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Why Obama’s lack of response to ISIL was a huge mistake

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posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 03:49 PM
Beyond the NWO globalist plot possibility, the flimsy response of the Obama regime to ISIL initially is the biggest foreign policy blunder maybe in US history.

This rabid crew are modern personifications of the zombies in those Hollywood movies…they are the biggest threat to the world since Hitler and the NAZIS, imo.

One commentator compared them to a Frankenstein monster of NAZIS, the worst of Al Qaeda, Genghis Khan, the Huns, the Crusaders, and any other word menace of madmen…they may be the worst the world has ever seen.

And Mr. Cool, the gray flannel jack ass in Chief Barack Obama, played it cool and now many will die at the hands of these monsters from hell!

Now, as I suspected they would do, they are threatening to murder the people they have come to rule. They are holding people hostage and threatening to kill hundreds if the US does this or that.


This is the very reason Obama, as bad as it is, HAD TO WITH ALL FORCE TAKE ISIL OUT IMMEDIATELY.

He tried to wishful thinK himself out of a disastrous problem and refused to accept reality as it is. Now hundreds or probably thousands of people will die because of Obama’s utter stupidity…

Any politician with any common sense would have immediately seen this.

But Obama, with a total jack-ass Susan Rice as his national security advisor is getting the worst advice available.
This is the blundering donkey that advised Bill Clinton to ignore the Rwanda massacre that eventually turned into the worst genocide of the 20th century.

So now ISIL makes the NAZIS seem like the girl scouts in comparison. They are worst than Genghis Khan. They are the Antichrist, the beast of the apocalypse, the Dajjal all rolled up in one.

Here's what Obama should have done as soon as they took Mosul:

Immediately bombed them to smithereens! Particularly these columns of ISIL running around in those dump trucks and call in thousands of US troops and to go back in after he got consent from the congress. Besides that call in much more than the measly 800 advisers he sent.

Declared to the UN to attempt to create an expeditionary forces of at least 5000 from each individual country who participates…to get a force of at least 50,000 troops, this is the Colin Powell doctrine of a massive force to quickly get it over with.

Then, like the first Bush did in the first Iraq war in Kuwait, he needed to create an international coalition of willing partners to go in and exterminate ISIL AS FAST AS POSSIBLE. AND I MEAN EXTERMINATE!
Let the Iraqis fumigate the country afterwards.

This is what a real leader, beyond politics, would have done.

Then ISIL could have been exterminated in a month’s time.

Now what Obama is doing, which may be the globalist intent, will create a long drawn out war where maybe millions may die.

Who benefits form this:
The Military Industrial complex and the Jihad junkies from the dregs of the Mideast

btw it's interesting that Englad and Turkey aren't helping to deal with ISIL.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:19 PM
Um see this is real life. And real life is not a video game. To begin with US military options are limited. Outside of airstrikes and non combat support US involment would create a bigger mess than is already there. Only and idiot would send Western foces into the middle of a relgious battle. Half the people fighting ISIS would change sides. On top of that the US population has zero interest in getting heavily involved in another decade long confllict. The entire idea the anybody would send troops as a part of the UN is laughable at best.

ISIS is already vastly outnumbered. You can not "exterminate ISIS" without exterminating most of the population of the region. So just give up the fantasy of the West riding to the recue, defeating the enemy overnight and all the region rejoicing. It is a very childish view of what is going on.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Couldn't have said it better myself. The Islamic State is a blight on this planet, and should be wiped from the face of the earth with extreme prejudice. Anyone with half a brain operating inside their head could have seen this coming months, if not years ago.

Where I suspect the blunder originated from is a misguided policy of aggression towards the Assad regime. In all likelihood, Obama was being advised not to bomb ISIS into the stone age (from whence they came) because it might inadvertently aid Assad. The old "enemy of my enemy is my friend" foreign policy that has consistently bitten the U.S squarely in the ass for so many decades.

The international community must rally to obliterate IS/ISIS. There is no other option. They do not understand any other language, and there is no other way to deal with people who are so evil they are willing to behead children.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

You seem to think you are a military strategist or something. Are you really going to suggest Obama couldn't have severely limited ISIS rise to power with airstrikes, drone strikes, and cruise missiles? They were sitting ducks for large stretches of time, with convoys wide open and vulnerable as they traversed open terrain. The Iraqi government even pleaded with the U.S for airstrikes, with no answer from the Obama administration until it was too late.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:27 PM
Thats why obama waited, he wanted to wait long enough so that it would turn into a big war. He only stays out of things when he knows it will escalate into something bigger and then he will step-in. Our government gets involved in things that they shouldn't and doesn't do things when it should.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: Willtell

Could his lack of action or response possibly have anything to do with, oh, I don't know, but maybe funding them in the past for various reasons or at least not wanting to step on any toes of a couple countries who maybe funneling funds to them?

I mean, they have to be getting tons of financing from somewhere don't you think? Weapons and such are not cheap....

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: Willtell

The administration knows what it is doing. Funds ISIL/ISIS in Libya/Syria and than let them wreak havoc to the point intervention isnt a problem to the American people.
edit on 9-8-2014 by Antipathy17 because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2014 by Antipathy17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:32 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Imo, All roads lead to Damascus in this case. It was a disastrous effort to topple Assad that blew up in his face. But just because the U.S had a hand in ISIS rise to power does not mean they should be left to their own devices. Maybe you haven't seen the pictures of the little girls they beheaded, but I have. I will never unsee that image. I can't even bring myself to call ISIS human beings after seeing pictures of some of the things they have done.

Anyone who thinks "it's not our problem" should re-examine their priorities, because it will become your problem if they are left unchecked. They have openly stated as much.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
a reply to: seeker1963

Imo, All roads lead to Damascus in this case. It was a disastrous effort to topple Assad that blew up in his face. But just because the U.S had a hand in ISIS rise to power does not mean they should be left to their own devices. Maybe you haven't seen the pictures of the little girls they beheaded, but I have. I will never unsee that image. I can't even bring myself to call ISIS human beings after seeing pictures of some of the things they have done.

Anyone who thinks "it's not our problem" should re-examine their priorities, because it will become your problem if they are left unchecked. They have openly stated as much.

I wasn't saying we shouldn't do anything, just merely adding my thoughts as to why it took big O so long to make a decision on it......

However, it should not be the US and US alone acting on this terrorist organization. NATO needs to step it the hell up, don't you think?

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:41 PM
Obama's response was well timed and properly measured out. It illustrates that the President is making decisions based on far better intelligence than the so called experts.

ISIS, or whatever they are calling themselves, can't be defeated by a State. Its existence is not subject to, nor does it seek recognition or acceptance from the current world system and could never survive in it...this group does not have ambitions to appoint an Ambassador to the UN.

Obama's response recognizes this. he has not committed the US to a war it is not capable of effectively dealing with and he has made it clear to his majesty the Caliph that the expansion of his 'state' has reached its limit and its time to put down the toys and make rational choices.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:46 PM
Everything was a (big) mistake.
From the start; attacking Iraq and other country's then supporting terrorists against LiBya and Syria because they want to get rid of some leaders causing chaos and giving lots of military gear (and money) and not much later you have (created) IS(is).

Yea, it's probably one of the most impressive failures ever with fighting terror/terrorists they are stronger and many more then ever.

You just can't make it up, not possible but it IS reality.
edit on 9-8-2014 by Plugin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Wait so the same people who say we shouldnt have gone to Iraq , now want us to bomb the ever loving crap out of it again?

Oh the Irony

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: seeker1963

Absolutely. The blame does not belong solely on Obama's shoulders (even though he was in the best position to act). The entire western world deserves a portion of shame for their refusal to act against ISIS. Unfortunately, I live in a "progressive" country where having a capable military isn't deemed necessary (Canada). That being said, I would lend 100% support to Canadian fighter planes being involved in airstrikes against ISIS.

NATO had no business in Libya, and went anyways. Now, when we are needed most to fight what is clearly a campaign of genocide, we are disturbingly silent. It bothers me to my very core.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:48 PM
a reply to: Willtell

What about the response from the rest of the world??? Where are the Saudis with all of their US military equipment? Where are the European or Asian countries? Why does the US have to be the world's police force???

THIS is a middle eastern religious war and the middle east is doing nothing (save Iran) to help anyone in Iraq. Yes, the US went in there and took out Saddam, completely disrupting Iraq...BUT...ISIL/ISIS/IS (whatever they're calling themselves now began their reign of terror in Syria. The Iraqis told the US thanks but no thanks when we offered to keep a military presence in their country.

I understand that people (muslim, Christian and others) are being slaughtered by this group but there are more countries with militaries that could come to the aid of Iraq. Last time I checked, Saudi Arabia could dig into their loose change and send humanitarian aid to the people dying of thirst in the mountains.

Oh, that's right, the Saudi's are Sunni along with a majority of the middle eastern countries which is why they are doing NOTHING. Iran and parts of Iraq are the minority Shiites and no one in the middle east really cares about Shiites. In fact, the Saudi's are probably sitting back and funding ISIS while simultaneously hoping the US stops them so they don't loose face and, most importantly, their very nice standard of living.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:50 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Wait so the same people who say we shouldnt have gone to Iraq , now want us to bomb the ever loving crap out of it again?

Oh the Irony

Do you think this would be occurring if the U.S had never invaded in the first place? Personally, I don't think it would. How exactly does that mean that we should turn a blind eye to genocide? No, I didn't support the invasion of Iraq, and I still think it was a bad idea. This is one situation where the west should be fessing up to the situation they helped create and doing something to fix it.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Do you think this would be occurring if the U.S had never invaded in the first place? Personally, I don't think it would. How exactly does that mean that we should turn a blind eye to genocide? No, I didn't support the invasion of Iraq, and I still think it was a bad idea. This is one situation where the west should be fessing up to the situation they helped create and doing something to fix it.

Absolutely not

What we did in Iraq left a HUGE power vaccuum

And I dont think we should turn a blind eye to things, but heres the issue, we equipped and trained the people ther eto take care of their own country...

I know, I was one of the boots on the ground there helping to do it......

At some point they HAVE to take care of themselves, if you continue to go in and babysit they will never do so...

The country has to decide for itself whether it will stand and fight or let them have their way.......

The people dont want the same things we have here in the US........

And we need to step the hell out of foreign battle fields and concentrate on the mess that we have at home.

We need to stop sending billions to foreign countries (yes this includes Israel)

And we need to stop funding and arming our enemies....

We go and help, were hated, we send aid, were hated......we do nothing , were hated.......

Let them fend for themselves and protect and grow our own damn country and bring my brothers and sisters home......

If they dont want to fight for their country then by god we dont need to be sending OUR resources and funds to fix their problems, and we DAMN sure dont need to be sending more of our Men and Women to die for it.
edit on 8/9/2014 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I gave you a star because I agree with almost everything you've said here. Western intervention has helped create this problem, and for the most part you are right. We DO need to stop meddling. The problem is that ISIS is not your run of the mill terrorist organization. They are guilty of the worst atrocities, and have openly said they will start attacking U.S interests (and even said they will raise their flag in the whitehouse, however laughable that might seem). We could have acted sooner to prevent this disaster and we didn't. If we don't act now, I can guarantee you we will pay for it later.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

They don't, just airstrikes and dropping food & water.

But yea dunno if it's really helpful but it's something.

Doesn't really seems solvable so yea boots on the ground would be a bad idea, there have been enough over there.

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Do you think this would be occurring if the U.S had never invaded in the first place? Personally, I don't think it would. How exactly does that mean that we should turn a blind eye to genocide? No, I didn't support the invasion of Iraq, and I still think it was a bad idea. This is one situation where the west should be fessing up to the situation they helped create and doing something to fix it.

Absolutely not

What we did in Iraq left a HUGE power vaccuum

And I dont think we should turn a blind eye to things, but heres the issue, we equipped and trained the people ther eto take care of their own country...

I know, I was one of the boots on the ground there helping to do it......

At some point they HAVE to take care of themselves, if you continue to go in and babysit they will never do so...

The country has to decide for itself whether it will stand and fight or let them have their way.......

The people dont want the same things we have here in the US........

And we need to step the hell out of foreign battle fields and concentrate on the mess that we have at home.

We need to stop sending billions to foreign countries (yes this includes Israel)

And we need to stop funding and arming our enemies....

We go and help, were hated, we send aid, were hated......we do nothing , were hated.......

Let them fend for themselves and protect and grow our own damn countries and bring my brothers and sisters home......

If they dont want to fight for their country then by god we dont need to be sending our Men and Women to die for it.......

You make some good points!

May I add?

How about the US and UN cutting off the head of the snake that is funding these morons?

We had no problem financially going after Putin! The West knows damn well, who is funding these groups! It's a damn shame the media OR the US government won't address it!

Funding dries up, so does the power they have in their arsenal of weapons.

THEN, maybe some of the normal folk might stand a chance at fighting back?

posted on Aug, 9 2014 @ 05:04 PM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

I gave you a star because I agree with almost everything you've said here. Western intervention has helped create this problem, and for the most part you are right. We DO need to stop meddling. The problem is that ISIS is not your run of the mill terrorist organization. They are guilty of the worst atrocities, and have openly said they will start attacking U.S interests (and even said they will raise their flag in the whitehouse, however laughable that might seem). We could have acted sooner to prevent this disaster and we didn't. If we don't act now, I can guarantee you we will pay for it later.

I absolutely cannot argue with this...

I agree , they are committing some horrible things over there, and something has to be done, I just dont feel good about the US being the only one coming in to take care of this issue......

It just feels like theres something else at play, were over extending our resources, our manpower, and our funds....

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