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Creator of Experimental Ebola "Treatment" Once Joked About Culling Humanity with Engineered Virus

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posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 01:08 AM
From the Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University, which Arntzen co-founded and chaired until 2003:

Created on the premise that scientists can overcome complex societal issues by re-imagining the “design rules” found in nature, the institute’s researchers are addressing an expansive array of global challenges by creating “bio-inspired” solutions, including: new vaccine discovery and delivery; early detection and treatment of cancer and infectious diseases; techniques for detecting and removing contaminants from air and water; and the application of nanotechnology for biomedicine and electronics.

Emphasis mine. These people think they're above the natural world (including human beings); that they have the right to manipulate and control it for their own purposes. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss this as a simple joke. It may be a glimpse into how these people really feel about their "work".

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 01:13 AM

The scientist quipped: “Has anybody seen ‘Contagion’? That’s the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus… 25 percent of the population is supposed to go in Contagion.”

Well, the first thing he does with his jest is to acknowledge that there is a population problem. He doesn't say that there isn't one. He then brings humour into the equation by asking about the film 'Contagion'. With this he also acknowledges that the scenario in the film has been thought about.

To use an engineered virus to cull large swathes of the world's populations may actually be a last resort, more of a defensive rather than an offensive measure. If the people of the world unite and start taking down the structures of the globalists in a 'domino' effect, country after country, they could unleash a virus to halt the fight back.

Obviously, the main concern that arises regarding culling populations is the disposal of the contaminated remains. The disposal of six and a half billion bodies is quite the task, it won't be just the virus they would have to contend with. Culls work fine when they are well-controlled, but this would be just chaotic. Animals will eat the remains, providing a breeding and evolutionary ground for the virus. They would also still be fighting remnants of resistance in a world where the normal infrastructure would have collapsed.

So the population cull would have to be executed by targeting specific countries. Firstly those whose resources are wanted, and those with an ability to fight back. If Russia or China were to be targeted, you can be sure they would unleash their own biological weaponry against you.

What I'm suggesting is that a deliberate cull of populations is not really workable, there are too many issues to have to deal with.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 01:57 AM
If it''s just a joke, then I guess it is like someone who is the manager of a orphanage for young children who would be joking about raping them all. Yeah, just a joke ...

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 04:21 AM
Sure it's joking around but I know people who joke like this and actually do mean it. They enjoy saying something chilling, but passing it off as humour, so it's taken as such. Underneath the veil they really do think this way. Not to say they might actually do it. It's not really something to joke about though.

That was my take on it anyways.

Good find

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 05:37 AM
It would be childish not to think that some muslem group has not already got hold of Ebola and is planing to spread it in western citys, if terrorists are planing to do it , it would seem fair to think some scientist have also thought of changing it to a WMD

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 05:57 AM
People who work in dark and dangerous jobs develop gallows humour to help them cope.

I don't see anything unusual or chilling about this. Looks like completely normal human behaviour to me.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 05:58 AM
There are people that eat cats. When I look at my roommates kitten after being a hassle and I'm hungry. "Gee I'm starving I wonder what cat tastes like?" while staring at the little trouble maker. That people doooo eat cats does not make it not a joke, nor does it mean that I intend to eat the cat. Hug him and kiss him til he gets annoyed and goes to cause trouble somewhere else maybe, but actually eat him? No.

People joke about dark things all the time. Cannibalism is one of my faves. I've even joked about being curious in a "pretend" threatening matter. Which admittedly I intellectually AM curious. But it does not mean I actually am threatening. I'm not a killer, and I don't typically break the law, unless you count the speed limit.

People joke about a lot of things. Some jokes are offensive to others. Does not mean the guy is a psychopathic killer aiming to cull the human population. Working in his field, has he thought about it? I'm sure he has. I've thought about it and I hate pestilence myself. Is one of my personal least favorite genres. I've thought and joked about a lot of dark things. I'm not a psycho killer though, and I happen to care a lot about people.

I just also happen to be the person to try to lighten the mood when someone is going under for risky surgery. I'm the person who tells jokes about the funny things the dead person did in life at a funeral.

Besides, once again, the reality is, this can happen, should he/we not talk about it?

Plugging one's ears and closing one's eyes, shutting out the world is certainly no way to prepare for such possibilities. I'd rather know these people are at least thinking about these things. If for no other reason, than it means they are likely to be more prepared.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:03 AM
Utopia. Best show on UK tv.
edit on 8/6/2014 by Matt.Trakker because: Dumb wiki link wouldnt work

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:13 AM
Dude, your apology for this makes you sound like a sociopath. I would feel better if you got some professional help before you act out your craziness on others. It aint funny.
a reply to: ArdenWolf

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:35 AM

originally posted by: manna2
Dude, your apology for this makes you sound like a sociopath. I would feel better if you got some professional help before you act out your craziness on others. It aint funny.
a reply to: ArdenWolf

Riiiiiiiiight, thanks for the sociopath card. I think I'll go for my psychopath card next.

I have my issues, we all do, but sociopathy isn't one of them. I'm NOT a violent person, I don't hurt others (unless in self defense or to help another being attacked), and I have a strong moral compass and am one of the first people to jump to the defense of another being mistreated by others. Which is basically what's going on here. The demonizing of others based upon unsupported preconceptions because YOU personally don't share their sense of humor.

If I'm a sociopath, then there needs to be more sociopaths, because I'm the idiot that would get shot first on a plane taken over by terrorists, I'm the moron that would get stabbed trying to help a woman getting raped in an alley, I'm retard that has risked my own life to help someone I didn't even like before. I have in my life gotten in more trouble defending the rights, feelings, and opinions of others than my own self. If that makes me a sociopath then so be it.

Do you have the right to be offended by this guys joke? Sure, I'll defend that til the day I die. The problem is, you all aren't stopping at being offended, or finding it in poor taste. You're accusing the guy of being a sociopath intent on the murder of millions because of a tasteless joke. Stop demonizing the man.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:38 AM
Oh and not only are people demonizing this man, they're trying to take his job away over this. Ruin the guys livelihood. Over a bad joke.

Which is, in my opinion, downright criminal.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: NthOther

I am sure the person wasn't joking around, when scientist work with infectious diseases they know that some of these diseases can be modified and once unleashed it can decimate a big chunk of the world population, most of the infectious diseases around are first seen by governments as bioweapons.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:18 AM
If the world is overpopulated he can start with himself his own family. Have you ever noticed when these people mention overpopulation it is always other people they talk about culling. Well considering he and his family are human beings and human beings are the apparent problem then i am sure he wouldn't mind being the first to go down, followed by his family! Or does he think he is special? Do the elite think they are special? I don't think that needs answering.

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:23 AM
Should we not talk about this possibility, or recognize the cold hard truth of this possibility?

Seems like a good way to get caught with our proverbial pants down.

I'm not sure if he was joking. I think he was answering a question lightheartedly, not saying he supported the method. I'm not really sure why referencing a movie is consider a joke. Isn't he just using it as an example?

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 08:41 AM
Just to be clear, Arnzten did NOT create the treatment - he created one of three monoclonal antibodies used in the treatment 0 the Winnepeg lab created the other two. Not that Canada doesn't have a strong eugenics community...

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 09:43 AM
Interesting. And thanks for posting this. I expected to join the bandwagon but after doing a little research, I can't demonize his character or throw stones at him. A 45 second clip from a long presentation given to an audience who knows his work leaves way too many holes -- and I can't take it at face value.

I'm still researching more about this and watching the presentation as much as I can. Here's a link to the videos if anyone wishes to watch it in its entirety.

Part I

Part II

edit on 6-8-2014 by ShesSoDizzy because: adjusted video id

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 10:03 AM
Actually it's the same principle as deer hunting. Overpopulation of deer is detrimental to the health of the species, so the herd is thinned out via hunting season. When this simple concept is applied to humans, though, everybody gets their poor feeling hurt. Is it more humane to allow millions to slowly starve and succumb to disease because there are just too many people for a particular area to support?

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 12:07 PM
Regarding the QUOTE from Arntzen, two quotes come to mind:

Maya Angelou “When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time.”

Josef Menegele “The more we do to you,the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Urantia1111
Actually it's the same principle as deer hunting. Overpopulation of deer is detrimental to the health of the species, so the herd is thinned out via hunting season. When this simple concept is applied to humans, though, everybody gets their poor feeling hurt. Is it more humane to allow millions to slowly starve and succumb to disease because there are just too many people for a particular area to support?
To think one has the right to determine the fate of another, wild life included, is the height of human arrogance and elitism. The main issue I have with your principle is those that think overpopulation is a problem never seem to want to lead the way by depopulating themselves. Problem being, who in their right mind is going to off themselves and their loved ones because an area they live is too densely populated?
edit on 6-8-2014 by Lanisius because: word change

posted on Aug, 6 2014 @ 01:26 PM
Lets just hope that if something like that happens, that these very people get it.
I don't trust any of these nuts. That being said, it's just poor taste. Kind of like how many ambulance drivers have a morbid sense of humor.

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