posted on Aug, 10 2014 @ 12:44 PM
I just don't get how everyone can put the blame solely on the kid. Yes getting out of getting out of his car was stupid and if he didn't do that that
then this could have been avoided.
But tony gassed his car and that didn't try and do anything extra to avoid the kid. IMO it seems like it was that extra gas that propelled that poor
kid and what ultimately killed him. If tony want gassing it as he hit him, would the kid have been thrown up feet? The track was under caution which
means the cars SLOW DOWN, not gun it when they want to make a point
Yes the kid was in the wrong for what he did. Tony was also in the wrong for accelerating as he passed him and staying close to the kid. Seems there
is a 2 wrongs make a right attitude going on in here.
Since kevin did something stupid then tony is awarded the same chance to do something stupid.
The kid was was 20 years old people, just a kid that got pissed and handled it very poorly. Tony is a grown man that handled it even worse.
And i don't think Tony did it on purpose, but that doesn't excuse him for killing the kid.
edit on thSun, 10 Aug 2014 12:45:51
-0500America/Chicago820145180 by Sremmos80 because: (no reason given)