posted on Dec, 3 2004 @ 11:43 PM
Here is a link to Budd Hopkins site, Intruders Foundation. They research alien abductions and help those who might have experienced it. Budd Hopkins
is one of the most respected authorities on the subject. The information here should be useful.
Intruders Foundation
Here is another site by David jacobs, who is also as respected an authority on alien abduction. It even has a questionaire to perhaps help.
International Center for Abduction Research
Now, your experience, while it sounds like a classic abduction scenario, could be from a number of mundane things. I sugest checking out normal
channels, such as narcolepsy, poor memory, bad directions, ect.
However, it could have been an alien abduction, and thus, I hope the above links will be helpful, as they contain the best, most well researched and
solid information on alien abductions that I know of.
Good luck in your search!