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What did you think about "Signs?"

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posted on Jul, 14 2003 @ 04:09 PM
signs. the movie that proved to me absolutely that if aliens attack, i'm grabbing my supersoaker.

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 09:38 AM
I thought the movie was excellent, all round. I sat down expecting to watch it for what it was, without looking too deep. The suspense they created throughout was perfect, and the lead-up to actually seeing the aliens in full view was brilliant. One of the most memorable moments (I thought) was when the kids were freaking out at the party and an alien was spotted passing the end of the pathway - the guy watching the TV news (forgive me, can't remember the actors name) got the reaction down to a T.

Excellent movie, one for the collection I'd say.

[Edited on 18-7-2003 by UniversalFiction]

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 06:36 PM
I remember something funny about that movie:

When they were boarding up the windows, they didn't have enough time to do all of the windows so they boarded up the door. [Now this is funny if you think about it. It takes a bit of visual perspective.] They pulled the door on the way in then boarded the door shut from their side. In that way, they could open the door and just push the boards out of the wall.

That was the best part of the whole movie for me. What great common sense....

posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by Ocelot
I dont know ... I liked the movie. Mel Gibson and Joaquin Phoenix were great in it.

I thought it was humorous, and scary at the same time... Also a little silly... especially the part where Merrill and the kids all had those aluminum foil hats on... but for the most part it was better than Unbreakable.

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 12:38 AM
I did not like it at all. It wasn't scarey, the aliens were unrealistic. If you could kill aliens with a ball bat, and a glass of water, dead aliens would be all over the place.

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 01:27 AM
it was a pretty good movie. was scary (im easily scared though) good story line. id watch it again. the funny part is when the dog is barking at the alien we had it up so loud that all the dogs ion the neighbourhood were barking to lol.

i must be really easily scared even scream scared me when i watched it.

mind you the fact that i had friends stay over the night we watched it, that tried to scare the living crap outta me every second of the night doesnt help. i didnt get anysleep cus if i tried to they wouldve woken me up anyway. in the end i joined in and we all scared the crap outta each other. that was actually kinda like the bit in the movie where theyre hiding from the aliens. no-one knew where anyone else was.

dont mind me.

posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 12:19 PM
I thought that the movie "Signs" was one of the worst movies ever created. I sat throught the entire movie being bored to death. And the thing that killed the aliens at the end (wont say what it was in case you haven't seen the movie yet) like cmon.. what a joke.


posted on Aug, 27 2003 @ 12:37 PM
I thought 'Signs' was a great movie!

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 02:12 AM
That's probably because you thought Titanic had a supprise ending too. Signs was only cool because of the effects involving the aliens. The plot, acting, theme, ending, etc... were all crap.

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 11:55 AM
about the roof bit and how they could jump i take it the aliens in signs could jump. many years ago in britain there was a creature some called i believe jumping jack who was spotted many times most people thought it was some kind of deformed human until someone caught a proper glimpse of him and saw what they believed was a alien i havent got all the facts and figures but i have got a book about it somewhere

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 12:40 PM
Interestingly (or not) I've had the film on hire for a week and each time I have gone to watch it (3 times) I have fallen asleep.

* Mel Gibson as a man of the cloth is like Robert Downey Jr on valium
* The kids' parts are rather novel
* Fashionable tinfoil hats
* Aliens schmaliens, there has been nothing menacing so far except a few lights, a streaker at a children's birthday party in Mexico, and some alien fingers getting chopped off under the neighbor's pantry door.

Obviously to all who have managed it, this is slow moving stuff that builds to a climax (some time soon hopefully).

If I manage to get through this interminable thing finally, and have a change of heart about getting a refund on it, then I'll come back and change my rating from one star to two.

For hostile alien methods - Mars Attacks, any day!

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 12:43 PM
Signs was a bore....far too preachy really. I don't enjoy listening to Mel preach about believing in god....An alien movie with a subplot of conversion SUCKS!

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 12:44 PM
In my last 15 posts all over the place, my ATS points haven't shifted from 15303... whether I post at Conspiracy Topics or Chit Chat stuff.

Also, some people got 500 points added a day ago (then another 1000)... I only got 250 of my 500.

I saw them added at the time.

Is someone trying to tell me something??????

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 08:33 PM
...I didn't have to pay to watch it.
But still, it was bad even watching the movie. I'm sorry for you people out there who had to pay to see it....


posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 10:12 PM
I think that is a little harsh. No, it wasn't spectacular but it was decent. The plot may have been weak but the aliens themselves were pretty well done.

posted on Aug, 28 2003 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by kurtcobainuk
about the roof bit and how they could jump i take it the aliens in signs could jump. many years ago in britain there was a creature some called i believe jumping jack who was spotted many times most people thought it was some kind of deformed human until someone caught a proper glimpse of him and saw what they believed was a alien i havent got all the facts and figures but i have got a book about it somewhere

The English creature was "Springheel Jack".

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 05:53 AM
Signs wasn't only a sci-fi movie about UFOs...
Firstly, crop circles were only a coupling to start the story. I think the hot spot of the movie is not the alien invasion, but something deeper.

P.S. The idea of water being acid for aliens was truly stupid.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by michelebugliaro
P.S. The idea of water being acid for aliens was truly stupid.

Hmm... Never thought of it being acid... They must have been real base or real acidic if that is the reason...

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 10:31 AM
I just found this planet. Errm.. it's totally full of poisonous water and stuff, and the inhabitants can virtually spit us to death, and there's rain and mist and lakes and stuff, but what the heck - let's go there!! And you know what, I've got this totally awsome idea... let's go there butt naked!!"

Still, it was a pretty good movie


posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 11:40 AM
No protective silver suits, no alien dune buggies, no hand held lasers, not even a melt ray. You can't tell me that movie wouldn't have been have been better with a melt ray. Bottom line is these aliens came completely unprepared and should do their homework on a planet before trying to invade it.

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