posted on Jul, 27 2014 @ 07:32 AM
Ive been here since my death during the onin wars . Theres many residents here in hell of all ages paying for the mistakes we made in life .. between
incarnations in the world .. we all look forward to ghost month when the king of hell opens the gates and for a time we can return to the land of the
living .. some return to visit their family others to seek vengeance from those who wronged them in life .. some like myself with no clan left wander
The living leave out gifts and offerings often leading to a frenzy of who will claim it first .. I never claim any for myself instead give what gather
of the gifts from the living and give it to the little ones as they get pushed aside in the scramble ..
Once again the day arrives and the crowd forms early at the gates as we wait release into the land of the living once more .. I stand waiting along
with some of the little ones without clans to see that they get their share .. reminding them to be patient as they dance with excitement waiting for
the gates to open ..