I'd like to start this by saying I don't sleep much. I feel pretty well rested after only 2-3 hours of sleep, I almost always dream but I forget most
of my dreams soon after waking up. I can sit for a while and think about them when I first wake up, but once I think about something else the dreams
are gone. This morning I remembered three distinct 'sections' of my dream(s) so I figured I would share the madness with ATS.
Another thing I'd like to say before I get into it is that when I dream there are essentially two overall feelings I get while in the dream. I either
just go about my business, no matter how outlandish and unreal it may be, without feeling that anything is out of place. In other words I feel just
like I do in the waking life, but the world around me is completely different. The other feeling...well I'll be in the dream and I will have this
nagging feeling that something isn't right, like there is a fog between my senses and the outside world, if that makes any sense at all. I will be
clumsy, get lost, confused, things like that. Last night was the foggy, confusing feeling.
So the first dream (or section of dream) was a recurring theme I see in my dreams quite often. I was in some sort of gigantic supermarket. Imagine
something like 10 Sam's club or similar warehouse style stores and that was how big it felt. The interior of the store was very clean and tidy, and it
had the feel of an upscale store...There were customers, everything seemed to be operational. I was in the store looking for a hat, which is strange
because I don't wear hats. Here's the part where the recurring theme comes in: my method of movement around the store. I'm wearing my normal shoes,
but I'm able to move like I'm ice skating (never ice skated a day in my life), but without the control of having blades under my feet. It's more like
there is almost zero friction between my shoes and the floor. Everyone else is walking around like normal and doesn't seem to notice that I'm speeding
around the store, periodically losing control and crashing into displays and shelves.
As I'm moving through the store, I'm searching for a blue hat. There are random displays with 10-15 hats each set up throughout the store, and I'm not
finding a hat that I like. At one point I look to my left and notice a dedicated clothing section in the distance. So I head that way, but as soon as
I turn the corner there is a big extension cord across the floor that almost trips me up. I look to see what the cord is going to, and there is an
enormous audience again to my left. I turn to the right to see what they are watching, and there is an old lady sitting in a chair, with a spotlight
coming from in front of her on the floor shining onto her. There are no shadows on this woman, and her voice is very raspy and slow. She freaked me
out so I hauled ass out of there. I never found the hat I was looking for, and the next thing I remember is walking (in a normal way) in a parking
lot, and getting into my truck. The truck I actually have in real life. Then everything changes in the blink of an eye.
I'm parked in a field. This field has made many, many appearances in my dreams. It's a huge field, I would guess more than 20 acres. Around the edges
of the field is a thick pine tree 'forest', and the field always looks flat and without features until I start walking around. The first thing I came
to was a ditch, about 15 feet across and 10 feet deep, there's a little stream in the bottom maybe 2 inches deep and a foot wide. The ground is muddy
but solid. As I'm walking along this ditch (haven't crossed it at this point) I realize that I'm walking alongside my Grandmother, who was killed in a
car accident about 8 or 9 years ago. We're not talking, I'm not astonished to see her or anything like that, I've dreamed of her before and she always
appears silently and with the biggest, most comforting smile you can imagine.
So I decide to go down into the ditch and cross to the other side, and just as I get to the bottom I realize that my grandmother has now changed into
her best friend, a woman named Jeannie who I consider to be another grandmother figure throughout my life. Again, this doesn't elicit a reaction from
me in the dream for some reason. I'm at the bottom of the ditch now, and the ground is muddy but firm, my feet are sinking maybe a half inch under my
weight. We walked along the ditch for a few dozen steps, and I decided it was time to climb out. As I'm climbing the ground is getting softer and
softer, and my shoes are covered in black mud. I'm about halfway out of the ditch and I start sinking fast. The mud is up to my thigh and I look to
Jeannie and panic consumes me. This is another strange thing because I can't remember the last time I panicked in real life, I'm somewhat of an
adrenaline junkie. As I look to her I sink almost instantly, the mud is now up to my fingertips with my arms stretched straight up. I'm 6'2'' for
reference. As quickly as I sink, Jeannie reaches in and rips me from the mud with insane strength. She's about 4'2'' and by no means a strong woman,
for reference.
When I get out of the mud I'm suddenly in a big city, it's very cramped and reminds me of a poor Asian city you would see in an action movie. The only
thought in my head is "Where the hell is my truck?". I start walking down the road, and there is this insanely loud alarm. If you've ever worked in a
factory with alarms designed to overpower the sound of hydraulic presses and earplugs, then you can imagine this sound. I see a couple guys
frantically waving me into this garage, the sound of the alarm has me confused and unable to think, so I run to the frantic waving guys. They bring my
into a garage, close the door and drag these big chains underneath the door. I ask what the hell is happening, and one of them just says "Tar! It's
tar!". I have no idea what this means at this point. The alarm stops, and I hear what sounds like a male screaming in agony in the distance.
I look up, and the ceiling of the garage is either missing or transparent. I see a balcony filled with people, and there is a man on the roof with a
fire hose, spraying hot tar on the people! I ask why this is happening, and everyone in the garage just looks at me with a sad look. No one explains
anything. The man with the fire hose leaves, and the people on the balcony are gone, not sure where they went. We open the garage door and we start
talking about something, I don't remember what it was, but within what seemed like only a few minutes the alarm goes off again. We start to close the
garage door, I have the big chains in my hands ready to drag in. Just as we get the door closed, we hear a small dog barking and scratching at the
door. We let the dog in, close the door, and I look back up to the balcony. It's filled with people again, the guy with the fire hose is there again,
but this time the people are climbing down from the balcony and heading towards the garage.
One guy somehow makes it into the garage, the ceiling/roof is now completely gone/open, and the fire hose guy is dousing the guy who made it into the
garage. The only thought I have is "Man, I hope that # doesn't get on me!". The runaway guy is screaming, running around the garage, and suddenly the
fire hose guy changes his aim and starts to spray me with the hot tar...I just start screaming "I wasn't there, I wasn't there!" (Continued on next
edit on 7/31/2014 by ChaosComplex because: (no reason given)
edit on 7/31/2014 by ChaosComplex because: (no reason