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10 Things You Really Should Know About Ebola

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posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 08:55 AM

originally posted by: EvillerBob

originally posted by: SonOfTheLawOfOne
Here's 3 other things you should know about Ebola:

1) It's a virus, and 2) just like any virus, it can mutate and 3) such a mutation is completely unpredictable.

While I can't find the source, I was reading recently (from what I recall appeared to be a reputable source) that the Ebola strain in question was relatively stable or resistant to mutation, compared to many other viruses. If true, that's something positive at least!

That would be great news!

However... as you pointed out, "relatively stable" means that under most conditions, it remains stable. That is not the same as "it can't mutate". I would feel a hell of a lot better if it were the latter.

Another poster (AutumnWitch657) said:

Ebola is known to be very ineffective at mutation. It dies when exposed to sunlight. It's even hard to keep it alive to study it.

It takes a single mutation of the capsid to develop a protein sheath strong enough to protect the virus. The virus may have a slow mutation rate, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't mutate at all. You nor I can predict what that mutation will do and how it will behave once it occurs.

It really amazes me how arrogant humans can be. This isn't a cold virus.


posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: EvillerBob

Yeah I know. But as I said in another thread, what if this virus goes out of control?

Why is there a massive Anthrax release drill going on in New York? Why when you look at the news of what the authorities in Africa are doing and what the news in the US says it's doing is mirroring the story line of the Outbreak movie?

If Obama and his cronies want to arrest people without charge and at the same time grab their guns a perfect way would be under Virus Quarantine Procedures! That mixed with the NDAA executive order and the supposed FEMA camps will be filling up like hell!

The FEMA camp theories wouldn't seem like a Conspiracy if this Virus goes like wildfire through the US would they?

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:01 AM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

Then what say you to this?

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:05 AM
a reply to: grandmakdw

Why haven't we sealed the borders?

The tons of drugs and number of undocumented workers crossing US southern border can't be stopped even with thirty foot walls, choppers, guns and dogs so…

In general the article is good and doesn't contradict itself except duration of contagious period of the bug.

One place says the semen of an infected male is transmissible for 7 weeks even after symptoms disappear and another part states infection can only be transmitted during the symptoms phase.

Both of these statements fail to take into account that surfaces exposed to Ebola victims are also virulent and can infect the casual traveller unknowingly.

As Ebola amplifies in a person the connective tissues that separate the bodies systems from each other break down due to hemorrhaging . Blood in sweat, urine and stool is the result.

Evidence of this might be blood stains on surfaces in public places. Spots or swipes of blood on any surface should be avoided.

Maybe in the extreme, carry anti bio handiwipes with you when you travel and use them on faucet, door handles and toilet seats before use.

Avoid touching things, leaning on things, bottom of shoes, luggage handles restaurants in travel choke points, that kind of thing. Stay aware, use common sense, avoid people that appear to have any flu like symptoms.

Its not world wide yet but fools and assholes abound. Give them time and they will potentially create micro breaks elsewhere.

Get ready the rumor mill. Please avoid the rumors and hoaxes only bringing announcements of newer cases that have actually been confirmed by accredited agencies like The WhO and CDC. People can list others here that will be spraining up around the world.
edit on 2-8-2014 by intrptr because: clarification

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:12 AM
Merely coincidence. I know a man from Seiria Leon and I'm thinking the general population is not much different from him. He is unscrupulous. He will do anything for money. He worked in a high end store with me. He was a commissioned sales person. He stole other sales people's customers And he made a good amount of money and he worked there many years because he had high sales numbers. Not surprising given his ethics. One day it was discovered that he was buying merchandise with his employee discount and selling it at a flea market on weekends. He earned a very good living but it was never enough to him . My point is those folks will always go with the biggest gains no matter what agreements they may have had. Broken contract don't mean a thing. Oh he was fired. d reply to: soficrow

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

You are correct about the sanitation in Africa where the mortality rate approaches 90%. If it were to get to the US, with our sanitation and health care we would be fortunate to have only a 50% mortality rate.

The thing that worries me the most is that the media is outright lying to the public about the danger of Ebola if it gets in the US.

If you read the scientific articles carefully you will see that being in the room with an Ebola patient who sneezes or coughs IS a way to catch the virus. Patients are not aware they have Ebola when they are first contagious.

Yesterday I was in the grocery store with 2 kids coughing like no tomorrow close by. IF they had Ebola (which of course they didn't right now, but if they did) I would have been directly exposed to the virus because they were close enough to me with their hacking.

Also, I was on a plane with a kid who was really sick, coughing all over the place. The flight crew ignored this obviously quite ill kid who was obviously quite feverish also. I was across the aisle from him and did catch his nasty virus. Ebola virus travels far enough that had the kid had Ebola I would have been directly exposed.

The TB that is coming across from Mexico is nearly incurable and has a high mortality rate.

No, I don't think I am being alarmist at all.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

Ebolas job is to turn the host into as many virus particles as possible before the victim dies. Given the number of viruses and victims are steadily increasing, it follows that the number of virus replication events is also increasing. This means that with every new division of the virus to form another virus the potential for mutations will increase.

If this were to become a full blown world pandemic the number of virus particle divisions would increase the likelihood that one of those mutations could randomly make the virus airborne.

Someone else do the math.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:17 AM
Mutation is the wild card of course... And yes it does seem relatively easy to contract... And a resounding yes to the fact that this is "no flu virus."

Yes we are quite arrogant as well. We could be annihilated by a microscopic speck or a meteoric rock. All the way to the grave we will bicker and doubt. Maybe it is our time, but even that is wrapped in arrogance. Who are we to say anything? Do anything? Or not? Why even try?

It's becoming harder to answer that question all the time.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Aqualung2012
a reply to: grandmakdw

...And you know I really don't appreciate your long copy/pasted, sensational "message to the white house." Write something new eh?

I have seen it in every thread on Ebola, and it's just soaked in frightfulness and contradictions. It's your privilege to post it here, but funny enough this is the thread aiming for a cooler approach to the situation, and so it may not be well received.

If you've seen it everywhere then it's not me. This is only the second time I posted my original.

What cooler approach? Allowing all the contagious diseases with high mortality rates cross the border with impunity?
That is the height of insanity, it certainly is not kind or humanitarian to the people living in the US.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:20 AM
Obviously you have something to gain by forcing this viewpoint down our throats. It's not likely to mutate. Of course that leaves the potential that mutation is possible. So is winning the lottery but most people don't use that as their plan for retirement. for the same reason. It's unlikely. reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:22 AM
I'm sorry? I don't know anything about that link. What do you mean?a reply to: Aqualung2012

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

It's an overview of the US chemical/biological weapons program.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: grandmakdw

originally posted by: Aqualung2012
a reply to: grandmakdw

...And you know I really don't appreciate your long copy/pasted, sensational "message to the white house." Write something new eh?

I have seen it in every thread on Ebola, and it's just soaked in frightfulness and contradictions. It's your privilege to post it here, but funny enough this is the thread aiming for a cooler approach to the situation, and so it may not be well received.

If you've seen it everywhere then it's not me. This is only the second time I posted my original.

What cooler approach? Allowing all the contagious diseases with high mortality rates cross the border with impunity?
That is the height of insanity, it certainly is not kind or humanitarian to the people living in the US.

Diseased or not a lot of those people are refugees man, just kids, turning them back to the cartel is insane....

This thread is about the facts of Ebola, not what we should do about the border. And you want to talk about a global catastrophe? Stop all imports/exports, shipping, travel....

We'll kill each other long before Ebola does.

And by "cooler approach" I mean a balanced, fact based assessment of the situation. Not one that constructs the worst case scenario as fact. This approach is the one that acknowledges the danger, but doesn't feed the fire.
edit on 2-8-2014 by Aqualung2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 10:03 AM
a reply to: AutumnWitch657

There are no coincidences. and fyi - Truly unscrupulous people tend to be very wealthy. Your associate was obviously dishonest, but most likely trying to crab together enough cash to pay rent, eat, AND send money home to his family starving in Africa. ....Some poor people -of any nationality- get resentful when they see how dishonesty and heartlessness are routinely rewarded in our culture (check the headlines any day) - so they give up and decide to play the game. Says more about our culture's dominant values than any individual.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 11:53 AM
Mortality rates are what they are. I think the disease will be securely contained and we won't have to worry about mortality rates. reply to: grandmakdw

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 11:57 AM
Oh. Wouldn't something like that be secret? Wouldn't access to a site that was legitimate be as hard to hack as the DOD? Do you really think if it was true the information would be accessible from the internet of everyone?y I reply to: Aqualung2012

edit on AMu31u0883158312014-08-02T11:58:28-05:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:05 PM
Yeah that's it. He dressed in designer clothes and lived in a James River front high rise apartment. Yes he did send money home. He went there a couple of times a year. He was still a thief. There is no justification in his actions under any circumstances. And of course that doesn't mean every one there is like him but I'll bet that their elders those in position all are just like that and contracts wouldn't mean a thing if someone with a bigger purse comes along. That was really my point. You want to turn it into I don't care about starving kids in Africa that's your prerogative. I know what I'm all about.

reply to: soficrow

PS coincidences happen every day.

edit on PMu31u0883107312014-08-02T12:07:42-05:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

edit on PMu31u0883110312014-08-02T12:10:18-05:00 by AutumnWitch657 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:28 PM

edit on 2-8-2014 by SonOfTheLawOfOne because: double post

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:29 PM

originally posted by: AutumnWitch657
Obviously you have something to gain by forcing this viewpoint down our throats. It's not likely to mutate. Of course that leaves the potential that mutation is possible. So is winning the lottery but most people don't use that as their plan for retirement. for the same reason. It's unlikely. reply to: SonOfTheLawOfOne

What a presumptuous and pompous thing to say to someone.

What could I have to gain by warning people of the unpredictability of nature? That perhaps IF something were to happen, less people might die? OH NOOOOOOO! Shame on me and my viewpoint. You could have just as easily ignored it if you don't like it.

"It's not likely to mutate"... says an ATS poster... I feel so much better now, I'll stop worrying and so should everyone else... and plan for my retirement since the potential of getting infected by Ebola has been completely negated by the words of AutumnWitch657.


posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:33 PM

Well I don't know what's true and what isn't, but the source I linked to you gives tons of days, bill numbers, names etc... All of which could be cross referenced, which is a good start at least.

Everything's a secret until you find out... Anyways the DOD WAS hacked, was it not?

But that's none of my business.*sip*

PS... please let's all chill out and help each other understand the point instead of being all sardonic and stuff... Makes for terrible reading... In-fighting is the reason ATS is not quite a force to be reckoned with, although it very well could be!

Same team! Same team!

edit on 2-8-2014 by Aqualung2012 because: (no reason given)

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