posted on Jul, 23 2014 @ 09:59 PM
I'm a long, long time lurker on these forums and have just now had a reason to post. I'm from the Appalachia area of Kentucky and we've had some
mysterious visitors, not only here, but apparently all over the state and other states as well. I'm hoping to make a more substantial post later if
time allows, but in short, at least 3 or 4 mysterious women dressed in all black are just, well, walking. Some people say they are prophets from God,
protesting the Israel/Gaza war, some say angels, others just say drifters but most of us are just unsure. They haven't broken any laws or been
disruptive at all, and I mean no disrespect to them in any way. I'm just curious as to A.) what is their mission? and B.) Have any of you had any
sightings of these women or have any theories?
As I'm new this is the only place I could post this, but if needs to be moved, please do so. Here are a few of the links I could find on the women,
there are more out there. I look forward to any opinions on this! Thanks in advance.
From West Virginia-
From Tennessee-
A Facebook group from Kentucky-
And a YouTube video from one of the women in Virginia about an hour from my location. She seems to be preaching something in the video, maybe some of
you can make out what she is trying to say?