posted on Aug, 7 2014 @ 11:53 PM
a reply to:
Regardless of what happened in the past, do you want to be protected HERE? If Not than lets continue to cut our military budget even more!! The
reason The U.S.General was killed yesterday was directly related to how this Administration has tied our forces hands when it comes to rules of
engagement...All there pretty little ideas do not mean squat for the men and women whom are willing to get down to tactics and fight for you, me and
the rest of us.
So yeah while the world is in a very dangerous place as you said lets decrease our chance to defend ourselves. That sounds like perfect logic!! Isis
would not be advancing on Iraq or in the Middle East if Obama had not yanked our troops out of there all at once...This Administration was warned
about the threat of ISIS back in 2012.....But Obama, Hillary and the rest turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to the Clear and Present Danger.....and
now look where we are!
Don't talk to me about BUSH or Clinton or any other President and what they did or who is to blame because those people are not at the helm RIGHT NOW!
This lies squarely on the POTUS no one else!
Question is do you or the rest of you who want to see the Military "Industrial Complex", as they have been referred to, fight for you in a foreign
land or fight in your own backyard!
And just because you cut our military does NOT MAKE THE TRHEAT JUST DISAPPEAR!! That is a stupid and ridiculous concept!
I never said we need to provoke war....or even medal in other countries business. I just think we need to be able to defend ourselves first and
foremost......The reason we will have a much harder time at that is because Obama plans to observe from his backyard in Kenya and does not give one
damn what happens to the U.S.A. and that is not United States of Africa but United States of America !
edit on 8/8/2014 by paxnatus because: (no reason given)
edit on 8/8/2014 by paxnatus because: (no reason given)