posted on Jul, 23 2014 @ 04:49 PM
I really don’t have much to add to the question – What do you think this is…?
It is in the middle of Guadalupe Mountains National Park…
It is sitting at 5,991’/5,992', on the ascent to a ‘peak’ of 6,069’ (
approximately 400’ to the SW)…
Google Earth coordinates:
32°09'27.00"N 104°42'30.98"W
up close)
ATS Big Pic
zoomed out a bit)
ATS Big Pic
zoomed out a bit further)
ATS Big Pic
As you can see… No car/vehicle trails within ~800’…
Looks like copper, or rusted metal…to me.
It is, apparently, a structure, in that it casts a shadow (
to the northeast).
I first thought it could be an old “tank”…but, if so…it is so outdated, all evidence of its installation, use or ‘interest’ has
vanished… And the question might present itself – why put a ‘tank’
Anyway – I find this interesting…and would like to know your thoughts.
edit on 7/23/2014 by WanDash because: Italians
Here's one that's just a bit closer-in...
ATS Big Picedit on 7/23/2014 by WanDash because: One Closer