posted on Dec, 5 2004 @ 10:30 PM
Bonds would have to be in a coma not to know that there was something going on with his body. Furthermore, he would have too have been a dunderhead
not to make a connection. As the article states, these men know what is going into their bodies. They have to much at stake not to know. Moreover,
as athletes they are more in tune with their bodies than the rank and file.
I don't watch professional baseball, football, or basketball, anymore. I love the games, but I have no respect for those who play the game and
that's where its at for me.
I like the motor sports, but I believe that in time NASCAR will travel down the same road. The state of utter corruption in the big three didn't
happen overnight. It was gradual.
It won't change until the people speak with their dollars. The fans are as much at fault as the players and the leagues, because the fans have
stayed with the sports through every outrage and every stage of the incremental decline.
Think about that every time you tune into a game or buy a product from an advertiser that sponsors the games or pays for an endorsement. The
advertisers would not spend the money, if the patrons were not there. If the players are overpaid, they are overpaid by you.
[edit on 04/12/5 by GradyPhilpott]