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Some good news from Fukushima Daiichi

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posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: Pont52

Pont52 you live in Japan? What part? If your worried about absorption of radioactive particles in the body through food try taking supplements. Its the same idea with iodine pills immediately after the accident. Potassium is a bio an along of Cesium and Magnesium and Calcium is a bio analog of Strontium. If your body is not deficient in these minerals that than it won't uptake them and store the radioactive elements in the target tissues. Just make sure the supplements are produced out side of Japan. Hope this info helps.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: BGTM90
a reply to: Restricted

Actually we kind of did it. The reactors and the site was designed by GE. Those are american reactors. GE was the one who decided to build the reactors on a lower level. And were the people that put the cooling pumps next to the ocean and not use the more expensive submersible pump when it was well known japan had a history of large Tsunamis and earth quakes.They were also the people who put the diesel generators in the basement. And lets not forget the 1000 plus atomic bombs we detonated. And when I said we should thenk them I was referring to the people on the ground doing the grueling dangerous work everyday and had nothing to do with the accident. Its the least we can do. I don't see any one on here volunteering to go over there to work on the site or even coming up with ideas of how to help.

I totally disagree that "we" did anything. 'We' didn't explode nukes or build the plants - 'they' did. The entire nuclear industry (as well as all other multi-national corporations) know no boundaries or borders and have duped 'us' into thinking 'we' are the problem for millenia. They did this, not us. They created the problem knowing full well the hazards. The big question is why? Why do engineers and smart people develop substandard designs in hazardous places? Then when there's problems have no solutions except to just let it run its course and expose untold millions to toxins and radiation? Hmm...

There are clean, alternative sources of energy, we've been snowed into believing nuclear is cheap and clean when it is totally the opposite. We DO NOT have a choice or say in the energy being created to meet the demands orchestrated to justify the energy. But we are the ones left to pay the piper, so to speak.

I feel badly for anyone dealing with Fukushima directly - but in reality it shouldn't have happened in the first or second or third place yet minions (those workers) are considered expendable and used to mop radioactive soup. It is not our doing that this happened, it is the nuclear industry's doing. Yet we are the ones directly affected by it. As I see it all the Tepco executives are stooges/minions too.

What IS being done over there is ridiculously (embarrasingly) insufficient. Bagging radioactive dirt into plastic bags then piling them for years that are now ripped and exposed... yeah, great idea. Another brilliant Tepco solution. That is only one of dozens of examples of stupid, useless ideas used to convince everyone 'something' is being done when the reality is nothing can be done to stop this. Just smile and radiation won't hurt you...and Mr. Plutonium is your friend...

from Billy Joel...

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

edit on 30-7-2014 by wishes because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 02:40 AM
a reply to: wishes

I ment we as in US companies not necessarily the american people. But you're post kind of shows what I think is wrong in our society. Its all about the blame game who's fault it is for the situation we are in instead of trying to figure out solutions to the problems we face. Everyone just sits around and wants to blame people for the problem. Well after a while blaming people gets us no where. The big question is not why its How. How do we fix these problems and situations we are in? See we do have a choice in the way energy is produced. You can go to collage and become an engineer or start your own company that produces renewables. You are not powerless. If you sit around and do nothing about a situation you are concerned about you are at just as much to blame as every one els. In fantasy it would not of happened but in reality it did. We might have to change the power structure in the world or change the people who regulate industries. We might have to make advancements in medicine and engineering. But it can be fixed. If you are so unhappy with what is being done then come up with some ideas of how it can be prevented and submit them to people who can initiate them. Wright a letter to the people that represent you in gov. Vote/ Campaign for people who you think will represent your values. Do something, anything, other than sit on your computer blaming other people. It will get you no where. Even if what you tried didn't help at all at least you made an effort. I'm going to school to be an engineer specializing in nuclear contamination clean up ( and working with space probes on the side) because when Fuksuhima happened it put such a passion and drive into me I knew that I wanted to help. I've always been science oriented sense I was a kid so that is the route Im choosing but the are a plethora of things you can do. I have just started and it may take me a while and will be hard but its what I want to do. I hope you can find the drive to help the situation too, big or small it doesn't matter. Because in the end it doesn't really matter who's fault it was, just the outcome.

Ben Harper, Own two hands:
"I can change the world with my own two hands. Make it a better place with my own two hands."

Micheal Jackson, Man in the Mirror:
"And No Message Could've
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make That

John Legend, If your out there:
"If you hear this message
Wherever you stand
I'm calling every woman
Calling ever man
We're the generation
We can't afford to wait
The future started yesterday
And we're already late
If you ready we can save the world
Believe again, start to mend
We don't have to wait for destiny
WE should be the change that we want to see"

Just a thought. . .
edit on 30-7-2014 by BGTM90 because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-7-2014 by BGTM90 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 07:56 AM

originally posted by: wishes

originally posted by: BGTM90
a reply to: Restricted

Actually we kind of did it. The reactors and the site was designed by GE. Those are american reactors. GE was the one who decided to build the reactors on a lower level. And were the people that put the cooling pumps next to the ocean and not use the more expensive submersible pump when it was well known japan had a history of large Tsunamis and earth quakes.They were also the people who put the diesel generators in the basement. And lets not forget the 1000 plus atomic bombs we detonated. And when I said we should thenk them I was referring to the people on the ground doing the grueling dangerous work everyday and had nothing to do with the accident. Its the least we can do. I don't see any one on here volunteering to go over there to work on the site or even coming up with ideas of how to help.

I totally disagree that "we" did anything. 'We' didn't explode nukes or build the plants - 'they' did. The entire nuclear industry (as well as all other multi-national corporations) know no boundaries or borders and have duped 'us' into thinking 'we' are the problem for millenia. They did this, not us. They created the problem knowing full well the hazards. The big question is why? Why do engineers and smart people develop substandard designs in hazardous places? Then when there's problems have no solutions except to just let it run its course and expose untold millions to toxins and radiation? Hmm...

There are clean, alternative sources of energy, we've been snowed into believing nuclear is cheap and clean when it is totally the opposite. We DO NOT have a choice or say in the energy being created to meet the demands orchestrated to justify the energy. But we are the ones left to pay the piper, so to speak.

I feel badly for anyone dealing with Fukushima directly - but in reality it shouldn't have happened in the first or second or third place yet minions (those workers) are considered expendable and used to mop radioactive soup. It is not our doing that this happened, it is the nuclear industry's doing. Yet we are the ones directly affected by it. As I see it all the Tepco executives are stooges/minions too.

What IS being done over there is ridiculously (embarrasingly) insufficient. Bagging radioactive dirt into plastic bags then piling them for years that are now ripped and exposed... yeah, great idea. Another brilliant Tepco solution. That is only one of dozens of examples of stupid, useless ideas used to convince everyone 'something' is being done when the reality is nothing can be done to stop this. Just smile and radiation won't hurt you...and Mr. Plutonium is your friend...

from Billy Joel...

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning
Since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No we didn't light it
But we tried to fight it

Like Obama said in that one speech, "You didn't make that." I agree with that statement in regards to FuKushima.

I never even thought of doing anything like that. It was never a passing thought in my mind to create a deadly sustained nuclear reaction to boil water to turn an electrical turbine, and create enriched uranium for the production of the most extreme weapons of mass destruction and total extinction ever known to man.

I was not born with the thought processes to think up the plans to destroy the world and poison it with radioactivity while telling lies about it's safety and benefits to the world. That stuff came into my mind later when I learned about it in school, TV and in the movies.

Not only did I not make that, I never thought of it either. Star for you.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 08:37 AM

originally posted by: BGTM90
a reply to: wishes

I ment we as in US companies not necessarily the american people. But you're post kind of shows what I think is wrong in our society. Its all about the blame game who's fault it is for the situation we are in instead of trying to figure out solutions to the problems we face. Everyone just sits around and wants to blame people for the problem. Well after a while blaming people gets us no where. The big question is not why its How. How do we fix these problems and situations we are in? See we do have a choice in the way energy is produced. You can go to collage and become an engineer or start your own company that produces renewables. You are not powerless. If you sit around and do nothing about a situation you are concerned about you are at just as much to blame as every one els. In fantasy it would not of happened but in reality it did. We might have to change the power structure in the world or change the people who regulate industries. We might have to make advancements in medicine and engineering. But it can be fixed. If you are so unhappy with what is being done then come up with some ideas of how it can be prevented and submit them to people who can initiate them. Wright a letter to the people that represent you in gov. Vote/ Campaign for people who you think will represent your values. Do something, anything, other than sit on your computer blaming other people. It will get you no where. Even if what you tried didn't help at all at least you made an effort. I'm going to school to be an engineer specializing in nuclear contamination clean up ( and working with space probes on the side) because when Fuksuhima happened it put such a passion and drive into me I knew that I wanted to help. I've always been science oriented sense I was a kid so that is the route Im choosing but the are a plethora of things you can do. I have just started and it may take me a while and will be hard but its what I want to do. I hope you can find the drive to help the situation too, big or small it doesn't matter. Because in the end it doesn't really matter who's fault it was, just the outcome.

Ben Harper, Own two hands:
"I can change the world with my own two hands. Make it a better place with my own two hands."

Micheal Jackson, Man in the Mirror:
"And No Message Could've
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself And
Then Make That

John Legend, If your out there:
"If you hear this message
Wherever you stand
I'm calling every woman
Calling ever man
We're the generation
We can't afford to wait
The future started yesterday
And we're already late
If you ready we can save the world
Believe again, start to mend
We don't have to wait for destiny
WE should be the change that we want to see"

Just a thought. . .

What's with the ridiculous spelling mistakes?

Are you borrowing a page from Dubya?

Do you think people will consider you Joe Average by spelling meant as "ment" , college as "Collage", else as "els", write as "wright", Fukushima as "Fuksuhima".

I think you are deliberately "misunderestimating" peoples ability to discern truth from government rhetoric.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: BGTM90

How do we fix these energy problems? It is most commendable you are going to school to become part of a solution. Here's my experiences in a nutshell. I got a degree in criminology because I wanted to make a difference - but can't because of the politics and lack of funding so I stopped trying and went to do my own thing like sponsor large events to bring like-minded people together. What I learned is you can have 500 wonderful people together and one nasty in the bunch can tear it down in a heartbeat. I got involved in Federal politics when Mel Hurtig was running for PM of Canada and after his daughter was shot at he declined to continue. Write letters? Yeah, done that too - I wrote a letter protesting what the Canadian government was doing allowing logging and got a large glossy package of propaganda printed on paper. I don't vote anymore - is just replacing one controlled puppet head for another. It's all illusion, smoke and mirrors - people would be in shock to learn who the wizard(s) behind the curtain really is. I don't "know" myself - only best guesses based on many, many years of asking questions.

There is a very, very long list of good people who moved up the ranks only to be taken out or turned because they wanted to 'make a difference'. It is NOT allowed, period. No one will ever get into any place to make any real change - they will either have an 'accident' like suicide or be threatened to do as they are told.

In reality there are no countries, they are all manipulated by the same things/beings/people. No one gets anywhere challenging them. Could a mass of people make a difference? Probably not - they'd be shot upon, arrested and portrayed through the controlled media as 'terrorists'.

Fukushima is far too big for anyone to get anywhere cleaning it up. They should have dug huge pits and buried all the toxic waste instead of bagging it an leaving it sitting in piles everywhere. One of the world's largest zeolite mines is very close to Fukushima but they're not using that either. Everything they have done is a mockery of life and intelligence and begs the question 'why'...

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: BGTM90

ALL* the help the better

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 10:52 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

I read something about a Muto infestation.

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Psynic

Nope. Im just not that great at spelling and there is a little something called autocorrect on my phone. I'm sorry I didn't proof read my post, it was 2 a.m. here. But like I said I've always been into science and english has always been my worst subject. I don't know what dubya is. And no I don't work for the Gov. But to me it sounds like you live in a fantasy world every post you have posted on here has had wild claims with absolutely no proof, You still have not posted the pictures I asked for. If you want to believe I'm a gov agent for some reason go ahead I could care less. but don't come on a thread I posted and make outrageous claims that are not backed by any evidence.
Thank you.
edit on 30-7-2014 by BGTM90 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2014 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus 13
Thank you and I love the Metatron's cube Avatar btw I've been thinking about getting a tattoo of it but I'm scared because of the complexity.

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 10:41 AM


posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 11:02 AM
Had they listened to the Keshe foundations plans for cleanup things would be much better by now.

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 11:49 AM

originally posted by: trig_grl
Had they listened to the Keshe foundations plans for cleanup things would be much better by now.

Mehran Keshe, the Iranian who claims to have brought down a US drone with his "Anti-gravity" device.

He is a well de-bunked fraud and does not belong in a serious discussion of Fukushima.
edit on -05:0043147022014-07-31T12:02:43-05:00 by Psynic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2014 @ 04:47 PM

originally posted by: Psynic

originally posted by: trig_grl
Had they listened to the Keshe foundations plans for cleanup things would be much better by now.

Mehran Keshe, the Iranian who claims to have brought down a US drone with his "Anti-gravity" device.

He is a well de-bunked fraud and does not belong in a serious discussion of Fukushima.

How has he been debunked? References/sources, please and thanks.

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 12:42 AM

originally posted by: wishes

originally posted by: Psynic

originally posted by: trig_grl
Had they listened to the Keshe foundations plans for cleanup things would be much better by now.

Mehran Keshe, the Iranian who claims to have brought down a US drone with his "Anti-gravity" device.

He is a well de-bunked fraud and does not belong in a serious discussion of Fukushima.

How has he been debunked? References/sources, please and thanks.

Feel free to google it yourself.

In addition to a solution for Fukushima, Keshe claims to have plans for an anti-gravity device, a free energy machine and a cloak of invisibility.

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: Psynic

Tesla invented similar things almost a century ago; so I am sure it's possible... but I've never heard of this Keshe guy.

The US military has had plans for these things in the past as well, so I wouldn't say it's too far-fetched...

Back on topic though, it seems the government isn't able to gain much ground when it deals with Fukushima land-owners in order to dispose of the waste. All, essentially, because the people don't trust the government to uphold their end of the 30-year lease. Besides, who wants to own land that has nuclear waste beneath it?


posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 06:34 AM

originally posted by: Pont52
a reply to: trontech

Also, to add fuel to that fire, it didn't help that the Japanese government passed its secrecy law when people started to really dig into what was going on in Fukushima.

Thank goodness for places like ATS because you never even hear mention of Fukushima on Japanese TV anymore.

I know its terrible. And I live in a medical university city. Doctors don't want to lose or not get promoted so it is all silence. The truth is, it is a hidden contamination. So lets not talk about it.

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 06:45 AM
a reply to: BGTM90

But you are entitled to believe what you want to believe.

I believe that all those reactors of the boiling water GE type all over the world are reaching the limits of their service life and every one of them poses risks to the environment. Building these on the beach in a subducton earthquake zone that is vulnerable to Tsunamis was the greediest thing they could have done.

Cleaning up the fuel pools is a good thing but they are really only shipping the still hot rods somewhere else (buried on site for now). Along with all the other working reactors in the world, waste is an ongoing issue the engineers still haven't solved. How many other reactors world wide currently store similar numbers of fuel rods in the spent fuel pools?

Hail the light fantastic.

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 06:56 AM
a reply to: BGTM90

I ment we as in US companies not necessarily the american people. But you're post kind of shows what I think is wrong in our society. Its all about the blame game who's fault it is for the situation we are in instead of trying to figure out solutions to the problems we face.

First you stated you meant "we" as in american companies and then use "we" again as in the problems "we face". Wishes post was spot on, the problems associated with what to do with waste from even those reactors that work still has not been solved for decades.

Burying radioactive fuel rods for a hundred thousand years is not a solution. It is another super fund cleanup site passed on to future generations. There is no solution to even the problem of waste alone let alone what to do with all the escaped radioactive fission by products from plants in full meltdown.

But good, keep focusing on the "site" and not on the overall consequences of a dangerous industry.

posted on Aug, 1 2014 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

I was not born with the thought processes to think up the plans to destroy the world and poison it with radioactivity while telling lies about it's safety and benefits to the world.

Star for you too. Thats how they got away with it. Ordinary people can't believe that others are that greedy and delusional.

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