posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to:
Only twice have I had experiences involving colors.
The first time was when I was given a sedative after a frightening panic attack.
I was incoherent aside from repeating my name and social security number to the EMTs.
They gave me a intravenous sedative and as it began to take effect I distinctly remember seeing what looked like concentric circles extending above me
bathed in a golden-white glow with what appeared to be golden light beings watching over me on each tier of the circles when extended upwards
indefinitely to a brilliant center point.
I felt such infinite and immense love and peace.
That memory still leaves me in awe and wonder.
When I regained consciousness, I could faintly see golden whites, purples, greens and blues moving across the walls as doctors and nurses passed
outside my little room.
The anti-psychotics/sedatives employed where I live currently just knock me into darkness and are unpleasant to experience...the only colors I have
seen locally have been peaches, pastel blues, pastel greens and light purples but never during one of the "hard knockouts".
I'm wondering if you may have been seeing and sensing the auras of your caretakers? Purple is widely thought to be associated with Mystics and green
with Healers.
Regardless, I'm so glad you were well cared for by such wonderful specialists!
It always warms my heart to know there are good people watching over us.
Everyone deserves such care.
edit on 8/7/14 by GENERAL EYES because: formatting