posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to:
Looks to me like Google and Novartis are seeing how lucrative the continuous glucose monitoring revenues are. Afterall, diabetes is going up by the
millions(s) every year. I know of multiple diabetes treatments that can cure the illness in labratory studies, and none of them are approved by the
FDA (yet). I do not think that this is a good sign. Industry doesn't want cures, they are not profitable enough.
I speak from the perspective of one who has had diabetes for quite a long time. I hope I live to see a cure approved. I suppose that will only happen
if "they" decide it will be profitable enough...
My personal outlook is that I do not want to have a CPU that close to my brain, even if it is that small. I want them to test it on volunteers in
medical studies, and watch what happens to the people that use it for 3-5 years. If the beta testers prove that it does not hurt them, and it works as
good or better than current glucose monitoring (continuous) then I say it is great. I still never plan on getting one.
I think that for CGMS monitoring, the best right now is Dexcom. They could improve that tech as well, but it is the best that is out there IMHO. The
best tech would always be a cure...