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2 Newly Discovered Elongated Skulls In Paracas Peru 2014

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posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 09:11 AM
These skulls do not look like they have been artificially bound to me, they seem to have a more natural appearance. If these elongated skulls were the product of head binding then all the skulls which have been found should all be roughly the same size and shape but we don't see that. We see some which are quite small and not so elongated and we also see some which are much larger and extremely elongated like these two below. That's quite odd don't you think?

From the video -

From the video with normal human skull -

Video -

YouTube link -

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 09:32 AM
Interesting. These things fascinate me.

Here's your vid:

The argument of head-binding doesn't hold up for me - because although humans do try to achieve it - the skulls they deliberately reshape can't hold MORE CUBIC CAPACITY - but these elongated ones do.

One of my favorite mysteries.

edit on 7/22/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:03 AM
I'm certainly no expert, but my opinion is that these are the result of head binding. For one simple reason. If you look closely, you can see a line in the skull that occurs in the place where a head binding wrapping would end. Sort of like when you wear socks that are too tight and they leave an impression in your leg.

Here is a link to a google image. If you look at it, you can see that the wrapping ends in approximately the same area where this line is seen in the skull in the images you posted.


I don't believe that the capacity is increased either, just manipulated.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:08 AM
More head binding eh, so when is Foerster going to do a proper scientific study on the remains? Why doesn't he pay for the testing if he thinks the DNA in those skulls is somehow different and then have the lab release it to the public?

This is a 'mystery' only while its being manipulated by those who want to make money from the idea.

How is this skull different and deserving of another thread from the one you started recently?

edit on 22/7/14 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:20 AM
Some skulls are bound, the people wanted to make their heads look like some people that impressed them in the past.

I can't get the views of this to guess if they were bound or not.

I'm wondering if gene expression tied to small genetic or epigenetic differences could cause the skull of a genetic line of people to form this way. They could have possibly been intelligent or impressed the people with some special traits. Maybe by the skull changing shape, they became musically inclined or something, it is hard to know why people started binding their skulls originally to try to be these people.

Do I believe some of these skulls are the real....Of course, it is nothing to even question. They were just people like you and I. Just because their heads looked different doesn't mean a thing. It would be nice to know if they were kind people or if they were violent rulers, that would be more of what I am interested in.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: rickymouse

Head binding was an excellent way to set up a caste or group away and separate from others, it had to be done in infancy and made 'infiltration' rather difficult!

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: JamesTB

Whenever I see these things that Saturday Night Live skit about the Coneheads comes to mind.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: Hanslune

Have you ever seen the naked results of "foot-binding"? The bones get cramped into a permanent 'fist' -

Anyway - if they bind skulls, does that change the shape of the brain, too??

I honestly don't get it. I know the tribes that extend their lips and earlobes just have stretched skin - and necks with multiple rings to elongate them have deformed bones - not extra vertebra(e) to compensate. Usually it's the collar bones (clavicles) that are deformed.

edit on 7/22/2014 by BuzzyWigs because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:36 AM
I dont know much about this but are there any other differences/modifications in the rest of the skeletons?

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:40 AM
I wonder if the holes on the back of the head are artificial, maybe involuntary trepanation?

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:44 AM

originally posted by: countingdown
I dont know much about this but are there any other differences/modifications in the rest of the skeletons?

I dunno about that but the jaw looks much larger and stronger. I don't think I've every seen a full elongated skull skeleton laid out flat or upright they always seem to be crouching down in a fetal position with their hands on their face.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: JamesTB

originally posted by: countingdown
I dont know much about this but are there any other differences/modifications in the rest of the skeletons?

I dunno about that but the jaw looks much larger and stronger. I don't think I've every seen a full elongated skull skeleton laid out flat or upright they always seem to be crouching down in a fetal position with their hands on their face.

Those promoting the idea that these skulls are 'something other than HSS' often avoid showing the full skeleton because they are painfully and clearly HSS.

However, any lingering mystery can easily be cleared up by testing - testing that for some odd reason - the ones touting this - seem very reluctant to make......

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: MojaveBurning

It's not just the cranium that looks different. Look at the second image in the op, comparing the two skulls, and look at the JAW BONE and other features on that thing!

The DNA may not be much different. These could just be a race of humans that are extinct or in hiding. An African American skull is somewhat different than a Caucasian skull, but they share the same human DNA.

Also, the shape of a brain doesn't always have to mean anything. There have been cases of hydrocephalus where the inner ventricle were filled with so much fluid, it squeezed all of the brain tissue into a 1 centimeter layer just beneath the skull with the rest of the interior filled with a big balloon of cerebral spinal fluid. And there have been cases like this where the person lived into their late 20s before they even discovered they had hydrocephalus, and there was nothing strange about them. Any one of us could have varying degrees of it and not even realize it, although much if the time there would be some kind of symptoms that would result in you getting an mri scan of your head.

They should measure the capacity with sand like they did the star child skull and see if there really is a significant amount of change between it and a normal skull.

A little off subject but until we know for sure, there is no reason to believe that extraterrestrial DNA would be much different than ours, especially if they have the same basic shape as us with 2 arms 2 legs a head, etc. And until we know otherwise for sure, that basic shape may be the norm of the universe. There could be variations but it could be the average shape of natural intelligent life. Of course much is possible with nanotechnology but that's not natural.

But yes we need to get these tested!

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:54 AM

originally posted by: Hanslune

originally posted by: JamesTB

originally posted by: countingdown
I dont know much about this but are there any other differences/modifications in the rest of the skeletons?

I dunno about that but the jaw looks much larger and stronger. I don't think I've every seen a full elongated skull skeleton laid out flat or upright they always seem to be crouching down in a fetal position with their hands on their face.

Those promoting the idea that these skulls are 'something other than HSS' often avoid showing the full skeleton because they are painfully and clearly HSS.

However, any lingering mystery can easily be cleared up by testing - testing that for some odd reason - the ones touting this - seem very reluctant to make......

Ah I see you avoided the issue of the jaw bone. That's disappointing... Let me guess- jaw binding??

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 10:56 AM
a reply to: Hanslune

I knew a few people who had metal plates on their head to fix them from war wounds. Their heads formed bulbous from this with imbalances pronounced where the metal was. For some reason the metal stimulated bone growth or something.

Now, if these people put a crown made of metal on their kids heads and wore them all the time, they could have made the skull form differently. It doesn't have to have been binding in the original people. The metal could interact with the bone and possibly caused the skull to form differently. The crown would have been passed on from generation to generation and later melted down.

This is known of the interactions of certain metals with deformed bone growth. It does not mean that these people were different genetically either. It does not mean that these skulls are hoaxes or that people are misinterpreting them as natural either. If anything, the people who say these skulls are all bound may be misinterpreting them because they are not looking at all possibilities.

There could be other reasons other than a crown also. Maybe they washed their heads in water from metal bowls that were oxidizing. I am sure if they did a mineral analysis of the bone, it could possibly help identify a reason for some of these skulls that don't appear bound to exist. It could also weed out possibilities. Now, the ones that look bound, they are probably bound. I am sure that the reason for the shape may not have been known by those who had these shaped skulls, they just turned out that shape.

I doubt if they are aliens or another species, I think it has something to do with genetic expression from something they traditionally did.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 11:23 AM
Thanks JamesTB

I dunno about that but the jaw looks much larger and stronger. I don't think I've every seen a full elongated skull skeleton laid out flat or upright they always seem to be crouching down in a fetal position with their hands on their face.

The front of the skull and the jaw both look a little gorilla(ish) imo

For some reason the metal stimulated bone growth or something.

not sure about that, I have had open cranial surgery and sure it grows back bulbous and nobbly but this looks something else - just my experience tho

Is there such a thing as an expert on this or is it swept under the rug as usual?

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: countingdown

I think both sides of the people on this issue are either saying it is real or it is not real and are not looking at possibilities that could clear this up. Maybe a bone specialist should try to figure out this, don't even tell him about binding of skulls, it could mess up his recognition of what has really occurred. Belief runs this world. It is in all trades that I have worked in. People see things with a closed mind which steers their comprehension of what they see. Even I have not been able to totally shed this trait yet, some of my knowledge interferes with the truth.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: 3n19m470

Ah I see you avoided the issue of the jaw bone. That's disappointing... Let me guess- jaw binding??

No covered as I stated above the skeletons are HSS. You may wish to look at the range of difference in HSS skeletons, ie bone size, dimensions, etc, remember an eight foot giant and a 2 foot midget are still both HSS despite the size differences of their bones. The normal skull shown is probably a female or under-aged male while the culturally modified skull is an older male - that skull was selected to try and make the Paracas one look more 'mysterious', lol.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: rickymouse
a reply to: countingdown

I think both sides of the people on this issue are either saying it is real or it is not real and are not looking at possibilities that could clear this up. Maybe a bone specialist should try to figure out this, don't even tell him about binding of skulls, it could mess up his recognition of what has really occurred. Belief runs this world. It is in all trades that I have worked in. People see things with a closed mind which steers their comprehension of what they see. Even I have not been able to totally shed this trait yet, some of my knowledge interferes with the truth.

This issue could easily be settled by scientific testing by those who believe it is not HSS. However, for reasons they cannot seem to explain they refuse to do so.......until such time such testing is done in a scientific manner and the results released those that believe can run around saying whatever they wish, endlessly.

posted on Jul, 22 2014 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: countingdown

not sure about that, I have had open cranial surgery and sure it grows back bulbous and nobbly but this looks something else - just my experience tho

Is there such a thing as an expert on this or is it swept under the rug as usual?

Physical anthropologist see them as culturally modified skulls of HSS. Other believe they are a different species a few aliens, the simple to do tests to determine this have not been done by the believers.

You might ask why the scientist have not done so - because the skeletons are HSS which is easily determined by those with the expertise and knowledge to do so.

I don't expect the believers will do the necessary testing to support their beliefs.
edit on 22/7/14 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

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