions of grandeur out there somewhere.

If 20,000 M-16's come up missing, there is a small army being equipped that hasn't made it's big debut yet.

The weapons were stolen from a warehouse that was unguarded, according to the story from 2013. ISIS wasn't a household name in 2013. They may have been in need of a rifle or two. 20,000 of them? Something to consider.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 09:57 AM
I lack the understanding or mental capability to see any rationalization for these types of killings. Maybe that makes me the luckiest person in the world and those that have that ability in them the unluckiest. In either case, there is something wrong that would separate such two vast perspectives. Figure out the answer to that and maybe there will be a resolution.
edit on 10-8-2014 by queenofsheba because: Thinking

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 10:18 AM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
Let me guess, you're prone to making assumptions. My position is and has been clear.

Yes ISIS is evil and yes they must be stopped but playing into the trap of the elite bankers planning this is stupid and counter intuitive. Believe what you want, the machines of war are turning regardless of what I write or what you believe.

I don't believe in making assumptions..Give me enough information to make an informed decision.

Their is a segment of poster here on ATS that 100% refuses to believe their are bad, horrible, sinister, violent people in the world unless they are controlled by some faction of the TPTB, Illuminati, Masons, CIA, NSA, FBI, Insert some other American agency here. Random acts of violence don't happen for those people and they are just as scary to me as the folks that never see anything but randomness.

Maybe that is you, maybe that isn't you but your post implying that IS\ISIL\ISIS are just another tool to justify certain domestic actions sort of leans that way. Keep in mind that I was only talking about that one specific post because I have not read the others yet .

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

What was manufactured? This region of the world has been slaughtering each other and those who are not like them for centuries. Last I checked, the CIA or MI6 didn't exist hundreds of years ago.

And they have always gone to war to establish a Caliphate. They only go on the warpath when they see their enemies of their moon god as weak. This is known history. They even celebrate it.

The only time the have known relative peace is when they have been crushed and subjugated. This is also a fact. Not a nice one I will admit.

I don't believe we should get involved militarily again, but if we do, we should do it right with a declaration of war against ISIL. And totally, completely destroy them and any others that get in the way of accomplishing that goal.

"War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want." - William Tecumseh Sherman
edit on 10-8-2014 by TDawgRex because: Just a ETA

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 10:31 AM

originally posted by: opethPA
Their is a segment of poster here on ATS that 100% refuses to believe their are bad, horrible, sinister, violent people in the world unless they are controlled by some faction of the TPTB, Illuminati, Masons, CIA, NSA, FBI, Insert some other American agency here. Random acts of violence don't happen for those people and they are just as scary to me as the folks that never see anything but randomness.

These are also the same people who blame others because their electricity was cut off due to their not paying the bill, demanding high wages for doing little work, and just generally never take responsibility for themselves...because it's always some one elses fault.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 10:52 AM
It is time that the UN And Sec Council established a bounty force of elite respectful mercinaries with honourable soldering expertise in eliminating the enemy. They should be given the remit and authority to go were necessary to hunt down and eliminate these ISIS animals. Each combatant should have 1m set aside for their families should they not return. And for each verfied kill should be paid 100,000 USD. Should they rack up a million then that should go to there families should they not make it. They should be supported by whatever necessary resources are required for them to dlete these sick cowardly animals from this sad planet!!!

Its time the world decided to stop bastards like this and as brutally as necessary! F..k human rights for these monsters!

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 10:57 AM

originally posted by: TDawgRex
These are also the same people who blame others because their electricity was cut off due to their not paying the bill, demanding high wages for doing little work, and just generally never take responsibility for themselves...because it's always some one elses fault.

Yup, exactly.

Thier is another thread on ATS talking about how this grandmother stabbed her 7 year old grandson t to death while he begged to live. In that thread a satanic cult and big pharmaceutical have been blamed when in reality the only person to blame is the grandmother but it's ATS so no one is accountable for their own actions.

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 11:04 AM
Does this sound right to anybody???? Why would this group do this to their own people instead of their enemy?? Killing and beheading kids??? Then they want to cut the females genitalia??? Who is behind this group who is intent on destroying arabs and muslims?????
edit on 10-8-2014 by Fylgje because: to add

posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Fylgje

Knowing the history of 2 different teachings of Islam and Muslims, sounds completely like them. Even though i have my suspicions about the real instigator(s) of this conflict don't you for a second doubt the true barbarism of these cavemen.

Everything we read about these atrocity's has already been written down in history books about the Ottomans and i mean every little detail. It's like they've read some wikipages and decided to copycat the old Turks, beheading s, impaling heads, female genital mutilation, mass rapes in order to produce Islamic offspring ... we are back to the future my friend.

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